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Old 07-06-2008, 05:04 PM   #1
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What to do??

So last night I was bored and browsing job search sites, and there was this engineering firm in Buffalo, NY, advertising on a Canadian site for a drafter who is able to move to the states and do environmental drafting, with experience in Civil 3d and Land Development Desktop a PLUS. Those are the two programs that I know, I work in Civil 3d every single day. They stated 5 years experience, and they also wanted someone who could do testing and sampling but they would train them. I have 2 years experience but I have also done testing and sampling. My mom told me not to apply because I have my friend's wedding to go to next year, but then I talked to my dad and he said go for it!!! What could really happen? Either they don't offer me a job, or they do. If they do, I don't have to take it. What do you think?

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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Old 07-07-2008, 03:36 AM   #2
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Depends on what you want to do. Do you want to live in Buffalo?? I think they get more snow there than anywhere in the country, at least it seems that way from watching the weather reports. We are always hearing about so many feet of snow in Buffalo, NY. It's definitely a chance to meet new people and get familiar with how things work in the US, and, not be so far from Canada. Lots of things to consider.

The biggest question though is what do you want to do? You need to evaluate your reasons to stay and your reasons to go and decide. It might help to write them down.

Wish you the very best in making your decision!!!!
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Old 07-07-2008, 05:45 AM   #3
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You know, I'm not sure really WHAT I want to do. I do want to move somewhere, and I know the US doesn't have great economic stability right now, so what are the chances that a lot of companies are looking to hire out of country when there's so many American citizens without jobs? So when there's a job posted looking specifically for Canadians it sort of seemed to call out to me. Although, if I'm just going to be across from Ontario, it would probably make more sense to just move to Ontario and save the hassle of getting a visa and changing my whole life around to be in a different country. I know my friend's wedding is next year but I really don't want to put my life on hold just for that. She's an 8 hour drive from me right now, so any further and i'd just fly out to see her

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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Old 07-07-2008, 06:13 AM   #4
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It really sounds like what you've been wanting Lindsey, just not the best location as Marilyn sited with the snow. She's in Texas and I'm in Indiana and it seems like that's what we hear on the news too. Lots of snow in Buffalo. Maybe Judy will know more about that area.

I also think you're right....don't put your life on hold for someone else. It's a wedding. Now all you need to do is research the area for fun, interesting things to do and see. Check out what it costs to live there and what this company pays and then decide if you want it or not.

I know it would be a waste of their time if you applied and didn't want the job, but if it was offered to you, at least you'd know you have a good resume for future searches.
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Old 07-07-2008, 07:40 AM   #5
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Go for it!!! Like you said you can apply and see where it takes you...As for the snow, my bff moved to the Buffalo area 4 years ago for her husband's job. She did not want to go specifically because of the snow. Well, she LOVES it there! They are so used to the snow that it doesn't cripple the city like it does everywhere else. They keep the streets clear and life just goes on. They don't even close the schools! She loves the people and says it's just a great place to live!

Of course I'm in shape. Isn't round a shape?
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Old 07-07-2008, 09:20 AM   #6
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I say go for too!
Michelle (Katys mom)

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