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Old 09-27-2008, 06:55 AM   #1
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Today Kinda Sucks..lol

Last night after the boys left, I cleand the family room carpet. Had a couple good size stains on it (not from the dogs) but no one seems to know how it happened, obviously! I stayed up and watched the presidential debates then part of Grey's that I had taped. I'll watch the rest sometime today.

This morning I got up and when I went to let the dogs out..Penny (golden) had two large diarhea spots...(looked like cowpies they were so big). So I had to use the dustpan to get that picked up so the little ones and Penny could go outside. It was sooo gross I almost got sick. Thank goodness most of it was on a small carpet piece that can just throw away. When I opened the door to Penny's room, she started crying. She doesn't like it when she doesn't feel well and will cry to me, bless her heart.

Anyway, I still don't feel the greatest...darn sinuses, but decided to head to an auction that was only a few miles from me. Nothing there I was really interested in, so came back home. Before I even got out of the car the phone was ringing. It was my Mother. I love my mother, but I wish she would just give me a break. All she wanted was to see how I was feeling, which was nice, but I told her I didn't feel like talking and wanted to go lay down. She just kept going on and on and on. I told her again and she kept on. Finally I was rude and said "didn't you hear what I said...TWICE?" She said yes so she finally hung up. I know I wasn't nice and I'll aplogize later.

Now I have the whole weekend alone, but not feeling the greatest and nothing to do or rather nothing I really feel like doing. Guess I didn't need to go on, so I think I'll just go lie down again. Have I mentioned that I hate having sinus crap??? ...LOL
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Old 09-27-2008, 07:09 AM   #2
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I'm sorry you're still not feeling well Janet.
There's a lot of crud going around already this year! Both a respiratory virus and strep here recently.

I hope you get lots of rest and feel all better very soon.
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Old 09-27-2008, 07:46 AM   #3
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Greys Anatomy??????

I hope you feel better Janet. I know what you mean about the cleaning and no one knowing where anything came from / how it got there. NOW I have to just say one thing... GREYS ANATOMY STARTED? I AM GOING TO KILL MY HUSBAND. HE TAPES EVERYTHING FOR HIMSELF. I'VE BEEN WORKING AND HE KNOWS I LOVE THAT SHOW. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED IN THE OPENING SHOW. Thanks. Elaine
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Old 09-27-2008, 08:44 AM   #4
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I'm sorry you feel bad. Hang in there and get rest. Sorry your Mom's having selective hearing.. It's cooler and less humidity here, but I have a bad tension headache. Day 15 with no power. I'm just laying around and playing on my Bberry.
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Old 09-27-2008, 10:57 AM   #5
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Awwwww....I'm so sorry Janet! It does SUCK to feel badly, especially when you had plans to have a great weekend! I hope you feel better after your rest.

I'm almost sorry to say that I've had a great weekend so far. I spent last evening with my daughter, mom and granddaughter. We went out to eat and then just sat around and visited the rest of the evening. I rarely get that chance with my daughter. She was in a good mood and so we had a great time just talking about everything.

Today we went out to breakfast together and then went to the farmer's market. We got fresh okra, tomatoes, and 3 kinds of squash for dinner tomorrow. It's my son-in-laws birthday tomorrow and he, hubby, and 12 year old granddaughter will be coming home from their hunting trip tomorrow afternoon and we're going to fix chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, fried okra, squash, and tomatoes as a surprise when they get home.

After the farmer's market we went to a shoe store where my mom and daughter wanted to look for shoes. My daughter has a horrible case of plantar's fascitis and cannot step her foot down at any time without wearing her orthotics (not even to go to the bathroom at night). The only shoes she had to wear them in was tennis shoes so she needed some dressier shoes that she could wear with dresses and slacks. She found some and my mom also found a pair of black tie shoes for winter that were really comfortable.

Then we went to the kids shoe store to find some fall shoes for the baby. We found a brown and black pair. I'm the only one who DIDN'T GET SHOES!!!

We all came home to rest a bit and then we're going to do our grocery and target shopping (I sure hope no one steals my cart this time! So far, I've had a great weekend!
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Old 09-27-2008, 11:38 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Tink View Post
I'm sorry you're still not feeling well Janet.
There's a lot of crud going around already this year! Both a respiratory virus and strep here recently. I hope you get lots of rest and feel all better very soon.
There's 'crud' going around here too. I sure hope you don't get it Tink!

