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Old 09-06-2006, 08:07 AM   #1
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Lost Article

Long before my son was born almost 16 years ago, I came across a letter in Ann Landers that I clipped and kept in my wallet. I remember taking it out some time ago for safe keeping, but I can't find it. I want to share some of the highlights from it for you young mothers.

It was written by a much older mother who had passed away. Her daughter was going through her belongings when she found a letter her mother had written to her when she was very young, but never sent it.

The letter started:
My darling daughter, I remember when I brought you home, you were our precious gift. As time went on, I remember thinking, if only you would walk and then, if only you could talk. Pretty soon you were walking and talking and and then you were going off for your first day of school.

Then I came home from the hospital with your baby sister and when I stood in the doorway and saw your precious face, I couldn't believe how big you were compared to the baby I was holding in my arms.

I realized how much of your babyhood I had wished away. Oh I know, there will be many good times ahead, and also bad. I know we will have our share of heated arguements and there will be times that I will wish you were off to college so I could be rid of you. Then, I will think back to that little face in the doorway and my heart will melt.

Please darling daughter, cherish every moment with your children and do not do as I did and wish time would hurry and pass, for it will never come back.

I kept that letter and I know it's still somewhere, but I read it often and that was one thing I never did....was wish time would hurry and pass as far as my son was concerned. I still can't believe he'll be 16 in December. How time flies. If this letter hasn't touched a nerve in you, then go back and look at your childs baby pictures.
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Old 09-06-2006, 12:30 PM   #2
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So true! Thank you for sharing that!
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Old 09-06-2006, 04:27 PM   #3
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I just had one of those moments last week at my sons first day of 1st grade i came home and cried thinking how big he was getting
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Old 09-06-2006, 04:31 PM   #4
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I found that Ann Landers letter before my son was born (we had trouble conceiving) and I knew I wanted to remember that as a life lesson. There hasn't been one time during his childhood or now that I have wished he was older or doing something more grown up. I cherish every minute I have with him, until that time he's out on his own. What a mess I'll be then...
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:21 PM   #5
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We just took our second daughter to college. I know this is the best thing for her. She needs the experience and with her career goals, our local college just would not have been the best, but it was hard for her to leave and hard for us to push her out of the nest.

What shocked me is that a couple of our friends are also sending their youngest or only off to college this year, and both these moms were so happy to get their girls out of the house. One said she spent the first weekend cleaning and getting everything just the way she wanted it. She was so happy to get rid of her daughter.

The other said basically the same thing.

I just don't get it. I'm happy my daughter has this opportunity. I even envy her a little. But I would never say even in jest that I was glad to get rid of her. And these women were sincere.

I enjoy the time when it's just us, my husband and me, we have a lot of fun by ourselves, but our children are not something to "get rid of".
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Old 09-11-2006, 12:37 AM   #6
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That was great Janet, thanks for sharing!
Many people will walk in and out your life, but only true friends leave footprints!
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Old 09-11-2006, 05:49 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Marilyn
We just took our second daughter to college. I know this is the best thing for her. She needs the experience and with her career goals, our local college just would not have been the best, but it was hard for her to leave and hard for us to push her out of the nest.

What shocked me is that a couple of our friends are also sending their youngest or only off to college this year, and both these moms were so happy to get their girls out of the house. One said she spent the first weekend cleaning and getting everything just the way she wanted it. She was so happy to get rid of her daughter.

The other said basically the same thing.

I just don't get it. I'm happy my daughter has this opportunity. I even envy her a little. But I would never say even in jest that I was glad to get rid of her. And these women were sincere.

I enjoy the time when it's just us, my husband and me, we have a lot of fun by ourselves, but our children are not something to "get rid of".

I agree!! I found that article before my son was born and to this very day I never wished time would hurry where he was concerned. I just can not believe how fast these past 15 years have gone by. It won't be long and he'll be going off to college, but even though I will be really proud that he is furthering his education, I will miss him terribly. He is such a joy and I would keep him forever if I could.
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