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Old 12-11-2008, 04:04 PM   #1
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GTKY Quiz #7

(Skipping number one because it just asks for your name.)

2. Sit.....up front.....in the back?

3. Favorite toy when you were a kid?

4. Which is worse? Shopping for jeans........Shopping for a bikini

5. Favorite season and why?

6. Do you read the ending before you finish a book?

7. Best brand of jeans?

8. Island Cabana.....European Castle.....Safari Tent.....Ski Lodge

9. Favorite color combination?

10. Sunset......Sunrise?

11. Favorite number? Why?

12. Color your toes are painted?

13. Ever needed stitches? Yes...Why?

14. My favorite shoes are......

15. Right-handed......Left-handed.......Ambidextrous?

16. How many children would you like someday?

17. Tent.....Cabin?

18. What scared you as a kid?

19. For just a day, I would switch places with...........

20. Wake up to......alarm.....radio?

21. Been in a talent show? Yes...What talent?

22. Go with the flow......Stick to a routine?

23. Coolest first name?

24. Polka dots.....Stripes.....Plaid.....Plaisley?

25. Coolest last name?

26. Paper.......Plastic?

27. What can you draw well?

28. Brownies.....Chocolate Chip Cookies?

29. I will not eat.....

30. Gold.....Silver?

31. Favorite hangout?

32. How many times have you moved in your life?

33. As a kid......stuffed animal.....blankie?

34. Favorite thing to do on the weekend?

35. What color is your bedroom?

36. Mild.....Spicy?

37. What would be hard to give up?

38. Cutest thing your pet does?

39. Shower.....Bath?

40. I have a problem with.....
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up......

After I stop laughing!!!
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Old 12-11-2008, 04:32 PM   #2
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2. Sit.....up front.....in the back? In the front--preferably the driver!!!!

3. Favorite toy when you were a kid? Barbie--which I still have!!!

4. Which is worse? Shopping for jeans........Shopping for a bikini With a figure like mine---definitely a bikini!!!!

5. Favorite season and why? Summer--I love to swim!!

6. Do you read the ending before you finish a book? Never

7. Best brand of jeans? Liz and Me from Catherine's

8. Island Cabana.....European Castle.....Safari Tent.....Ski Lodge A European Castle or an Island Cabana both sound interesting to me!!

9. Favorite color combination? Pale blue, pale yellow, and pale pink The colors of my guest room!

10. Sunset......Sunrise? Sunset

11. Favorite number? Why? 28 Because it's the day of my birthday.

12. Color your toes are painted? In the summer they're painted dark red.

13. Ever needed stitches? Yes...Why? Yes, I tore the end of my middle finger about 3/4 off while helping my husband.

14. My favorite shoes are...... Some Sketchers that look like house slippers. I love them!!!

15. Right-handed......Left-handed.......Ambidextrous? Right hand

16. How many children would you like someday? I guess 4 since that's what I have and I'm pretty sure that there's not going to be anymore!!!

17. Tent.....Cabin? Cabin.....because I'm getting where I like a little more luxury.

18. What scared you as a kid? That something would reach out from under the bed and grab me!!!!

19. For just a day, I would switch places with........... Someone who lived in a tropical place.

20. Wake up to......alarm.....radio? Alarm

21. Been in a talent show? Yes...What talent? No, but I do sing at church.

22. Go with the flow......Stick to a routine? Definitely....Go with the flow!!!

23. Coolest first name? Diana!!!!! LOL

24. Polka dots.....Stripes.....Plaid.....Plaisley? I scrapbook.....I like them all!!!!

25. Coolest last name? Baker!!! LOL

26. Paper.......Plastic? Either

27. What can you draw well? I used to be pretty good but I don't draw much anymore.

28. Brownies.....Chocolate Chip Cookies? They're both chocolate......who cares?

29. I will not eat..... weird foods from other countries!!!

30. Gold.....Silver? Right now it's silver.

31. Favorite hangout? My daughter, Amy's, house.

32. How many times have you moved in your life? Four times as a kid and five times since we've been married.

33. As a kid......stuffed animal.....blankie? Stuffed animal

34. Favorite thing to do on the weekend? Go to garage sales or a flea market.

35. What color is your bedroom? Sage green with pink roses

36. Mild.....Spicy? Mild

37. What would be hard to give up? Pepsi, reading, the internet, and sunflower seeds!!!!

38. Cutest thing your pet does? Lays down like he's saying please.

39. Shower.....Bath? Long hot baths!!!

40. I have a problem with.....kids who don't know how to obey!!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up......

