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Old 10-03-2009, 07:26 PM   #1
Donating 4WT Yakker
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Shopping with Hubby at Academy!

My Texas friends will know what that means at this time of year! LOL!!! (deer hunting)

Gary has lost his hunting lease after this year. It is about 3 hours south of here, very dusty, and frankly, he doesn't need to go down there anymore. He is very sad though, and understandably so, because he had this place about 10 years with his best friend who died last year. They built the camp house themselves and had some wonderful times down there. But all things come to an end and so this lease will end in January. We will have a lease sale down there and sell everything - feeders, deer stands, and things from the camp house. Gary and I aren't able to pack it up and move it up here and we don't have anyplace to store it anyway.

So, back to the present. Last night a longtime friend of Gary's called to say he had found a place for them to hunt about an hour from Austin. I'm so happy because Gary won't have to stay overnight - he can drive out to hunt and then come home. I can take him and then go antiquing in the area and then bring him home or we can take the trailer and park it so he can rest and stay overnight occasionally if he wants. I'm just very very happy. The best thing is that he will be able to hunt there this season (Nov-Jan). He can't go to the lease 3 hours away by himself and he doens't have many friends who can go with him (they are not yet retired), so it is usually me and lordy lordy, I don't want to have to help him clean a deer!!!!! Plus, he isn't really able to do it, even with help (of course, he THINKS he can).

Anyway, today we bought a new stand and feeder to put up at the new place. Yes, it was several hundred dollars outlay, but we will get it back when we sell the stuff at the old lease in January. Also, Gary doesn't have to pay to hunt at the new place so it was worth buying a new feeder and stand. It was worth it too, just to see him so excited!
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