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Old 08-30-2008, 06:12 PM   #1
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There is a magazine that comes out every week selling cars, boats, RV's, cycles..etc. So many things. Well, we have been looking or more like I have been looking at motorhomes and campers. We use to camp all the time and I really miss it. We had a tent camper, but I didn't trust leaving the dogs in it at all.

At first I was leaning more towards a motorhome, but hubby said the insurance would be higher and once we got anywhere, we were stuck there unless we wanted to tear up camp.

Well today I was looking through the magazine and found what reads to be the perfect camper at a price we can afford and is just about 10 miles from us. I called, but no one is home. They are probably out for the holiday weekend.

I don't usually find very many good deals at all, but if this is what it is advertised as, then it would be a wonderful opportunity for us. I need to get out of this house once in awhile, but hate leaving the dogs. They would love being out so often so it would really be perfect.

I'm not going to hold my breath, but I am going to keep my fingers crossed..lol.
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Old 08-30-2008, 07:23 PM   #2
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We have had a 5th wheel trailer for the past 10 years. It was just too big for us after my husband developed heart problems - I had to do everything, drive, set up, break down for travel, load and unload. So last year we decided to sell it. We made one trip with our two Yorkies and stayed in a hotel - and then we promptly bought a little 18 foot travel trailer, so they could travel with us. Our two nights in the hotel were not fun!

Also, we prefer to stay in the campgrounds which are usually outside of town rather than in town in a hotel.

I hope you find what you are looking for!!! Good luck. I've attached a picture of our little baby trailer. Opps! forgot the pic....
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Old 08-30-2008, 07:29 PM   #3
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Here's the trailer!
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Old 08-31-2008, 05:25 AM   #4
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That is a nice one Gayle. I do have to say that I wanted a motorhome first for very selfish reasons. I feel much braver driving a bus (or something big) than my van. I just thought if I felt like taking off for a weekend to go visit Diana, Judy, or whoever else would have me I could do that if I didn't have to go through a big city. I would feel safer driving a motorhome than pulling a camper, but I'll take what I can get at a decent price...lol.

The camper we are wanting to look at is described like this in the ad: 1997 Mallard Class A 30 Foot. Exc. cond. non-smoker, AC and furnace, stored inside, front kitchen, full bath, queen bed in back, sleeps 6 $7500 OBO There is a picture of it too and it looks like a new one, but really the picture is small, so who knows what it is hiding.

Where do you like to go Gayle? I started camping with my family when my younger brother and I were both able to sleep on an army cot in a 9x9 tent. Mom would sleep on another cot and dad would sleep on an mat in a sleeping bag crossways under the two cots. We then bought a 9x16 tent and thought we were in a hotel....LOL. It was big (for us) and so nice. After that the parents bought a very small 10 foot camper and now Mom has a 19 foot Wilderness. It's nice and she bought it new, but the way it is arranged is way to small for us and the dogs.
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Last edited by Janet; 08-31-2008 at 05:29 AM.
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Old 08-31-2008, 05:59 AM   #5
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I hope it's what they advertised! We love camping - although we haven't done as much since we gotten the NH house.
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Old 08-31-2008, 07:30 AM   #6
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Hi Janet,
We take both long trips and also short weekend trips in our camper. This summer we went to New Mexico for 3 weeks and our 12 year old granddaughter joined us for one of those weeks. Yes, our little 18 footer is very cozy for my hubby and I and our two Yorkies (and was VERY cozy with our granddaughter). But in terms of my being able to handle it on the road, negotiate into parking lots and park it, set it up, break it down, it is perfect for us. Yes, we wish it were a little bigger, but for what we "need" it is perfect.

This summer we started out at a family reunion in Oklahoma, then drove to western New Mexico, near Gallup. We camped at El Morro for a few days and then went to Albuquerque, Red River, Santa Fe, Ruidoso, Carlsbad, and then into to Texas to Big Bend, and then on home to central Texas. The little camper was a dream to drive.

Sometimes when we just need to get out of the city, we'll go to a state park only 30 miles from our house. We love (and so do the dogs) to be out in the country. Since I teach school, we can't do any more than a weekend here and there during the year. But we usually go somewhere close to home for the week between Christmas and New Years. This is actually the best time to camp in central Texas - the winters are so mild, it is wonderful. We don't do much camping in the summer in Texas, it is just too hot.

Janet, like you, we started out tent camping, for many many years. Then we bought a pop-up pull behind trailer. Then we got the fifth wheel, and now we are back to the baby 18 footer. I just love being in RV parks, next to a river, or in a forest - there's just nothing better!!

