Thread: Ricky's Car
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Old 10-03-2009, 10:28 AM   #19
Donating 4WT 18K Club Member
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I just go along with the flow on this car thing...LOL. First they thought it was a transmission. So he took to someone to have the transmission changed, new timing belt put on and a new water pump. That guy ended up subletting it and the guy he sublet it too didn't change the belt or water pump, but charged us. So Rick went and got the parts he bought and his money back. The guy must have thought Rick was a real dumbass...and when it comes to cars...he's not. He just doesn't want to work on them anymore, but does check someone's else's work.

So anyway...brought it home and it still leaked. So now he wasn't sure what was causing the leak. Very frustrating. Rick took it to another guy who has worked on transmissions for over 28 years. He put it on the lift and found out a motor mount was broke and whenever the motor was would move and cause the leak. Rick is on his way to Lafayette to purchase a motormount and then back to the guys place and they are going to fix that. Hopefully that will cure it. If vote is to park it out back and blow it to smitherings.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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