After I stop laughing!!!
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Old 12-11-2008, 04:35 PM   #3
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I was just thinking the other day about asking you if you would do another quiz...I love these!!

2. Sit.....up front.....in the back? Up fron usually

3. Favorite toy when you were a kid? My Barbie

4. Which is worse? Shopping for jeans........Shopping for a bikini I would never EVER shop for a bikini, so it must be the jeans

5. Favorite season and why? The fall because of the colors, cool yet warm temps.

6. Do you read the ending before you finish a book? No..not ever

7. Best brand of jeans? With this big butt, anything that fits right

8. Island Cabana.....European Castle.....Safari Tent.....Ski Lodge Island Cabana...not sure what it is exactly, but sounds better than the others

9. Favorite color combination? Browns, tans, oranges, yellows

10. Sunset......Sunrise? sunrise...I'm an early riser

11. Favorite number? Why? Probably 5 and I really don't know why. I've just liked that number since I was a kid

12. Color your toes are painted? Not painted, hardly ever paint them in the wintertime

13. Ever needed stitches? Yes...Why? No, but when I was younger, I was chasing a pony and fell onto some barbed wire. I cried to my Dr. and hug his neck real tight and begged him not to and he didn't. Did put some kind of butterfly tape on it and told me if it came off, he'd have no choice. I guarded my hand for a long long time...lol.

14. My favorite shoes are...... My crocks

15. Right-handed......Left-handed.......Ambidextrous? right-handed

16. How many children would you like someday? I have my one, so I'm done now, but I wanted 11 at one time.

17. Tent.....Cabin? When I was younger it would have definitely been a tent, but now...a cabin

18. What scared you as a kid? birds and they still do, the dark and the UFO I saw while in grade school

19. For just a day, I would switch places with........... My best friend Linda, so she would remember what it's like to feel healthy again.

20. Wake up to......alarm.....radio? alarm

21. Been in a talent show? Yes...What talent? No...I was always too shy

22. Go with the flow......Stick to a routine? a little of both

23. Coolest first name? Celine

24. Polka dots.....Stripes.....Plaid.....Plaisley? very small polka dots

25. Coolest last name? Haven't a clue

26. Paper.......Plastic? paper

27. What can you draw well? a bath and Fred Flintstone

28. Brownies.....Chocolate Chip Cookies? brownies unless the chocolate chip cookies have lots of chips and are gooey

29. I will not eat..... those egg things with the baby birds in them....gross

30. Gold.....Silver? like both really

31. Favorite hangout? home

32. How many times have you moved in your life? 3 times

33. As a kid......stuffed animal.....blankie? stuffed animal...a poodle

34. Favorite thing to do on the weekend? camping and fishing

35. What color is your bedroom? white and country blue

36. Mild.....Spicy? both...love spicy probably best

37. What would be hard to give up? my favorite things to eat

38. Cutest thing your pet does? lays on my neck

39. Shower.....Bath? both..I usually take a bath and then shower off the soap scum...lol

40. I have a problem with..... Liars and my weight
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 12-11-2008, 06:54 PM   #4
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2. Sit.....up front.....in the back? Front & driving, I get carsick otherwise - yeah I know too much information! LOL

