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Old 03-01-2007, 04:18 AM   #1
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Exclamation Have You Called Jenny Yet!?

That's it!!! I am calling Jenny Craig this morning. I am so ashamed at my body and the weight it carries. I cannot seem to lose any on my own so I am once again seeking help from Jenny Craig.

Years ago I belonged and lost over 20 lbs. I went down to a size 5 and being 5'7 people always told me I was too thin. Now, heck I've gone up 3 sizes in just a little over a year. I can't believe I just bought jeans that were a size 14.

I don't wanna be naked in front of hubby, not even myself. I feel guilty even tossing my fat ass upon to my horse.

So please wish me luck and each week I will be checking back in with my progress. I am hoping to do as well as Janet. (Very proud of you Janet!!)

I was told that having a hysterectomy tends to make you gain weight. Sure enough!!! But if I don't get a handle on it now my weight will only go up and I just can't bare to face that reality.

My self esteem isn't great as it is. And with my added weight I am now truly embarressed to even be in front of people. I feel as if they are thinking to themselves, "wow, she's a chunky thing aint she?"

My goal weight is to be 130. This am I weighed in at 158 lbs. (can't believe I am sharing this with you all, geez) That's what a total weight loss needed of 28 lbs. WOW, this is a lot.

Wish me luck ladies, I truly need your support.
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
When I grow up I want to be a horse whisperer!
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Old 03-01-2007, 04:49 AM   #2
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Wishing you much success!!!!!!! I'm not familiar with Jenny Craig's program, but if it worked for you before it's sure to work for you again. Definitely keep us informed of your progress. The most important thing is the right mind set to make it happen, and it sounds like you have that and are ready to get with the program. Way to go!!!

I was very surprised this morning. Janet's success helped inspire me to get to working out again, started Tuesday evening. I was afraid to get on the scales because of the 6 lbs gained over the holidays & just knew I'd probably gained even more. Was very surprized to learn that I've lost 5-1/2 lbs of the 6 somewhere over the last couple of months. I have 8-1/2 lbs to go to reach my goal. I've been working on it since May 1, 2006. I've lost 15-1/2 lbs since May. Not an incredible feat, but hopefully by losing slowly it will be easier to keep off. The unexpected weight loss hopefully is an indicator of that.

Sincerely hoping you reach your goal, Sheryl, and won't be too thin at 130 on your 5'7" frame. I'm 5'1" with a goal of 120. Then I'll decide if I need to go a little lower or try to stay put. 120 sounds like a lot for my height, but for some reason, I look like I weight much less than I do. Just dense or something.
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Old 03-01-2007, 07:21 AM   #3
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Sheryl, i know how aweful you feel, i would feel the same. Best of luck with the program! I have never heard of it, and would like to know more about it. Let us know how you going, and keep us posted ok?
Good luck girl, and hugs to you.
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Old 03-01-2007, 06:28 PM   #4
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Sheryl, good luck with Jenny, I have never tried it but Kristie makes it sound so wonderful and the food looks great. Keep us posted, I don't know if you have a gym nearby but I started one in Jan. and due to my dizziness which was resolved I have gone back. I have lost about 5lbs. and feel great excersizing. Whether you go to a gym or not, why don't you incorparate walking into your daily routine, if you have the time. It truly works....
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Old 03-02-2007, 05:03 AM   #5
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Sheryl, I know exactly how you feel. I started back the first of January sometime and I've gone from 238 lbs to 220 lbs. I'm stuck again for some reason. But I'm not giving up and it will come off. I would like to get down to 145 lbs so gee that's only 75 lbs to go....sure hope I make it. I found so far that drinking plenty of water, and making the right choices concerning food helps. I am just eating healthier and choosing the right portions. I won't give up...I'm determined this time.
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Old 03-02-2007, 08:02 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Janet
Sheryl, I know exactly how you feel. I started back the first of January sometime and I've gone from 238 lbs to 220 lbs. I'm stuck again for some reason. But I'm not giving up and it will come off. I would like to get down to 145 lbs so gee that's only 75 lbs to go....sure hope I make it. I found so far that drinking plenty of water, and making the right choices concerning food helps. I am just eating healthier and choosing the right portions. I won't give up...I'm determined this time.
I think it's what it takes for a person to make changes. (Determination) And as you I am there also. I feel happy and positive about the changes that will be taking place and know this time I will do it.

Thanks to all for their support!
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
When I grow up I want to be a horse whisperer!
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