We never considered a motor home due to the maintenance of the engine. My husband can work on cars but doesn't like to and now is really unable to do that sort of work. Yes, the insurance on a motor home is much more than on a travel trailer. I think we pay about $250 per year for insurance.

Your post mentions a 30 foot travel trailer. That will be pretty heavy - do you have a tow vehicle that has enough towing capacity to pull it? It is very important that your tow vehicle can handle the load. Here is a site that I visit frequently with my travel trailer questions. It has lots of great information on how heavy a trailer you can tow with your tow vehicle. http://www.rv.net/forum/ You have to remember that it is not just the weight of the trailer, but that combined with all the stuff you will put in it, e.g., pot, pans, clothes, fresh water in the tank, you and your husband/son in the tow vehicle. It really adds up when you start getting ready go to.

Good luck with your search - I just don't think there is anything better than RVing!!!
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Old 08-31-2008, 08:15 AM   #7
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A couple years ago, I bought a 28' camper ($4800) from a niece's friend. Hubby went and pulled it home and we found a big tear in the roof, so he next evening he took it back. I've whined about getting a camper, but he won't budge. I just can't bring myself to do a tent - too afraid of snakes and insects. A camper would come in handy for hurricane evacuations, hunting, camping, family trips, family reunions, etc.

I hope you get a camper and enjoy every mile of it.
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Old 08-31-2008, 10:02 AM   #8
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Thanks Sandy. Now we are worried about even going to look at the camper. The site Gayle suggested was very informative and now we don't know if hubby's truck will be able to pull it. We'll just have to wait and see.
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Old 08-31-2008, 04:02 PM   #9
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The camper in the ad certainly sounds like it's been well taken care of and the price seems like a really good price. You should go and take a look at it and talk to the owners about pulling it and what you would need.

Motor homes are wonderful but one thing about a motor home is that they get terrible gas mileage, like, just a few miles to a gallon. A couple of my aunts have motor homes but are finding that it's cheaper to just leave them at home and rent a motel room. Of course if you're not going too far that won't make a lot of difference.

We're needing a new camper too. We have a pop-up that we just love but it's really starting to show a lot of wear. They make a pop-up now that has a slide out so they're a little bigger inside. One thing about them is that they're easy to pull around and you don't need to have something heavy duty to do it either.

Janet, you don't need something to sleep in when you get here because I have a really nice guest room just waiting for you!!!!
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Old 08-31-2008, 05:46 PM   #10
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I know, but it sure would be nice to be able to stop and see some sites on the way there and back...LOL. We are just waiting for them to call us back so we can go look at it and see what it takes to pull it. There is another one down around Indianapolis, but I feel bad to call them on a holiday. It's not quite as big, but it showed interior pictures http://www.mountcomfortrv.com/rvcoac...2&mid=21&cid=5 and it doesn't look bad at all for 1988. Problem is, with the older ones, they are heavier. So first things first, hopefully the ones close by will call soon. If not tomorrow morning then I'll probably call them again mid afternoon.
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Old 08-31-2008, 06:17 PM   #11
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That looks like a really nice one too. Good luck!!!
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Old 09-01-2008, 02:18 AM   #12
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Good luck Janet!

Greg invited me to go with him in the semi this week. If I didn't have so many dogs to tend to I might have taken him up on it. He's heading out tomorrow for Mississippi... so It's a part of the country I've not been to yet. But with Gustav coming through I'm not sure the time would be good anyway. lol

I too would love a camper, but dh says he lives in one 5-6 days a week which is great plenty. lol
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Old 09-01-2008, 06:32 AM   #13
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I use to love camping so much. I still do somewhat. I like early spring and camping in the fall. During the summer it is just too hot for me and I can't stand all the bugs like I use to. I don't know when I got them, but I've got mosquito bites like crazy and I haven't been out that much. I can't imagine what they would be like if I was out camping. They don't seem to be so bad in the fall for some reason. Plus the colors are just so beautiful. I hope it works out, but I've become use to things not working out as I have hoped.
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Old 09-08-2008, 04:22 PM   #14
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Well, the camper is sold, but we will just keep looking at a leisurely pace and see if one shows up for us. Maybe it wasn't a good idea, I don't know.

I think maybe I'm going through a mid-life crises or something. I just feel I need to do so many things, see so many things, accomplish many things. I must be losing it...LOL..just pray I find it....LOLOLOL
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 09-08-2008, 05:16 PM   #15
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Just keep your eyes open and keep checking the ads and one of these days something will come up.

I know how you feel about wanting to do things. I'm ready to travel and have some things done that need to be done. I've got permission from hubby to come your way, Janet.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
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