3. Favorite toy when you were a kid? I really don't remember playing with toys???

4. Which is worse? Shopping for jeans........Shopping for a bikini EASY - bikini

5. Favorite season and why? fall - it is such a relief from the brutal summer

6. Do you read the ending before you finish a book? sometimes

7. Best brand of jeans? Liz or Levi

8. Island Cabana.....European Castle.....Safari Tent.....Ski Lodge Used to be ski lodge, but now I think I'll take the safari tent - I DO NOT like the beach and I would like to go to Europe too

9. Favorite color combination? pink and [COLOR="rgb(160, 82, 45)"]Brown[/COLOR]

10. Sunset......Sunrise? sunset

11. Favorite number? Why? one - my birthday is 11/11, my address is 11111 and my phone number has two ones in it

12. Color your toes are painted? not painted

13. Ever needed stitches? Yes...Why? only after surgery

14. My favorite shoes are......crocs

15. Right-handed......Left-handed.......Ambidextrous? extremely right handed, BUT in highschool, I could only twirl the baton left handed - go figure

16. How many children would you like someday? I have one and Lord put me in the insane asylum if I have another

17. Tent.....Cabin? cabin

18. What scared you as a kid? the yellow jackets in the outhouse

19. For just a day, I would switch places with........... the Dean of my school

20. Wake up to......alarm.....radio? neither - but if I have to set an alarm, it is a buzzer

21. Been in a talent show? Yes...What talent? nope

22. Go with the flow......Stick to a routine? go with the flow

23. Coolest first name? ??

24. Polka dots.....Stripes.....Plaid.....Plaisley? plaid

25. Coolest last name? ??

26. Paper.......Plastic? my own bag

27. What can you draw well? not at all

28. Brownies.....Chocolate Chip Cookies? CCPs

29. I will not eat..... menudo

30. Gold.....Silver? silver

31. Favorite hangout? home

32. How many times have you moved in your life? 8 times, I think

33. As a kid......stuffed animal.....blankie? neither

34. Favorite thing to do on the weekend? shop, surf, rest, eat breakfast out

35. What color is your bedroom? off white

36. Mild.....Spicy? spicy!!!

37. What would be hard to give up? salt

38. Cutest thing your pet does? Rex has to kiss me on the lips - it HAS to be the LIPS, when I get home

39. Shower.....Bath? both, but I shower more often

40. I have a problem with..... people who are elitist
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Old 12-12-2008, 06:33 AM   #5
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2. Sit.....up front.....in the back? Front
3. Favorite toy when you were a kid? bike
4. Which is worse? Shopping for jeans........Shopping for a bikini must be jeans cause I don't do bikini
5. Favorite season and why? spring - growth
6. Do you read the ending before you finish a book? not a reader
7. Best brand of jeans? Lee
8. Island Cabana.....European Castle.....Safari Tent.....Ski Lodge castle
9. Favorite color combination? earth tones
10. Sunset......Sunrise? sunset
11. Favorite number? Why? 35 - HS basketball jersey
12. Color your toes are painted? not
13. Ever needed stitches? Yes...Why? 14yo - flipped bike while riding barefooted = 6 stitches in foot, 17yo - running and fell on asphalt = 32 stitches in right forearm, 28yo - drinking glass broke while washing = 12 stitches to hand, with delivery of first daughter, with hysterectomy, with gallbladder removal, with neck cyst removal, with lung surgery, with two foot surgeries
14. My favorite shoes are...... boots
15. Right-handed......Left-handed.......Ambidextrous? right
16. How many children would you like someday? I'm done
17. Tent.....Cabin? cabin
18. What scared you as a kid? war
19. For just a day, I would switch places with...........I'm OK
20. Wake up to......alarm.....radio? radio
21. Been in a talent show? Yes...What talent? spelling bee
22. Go with the flow......Stick to a routine? flow
23. Coolest first name? ?
24. Polka dots.....Stripes.....Plaid.....Plaisley? stripes
25. Coolest last name? ?
26. Paper.......Plastic? paper
27. What can you draw well? nothing
28. Brownies.....Chocolate Chip Cookies? brownies
29. I will not eat..... chicken on the bone
30. Gold.....Silver? gold
31. Favorite hangout? my rocking chair
32. How many times have you moved in your life? too many, probably 2 dozen times counting house to house
33. As a kid......stuffed animal.....blankie? nope
34. Favorite thing to do on the weekend? hangout
35. What color is your bedroom? creamy golden
36. Mild.....Spicy? mild
37. What would be hard to give up? internet/computer
38. Cutest thing your pet does? beg for table food
39. Shower.....Bath? shower
40. I have a problem with..... traffic
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Old 12-12-2008, 02:02 PM   #6
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2. Sit.....up front.....in the back? FRONT