Originally Posted by Tiramisu View Post
I'm sorry you feel bad. Hang in there and get rest. Sorry your Mom's having selective hearing.. It's cooler and less humidity here, but I have a bad tension headache. Day 15 with no power. I'm just laying around and playing on my Bberry.
Selective Hearing....I like that one Sandy. My mother does that alot....LOLOL
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Old 09-27-2008, 11:45 AM   #7
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It's amazing how much better one feels after a good piece of pizza, a Bud Light and a nap... I slept good last night, but wow, I sure had a nice nap too..lol. I feel soo much better. I usually don't drink any type of alcohol during the day, only of an evening with pizza or mexican food or if we go out. But today I thought it might help me sleep and it sure did...

I took the doggies out and it is just beautiful outside. Nice fall weather, sun shining, mid 70's, light breeze...just wonderful. I may go back out and clean out my van and wash it. Nothing else to do really, but it sounds like work and I may change my mind....lol.

Glad you're having a great weekend so far Gayle. There is suppose to be a huge flea market coming to our town next month, so I'm saving up my money to go there.

Elaine...so much happened on Grey's. Guess your husband is a dead duck...huh? I wouldn't know where to begin to tell you what happened. It was 2 hours long. Won't be on next Thursday, but will be on the following for 2 hours again. You might try and see if you can watch it online? If I miss a soap, I'll either watch it online or check out the satellite times.
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Old 09-27-2008, 12:04 PM   #8
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Glad you feel better, Janet. I took dirty clothes to my daughter and had lunch with her and g-daughter. That always makes me feel better.
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Old 09-27-2008, 12:53 PM   #9
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Janet I am glad that your feeling better, after the night and day you had you deserve that pizza , beer and nap! Hope your feeling better..

Gayle sounds like you had fun... with the girls....I am working all weekend , and I got sucked into babysitting for my cousins two daughters tonight. They want a date night.. lol they are cute 2yrs and 4 yrs. old. Oh well I guess I will be entertaining them tonight lol
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Old 09-27-2008, 12:56 PM   #10
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Alright Janet. Just tell me one thing is Merideth and Dr.McDreamy an item again. Last I saw he was going to break it off with the other one and come back and do more then kiss Merideth. Did they talk about a wedding? I'm going to try and catch it online but have to leave for work in a bit. I just need to know that one thing. Damn he is so HOTTTTTT. LOL. E.
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Old 09-27-2008, 02:51 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by jrsygal37 View Post
Alright Janet. Just tell me one thing is Merideth and Dr.McDreamy an item again. Last I saw he was going to break it off with the other one and come back and do more then kiss Merideth. Did they talk about a wedding? I'm going to try and catch it online but have to leave for work in a bit. I just need to know that one thing. Damn he is so HOTTTTTT. LOL. E.

Oh Ela.....ine.........How does moving in together sound?????
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 09-27-2008, 05:06 PM   #12
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I'm sorry that you're still not feeling the best. Are you sure that it's your sinuses or could it possibly be allergies? With all of the rain there's been a lot of people suffering with allergies. Jaci's been on allergy meds all summer.

We've got some really bad "crud" going around down here. We got a call AND a letter from the school saying that viral mengitis is going around in a neighboring school in our county and yesterday I heard that pink eye is going around in our school. Great.
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Old 09-27-2008, 05:42 PM   #13
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I feel much better this evening. I'm really not sure what it is to tell you the truth. The gravel roads I travel with the bus are so bad and the dust just filters in throughout the bus. When I go home and blow my nose, well, not to be gross, but it looks like dirt. YUK! I guess I need to start wearing a surgical mask or something to help keep it out of my nose and mouth, but it will still get in my tear ducts and eyes. I just want it to rain so bad to settle things down a bit.

Pink eye is no fun, haven't had that since I was a teenager. Viral Mengitis can't be good either. It would really help some if people would keep their sick kids home, but it's not encouraged at all.
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Old 09-28-2008, 06:53 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Janet View Post
Oh Ela.....ine.........How does moving in together sound?????
Oh Janet. I don't think we know each other well enough. LOL. Thanks for the update on Merideth and Dr. Hottie. I still wanna kill hubby for not taping it for me. Elaine
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Old 09-28-2008, 06:59 AM   #15
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Elaine..you can watch it online. On another forum, someone posted the link for you...
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