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Old 12-01-2006, 09:47 AM   #1
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Natural Herbal Supplements and Vitamins

Does anyone take any? I take Magnesium with my heart meds everyday. When my heart meds start to wear off the Magnesium kicks in. Dr.Oz(Clinton's heart doctor) is the one who suggested this on the oprah show. I have also been taking odorless Garlic and Flaxseed oil. These were also said to be very good for your heart AND cholesterol. I have no idea if they really work but I figure it can't hurt to try. I really like watching Dr.Oz. I am NO fan of oprah but I often make a point of watching when he is on.

So any health nuts out there??
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Old 12-01-2006, 12:09 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Emmsmom
Does anyone take any? I take Magnesium with my heart meds everyday. When my heart meds start to wear off the Magnesium kicks in. Dr.Oz(Clinton's heart doctor) is the one who suggested this on the oprah show. I have also been taking odorless Garlic and Flaxseed oil. These were also said to be very good for your heart AND cholesterol. I have no idea if they really work but I figure it can't hurt to try. I really like watching Dr.Oz. I am NO fan of oprah but I often make a point of watching when he is on.

So any health nuts out there??

I'm not a health nut, but I do like watching Dr. Oz and I do take his advice to heart. Why don't you like Oprah? Just curious....
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Old 12-01-2006, 12:51 PM   #3
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yes i am a resident health nut... i like "juice plus" its basically an organic supplement that is actually a whole days serving of fruits and veggies. you have to be really careful with vitamins and herbs, b/c there are only a handful out there that actually get absorbed by your system. most of them are in too high of a quantity and in the wrong form so your body doesnt even break them down, it treats them like a toxin and flushes them out. any over the counter multi-vitamin i could almost say for sure that they are useless. the thing they find most in septic tanks and port-a-potties are multivitamins b/c they just go right through lol . but yes garlic and i think you said magnesium are good for the heart. and overall health. always a natural pure or organic supplement is the best. this will almost guarantee that you are actually receiving the nutrient instead of wasteing money on something youll just get rid of in 48 hours lol.
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Old 12-01-2006, 01:34 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by RLC12345678
I'm not a health nut, but I do like watching Dr. Oz and I do take his advice to heart. Why don't you like Oprah? Just curious....
I like Dr. Oz too!! He has a new book out that I put on my Christmas list. I'm curious too why you don't care for Oprah. I personally admire her. She is a great inspiration to me.

AND tumblnstar, I don't know if you're correct on the multi-vitamins or not. I have no documentation only that I take one everyday and I can tell in my energy level if I haven't taken any for a few days. Now I never miss, so I know they are working for me. Why do Drs., mine for one, recommend them if they don't work? Just curious.
(also, I've seen my septic being emptied and I've never seen a vitamin in it??? LOLOL
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Old 12-01-2006, 02:32 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Janet
I like Dr. Oz too!! He has a new book out that I put on my Christmas list. I'm curious too why you don't care for Oprah. I personally admire her. She is a great inspiration to me.

AND tumblnstar, I don't know if you're correct on the multi-vitamins or not. I have no documentation only that I take one everyday and I can tell in my energy level if I haven't taken any for a few days. Now I never miss, so I know they are working for me. Why do Drs., mine for one, recommend them if they don't work? Just curious.
(also, I've seen my septic being emptied and I've never seen a vitamin in it??? LOLOL
It is true that a lot of multivitamins aren't absorbed - and that if you see "1333% Daily Value", you should NOT be taking that one. The good ones will have right around 100%. Vitamins (last I checked) are not regulated or monitored by the FDA, so they're not tested for how well the work or don't work. But not all multivitamins are not absorbed. one thing I do know is that over time, if you're taking a vitamin that has 3000% of RDA, that can't be good for your body.

I too notice a difference in my energy levels if I don't take my vitamins. I know the Centrum A-Z are good ones.. and I take the GNC Women's Ultra Mega (I KNOW something is being absorbed because if I don't drink enough water, my pee turns BRIGHT neon yellow, lol)
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Old 12-01-2006, 02:35 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Emmsmom
I really like watching Dr.Oz. I am NO fan of oprah but I often make a point of watching when he is on.
Wow, why aren't you a fan of Oprah? I love her! Although I never get to watch her show anymore now that I work 8-5, M-F
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Old 12-01-2006, 02:37 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by SweetCuteness
It is true that a lot of multivitamins aren't absorbed - and that if you see "1333% Daily Value", you should NOT be taking that one. The good ones will have right around 100%. Vitamins (last I checked) are not regulated or monitored by the FDA, so they're not tested for how well the work or don't work. But not all multivitamins are not absorbed. one thing I do know is that over time, if you're taking a vitamin that has 3000% of RDA, that can't be good for your body.