3. Favorite toy when you were a kid? MUD PIES

4. Which is worse? Shopping for jeans........Shopping for a bikini BOTH

5. Favorite season and why? FALL, HARVEST TIME

6. Do you read the ending before you finish a book? NEVER

7. Best brand of jeans? GAP

8. Island Cabana.....European Castle.....Safari Tent.....Ski Lodge ISLAND

9. Favorite color combination? GREEN, YELLOWS

10. Sunset......Sunrise? BOTH

11. Favorite number? Why? 7 WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW

12. Color your toes are painted? BROWN

13. Ever needed stitches? Yes...Why? SURGERY

14. My favorite shoes are......FUZZY SLIPPERS

15. Right-handed......Left-handed.......Ambidextrous? RIGHT

16. How many children would you like someday? WANTED 5 GOT 3

17. Tent.....Cabin? CABIN

18. What scared you as a kid? FALLING LADDERS

19. For just a day, I would switch places with...........STUPID GM EXEC'S

20. Wake up to......alarm.....radio? NEITHER TV

21. Been in a talent show? Yes...What talent? NO TALENT HERE

22. Go with the flow......Stick to a routine? ROUTINE

23. Coolest first name? DELLA

24. Polka dots.....Stripes.....Plaid.....Plaisley? PLAID

25. Coolest last name? BOXWELL

26. Paper.......Plastic? PAPBER

27. What can you draw well? NOT WELL

28. Brownies.....Chocolate Chip Cookies? COOKIES

29. I will not eat.....SQUID, SHARK, GATOR, LIVER

30. Gold.....Silver? GOLD

31. Favorite hangout? HOME

32. How many times have you moved in your life? 16

33. As a kid......stuffed animal.....blankie? DIDN'T HAVE EITHER ONE

34. Favorite thing to do on the weekend? SPEND TIME WITH MY KIDS & GRANDCHILDREN

35. What color is your bedroom? OFF WHITE

36. Mild.....Spicy? MEDIUM

37. What would be hard to give up? MY FAMILY

38. Cutest thing your pet does? LAY'S EGGS

39. Shower.....Bath? BOTH

40. I have a problem with..... PEOPLE THAT LIE OR BRAGG
The real measure of a woman's wealth is what she has invested in eternity. Linda aka 2tiredmom
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Old 12-12-2008, 02:14 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by 2tiredmom View Post
38. Cutest thing your pet does? LAY'S EGGS
OK Cecil, I gotta ask, what kind of pet do you have that lays eggs????
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Old 12-13-2008, 04:57 AM   #8
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How about Chickens. But really we don't have any right now. But we will be getting some soon. We as in mydaughter and I get attached to them we don't get that many about 10 at a time. Sorry this is another thread........
The real measure of a woman's wealth is what she has invested in eternity. Linda aka 2tiredmom
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Old 12-15-2008, 06:21 PM   #9
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2. Sit.....up front.....in the back? Up front

3. Favorite toy when you were a kid? Barbie

4. Which is worse? Shopping for jeans........Shopping for a bikini If I wore a bikini, and I don't ...

5. Favorite season and why? Summer love not having to wear coats and sweaters

6. Do you read the ending before you finish a book? If the book is boring yes

7. Best brand of jeans? Levis , Gap

8. Island Cabana.....European Castle.....Safari Tent.....Ski Lodge European Castle

9. Favorite color combination? turquoise and brown

10. Sunset......Sunrise? sunset

11. Favorite number? Why? none

12. Color your toes are painted? not

13. Ever needed stitches? Yes...Why? When I was 14 yrs old it was NYE , my cousins and I were fooling around. I ran upstairs from being outside slammed the door so they couldn't get in , the glass shattered cut my lip and ended up in emergency getting stitches.. Yeah dumb thing...lol

