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Old 09-10-2010, 05:45 AM   #1
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Winter in Florida?

I have been thinking about going to Florida for a month in the winter. I love it here, but the winter is just too darn long! I was going to put if off until October or November, but a friend advised me that if I wait, it will never happen. You know how you keep putting things off, until it's just too late!

I do not know if I can afford it. The car needs a checkup. It's making some noises, the emergency and regular brakes need fixing, and I may get studded tires. That will cost! Then, of course, you never know what else will come up!

I think I am going to take my friend's advice though, and book a place and plan out a vacation. A lot of people get cabin fever depression and SAD up here. I know I do! I don't know where to go in Florida. I want Southern Florida because it's just about the warmest place I can drive to. I need a nice area where there is a beach, is dog friendly, and some shopping, etc. I would like a one room, or one bedroom condo with cooking facilities on the beach, preferably where there is a common area. I don't need to make friends for a month, but it would be good to see people to say hello to.

I looked at Key West - way too expensive! I'm looking at Sarasota now - I'm not sure of the neighborhoods, but it is less expensive, and supposedly a nice, active place to go to. I don't know if I want the other coast. Ft. Lauderdale, Boca Raton, etc. are too fancy, and I don't think I want to be at a seniors condo.
I am 63, but I just don't feel like it.

It is a scary prospect...driving down, with the dogs, staying in a strange place where I don't know anybody,etc. I'm also used to living in such a safe area. In my younger days, I would have just jumped in the car and gone!

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Old 09-10-2010, 08:53 AM   #2
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I have only been to Disney World and I did not venture out so I am useless in giving you some advise. But I am glad you are planning a vacation and not stuck in your cabin. Who knows you might get homesick
Enjoy life while you can.
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Old 09-10-2010, 01:31 PM   #3
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Hi Judy..... I have to agree with your friend, i totally believe that you must not put off doing things until later - Judy there are always going to be other things that need our money, time and attention etc.

I understand it is a scary prospect, but it will really break up the winter for you, and you will enjoy yourself - i am sure of it.

I am always saying to my friends, that i honestly believe life is too short, and it is only ourselves that can change/improve things. Why let life pass us by?
Dont put things off if you can help it.

I hope you have a fabulous time, i will keep my eye on this post - now dont be putting it off now will you!!!!!!!!!

My Mottos are....
Just live for today..... and let tomorrow take care of itself

Live each day as if it's your last - and hope that tomorrow you wake up to find that it wasn't
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Old 09-10-2010, 05:07 PM   #4
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I don't know much about FL - I'll say that up front - but I have heard that the west coast is really nice - the beaches are nice and I don't think it is quite as heavily populated - which might make for lower rents. I also know that are lots of communities with park model homes - some for rent, some for sale. Janet might know a lot more since her mom has wintered there for quite a while now.

My sil's parents lived in FL for several years in a park model home park and really loved it there. They lived closer to the west coast, but not next to the beach though.

I really think you should plan to go down for a month this winter. I'd go in January or whenever the winter gets really rough in NY. Gary's aunt and uncle go to South Padre Island the day after Christmas with their family and they stay till spring break (when it gets crazy down there). In the summer when it gets really hot, they go to the mountains of New Mexico for a month or so. I'd try it if I were you!
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Old 09-11-2010, 05:10 AM   #5
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Mom lives in Bradenton during the months of Jan, Feb, Mar and April, that's on the west coast just north of Sarasota. She lives in a mobile home park but has added on to the home. She is also in walking distance of the beach. It can't be too expensive there because Mom is tighter than bark on a tree...believe me..lol. Go for it Judy. I wish I wasn't such a big baby at driving very far.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 09-11-2010, 08:45 AM   #6
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Judy, I think that's a great idea!!! I think that I'd wait until after the holidays to avoid some of the worst weather. Maybe you should ask Janet's Mom if she would like to rent out her mobile home for a month......it wouldn't hurt to ask!!! I hope that everything works out for you!!!
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