I too notice a difference in my energy levels if I don't take my vitamins. I know the Centrum A-Z are good ones.. and I take the GNC Women's Ultra Mega (I KNOW something is being absorbed because if I don't drink enough water, my pee turns BRIGHT neon yellow, lol)

I take the Centrum "Silver" multi-vitamin...Now that I'm over 50 LOL
Most are all 100% except for the B 12 or something and it's higher, but only like 417%. I'm glad I'm taking the right one.
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Old 12-01-2006, 02:54 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Janet
I take the Centrum "Silver" multi-vitamin...Now that I'm over 50 LOL
Most are all 100% except for the B 12 or something and it's higher, but only like 417%. I'm glad I'm taking the right one.
That's why you get the energy (well... one part )! B12 is a great source of energy. I'm deficient in B12 because I don't eat enough red meat - so that's one of the main reasons I take vitamins.
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Old 12-01-2006, 04:45 PM   #9
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LOL I honestly think that Oprah has gotten to big for her britches so to speak. Yes, she has done a lot of good but I think she like to toot her own horn to much. LOL I have never been a fan of hers.
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Old 12-01-2006, 07:32 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Emmsmom
LOL I honestly think that Oprah has gotten to big for her britches so to speak. Yes, she has done a lot of good but I think she like to toot her own horn to much. LOL I have never been a fan of hers.

My hubby feels the EXACT same way you do. He always tells me how Oprah thinks she is the sh*t and how he doesn't like her.
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Old 12-02-2006, 07:15 AM   #11
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I take some vitamins called Mannatech. They're expensive but I do feel better. I also take some other over the counter vitamins.
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Old 12-04-2006, 07:34 AM   #12
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now i havent personally research every single multi-vitamin out there but i believe its safe to say that if you are taking an ordinary multivitamin from a drug store...youre not absorbing all the things it says you are. lol on the septic tank...they do break down after awhile but yes in the porta potties... i actually looked in one once to see if it was true... and it was lol... gross but there were actual vitamins in there.. some recognizable by brand lol. our bodies werent designed to take on mass quanities of a vitamin or mineral at once or in certain forms so we just have to be careful and wise to choose vitamins that we will acutally benefit from. vitamins also are i would say to some mental. you think that you feel better so then you do... very common with alot of different types of medicine... im not saying at all that you dont actually get more energy from yours im just saying that the possibility of it being an up state emotionally from taking care of your body is out there. and as for the prescriptions from drs.. and others.. i woudnt ever ever ever ever ever base a need for something or the accuracy of it actually being beneficial on the fact that a doctor prescribed it. once you do that... you lose all sense of your own body and your own thinkin towards health and whats actually true and whats based on other motives. but yes in general i love vitamins and herbs and supplements... i have just found through ALOT of trial and error and research which ones are worth spending money on.

Originally Posted by Janet
I like Dr. Oz too!! He has a new book out that I put on my Christmas list. I'm curious too why you don't care for Oprah. I personally admire her. She is a great inspiration to me.

AND tumblnstar, I don't know if you're correct on the multi-vitamins or not. I have no documentation only that I take one everyday and I can tell in my energy level if I haven't taken any for a few days. Now I never miss, so I know they are working for me. Why do Drs., mine for one, recommend them if they don't work? Just curious.
(also, I've seen my septic being emptied and I've never seen a vitamin in it??? LOLOL
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Old 12-04-2006, 07:39 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by tumblnstar
i woudnt ever ever ever ever ever base a need for something or the accuracy of it actually being beneficial on the fact that a doctor prescribed it.
Why not?! Why else would a doctor prescribe something unless it is beneficial or essential to your health?
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Old 12-04-2006, 07:55 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by RLC12345678
Why not?! Why else would a doctor prescribe something unless it is beneficial or essential to your health?

i think people have taken the fact that a doctor prescribed something as like a mandatory rule. people hardly research and learn for themselves about health anymore and its sad to see alot of people get steered in an incorrect direction or into a situation that isnt best for them.
now dont get me wrong i dont think every doctor out there is prescribing incorrectly or with bad intentions lol i just want people to know that just because a doctor said to take it... doesnt make it right or the suited for you. we all know that there are bad people out there that do things for money ...like prescribe a certain med or vitamin for a kick back.. so i think that its important to choose a good doctor.. do your research! find out who this guy is... and once you are sure that you are comfortable with him and with his health beliefs then yes... i think that it would be perfectly fine to go right out without first going to the library and trying out a vitamin.... BUT as for medication i do NOT under any circumstance recommend that you take blindly... research it... ask about it... find out everything you can... that way you know exactly what to expect now and ten years down the road from this medication. we need to take more responsibility for our own health and make our own decisions.
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Old 12-04-2006, 09:13 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by tumblnstar
i think people have taken the fact that a doctor prescribed something as like a mandatory rule. people hardly research and learn for themselves about health anymore and its sad to see alot of people get steered in an incorrect direction or into a situation that isnt best for them.
now dont get me wrong i dont think every doctor out there is prescribing incorrectly or with bad intentions lol i just want people to know that just because a doctor said to take it... doesnt make it right or the suited for you. we all know that there are bad people out there that do things for money ...like prescribe a certain med or vitamin for a kick back.. so i think that its important to choose a good doctor.. do your research! find out who this guy is... and once you are sure that you are comfortable with him and with his health beliefs then yes... i think that it would be perfectly fine to go right out without first going to the library and trying out a vitamin.... BUT as for medication i do NOT under any circumstance recommend that you take blindly... research it... ask about it... find out everything you can... that way you know exactly what to expect now and ten years down the road from this medication. we need to take more responsibility for our own health and make our own decisions.

But doctor's don't in any way, shape, or form get kickbacks from prescribing medication or even certain medication.
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