14. My favorite shoes are...... Boots

15. Right-handed......Left-handed.......Ambidextrous? Right

16. How many children would you like someday? Had 2

17. Tent.....Cabin? Cabin

18. What scared you as a kid? Firemen

19. For just a day, I would switch places with........... A multi millionare

20. Wake up to......alarm.....radio? Radio

21. Been in a talent show? Yes...What talent? nope

22. Go with the flow......Stick to a routine? Go with the flow

23. Coolest first name? none

24. Polka dots.....Stripes.....Plaid.....Plaisley? neither

25. Coolest last name? none

26. Paper.......Plastic? plastic

27. What can you draw well? Nada

28. Brownies.....Chocolate Chip Cookies? CCC

29. I will not eat..... any fish that has bones or is smelly

30. Gold.....Silver? I like both

31. Favorite hangout? My house

32. How many times have you moved in your life? 4 x

33. As a kid......stuffed animal.....blankie? none

34. Favorite thing to do on the weekend? go to dinner

35. What color is your bedroom? antique white

36. Mild.....Spicy? mild

37. What would be hard to give up? computer

38. Cutest thing your pet does? she makes these sounds like she is talking to you

39. Shower.....Bath? Shower

40. I have a problem with..... nasty people
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Old 01-03-2009, 02:06 PM   #10
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2. Sit.....up front.....in the back?Front (get sick in the back)
3. Favorite toy when you were a kid? Dolls
4. Which is worse? Shopping for jeans........Shopping for a bikini bikini!
5. Favorite season and why? Fall...love the colored leaves!
6. Do you read the ending before you finish a book? Never!
7. Best brand of jeans? ones that fit and make me look thin!
8. Island Cabana.....European Castle.....Safari Tent.....Ski Lodge Island Cabana sounds intriguing!
9. Favorite color combination? Black & anything but yellow or orange
10. Sunset......Sunrise? Sunset
11. Favorite number? Why? 3...always comes to mind
12. Color your toes are painted? Now, nothing- summer always...last summer I went for the french manicure look
13. Ever needed stitches? Yes...Why?had a partial hysterectomy...so now have a wierd scar...
14. My favorite shoes are......Now we're talking! LOVE shoes!
15. Right-handed......Left-handed.......Ambidextrous? Right
16. How many children would you like someday?Don't have any ...always wanted to adopt though...
17. Tent.....Cabin? Cabin...must have electric & hot water!
18. What scared you as a kid? Our basement/furnace
19. For just a day, I would switch places with...........one of my Yorkies!
20. Wake up to......alarm.....radio? Neither! Hubby wakes me!
21. Been in a talent show? Yes...What talent? No, not really talented...
22. Go with the flow......Stick to a routine? I like routine most of the time...
23. Coolest first name? ?
24. Polka dots.....Stripes.....Plaid.....Plaisley? Polka Dots!
25. Coolest last name? ?
26. Paper.......Plastic? No pref
27. What can you draw well? Stick figures!
28. Brownies.....Chocolate Chip Cookies? Do I have to choose?
29. I will not eat.....Deer meat
30. Gold.....Silver?..Silver/White Gold
31. Favorite hangout? HOME
32. How many times have you moved in your life? way too many
33. As a kid......stuffed animal.....blankie? Stuffed Animals!
34. Favorite thing to do on the weekend? Sleep In!
35. What color is your bedroom? Burgandy-Red/Tan
36. Mild.....Spicy?SPICY!
37. What would be hard to give up?Sugar!
38. Cutest thing your pet does?Snuggle with me
39. Shower.....Bath?Shower, but love baths too
40. I have a problem with.....Sugar!
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