Harold and I have talked about getting a camper, too. I've been losing lots of sleep trying to figure all this out. Even with a camper and six doggies that weigh around 35#s, I don't see how I'd be able to take them potty and properly care for them on the road, with no fences, etc. My sister and my son both have big dogs, so I'd be afraid to take them when I visit.
We had an awful time when we evacuated for Hurricane Rita, 3 years ago. Dogs were wet and stinky with no electricity, no AC, no running water (well pump). Harold's truck still stinks from the trip back home.
I think I'll re-home Libbee and Sweetee for now and see how I do with four. But, I'm pretty sure I'll need to let Yankee and Fancee go. Yankee is a yapper, when anything's out of his norm. Fancee's so clingy and freaks out if she can see me and not be up under me.
And, I still have the four puppies. I had 6 or 7 people on my waiting list and they have all flaked out, except a lady who supposed wants both the two younger boys. We'll see if she takes them.
Yahtzee is too fat and will be 5yo in November, so I won't breed her again. I started her on light food yesterday. Fancee's last litter really drained her, causing her hair to start thinning and falling out in patches. The Vet recommended that she not have more puppies and she's only 3yo.