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Old 10-23-2006, 03:01 PM   #1
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A Day in the Life.

Ok ladies, I'd like to see you post what happens in a day in your life. Keep it clean. LOL.
Here's my not so normal day.
1. 5:30 am get out of bed.
2. Go to bathroom and wash my hair and get ready for work while hubby gets
3. Hubby goes to work. I take my wee one up to the bus stop.
4. Come back get on here for a brief 15 minutes.
5. 7:30 am go to work.
6. 8 to 1 work
7. 1 to 2 lunch come home get back on here for 15 minutes. Eat and go back to the salt mine.
8. 2 to 4:30 work
9 4:30 to 4:45 Drive home
10: 5 to 5:30 get on here again. briefly
11. 6. start supper. Tonight it's Chilli
12. 6 to 8 wait for hubby to get home, do laundry if there is any, do dishes.
13. 9 to 10 watch TV.
14. 10pm take shower and go to bed. Sweet Dreams..........
The real measure of a woman's wealth is what she has invested in eternity. Linda aka 2tiredmom
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Old 10-23-2006, 03:57 PM   #2
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You're a little busier than I am here lately. I need to get off my big butt and do more, but here is my schedule:

5:00 AM get up start coffee
5:15 - 5:45 take shower and get dressed
5:45 - 6:00 watch news and weather DRINK THAT COFFEE
6:00 - 6:15 let dogs out of crates and x-pen and give attention
6:15 wake son up
6:20 - 6:50 go play with dogs, watch news, DRINK MORE COFFEE, warm up bus, answer phone calls from kids who won't be riding and not needing me to pick them up, put dogs back in crates and x-pen
6:50 leave on bus route
8:30 arrive home
8:40 - 9:00 let dogs out of crates and x-pen, start a load of laundry, play with doggies
9:00 get on here and YT, all the while doing laundry, cleaning up kitchen, playing with doggies, making needed phone calls
11:00 on here and watching Days of Our Lives
12:00 eat a little something for lunch, go out and get mail, back to computer.
1:00 on here and watching Passions
2:00 play with the doggies, more laundry, run sweeper, pick up dog toys
2:20 leave for bus route
4:10 home from bus route, let doggies out of crates and x-pen, relax, talk with son about his day, start supper, check email
6:00 eat supper, clean up kitchen
7:00 take nightly meds, check 4WT and YT again
8:00 -8:30 go to bed and watch TV
and then asleep somewhere between 8:30 and 9:30 unless there is something really good on and then I usually have to start the VCR, because I can never make it till 10:00

Pretty dull don't ya think.....LOLOL

If I could stay off this darn computer I could get a lot more doggie clothes made and maybe even sell a few.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 10-23-2006, 05:35 PM   #3
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Let's see -

1. Up at 5:30, brush teeth, then shower
2. 5:45-5:50 Go pour cup of coffee (coffee pot is set night before and comes on via timer!!). Let Gabby out to potty (Gage is pee pad trained and not allowed out by himself ... he gets in too much trouble when outside alone!)
3. 5:50-5:55 - Turn tv's on in the boy's rooms to start waking them up
4. 6:00-6:20 - put on make-up and dry hair (and going to TJ's room to remind him he needs to get up and shower!)
5. 6:25 - pour another cup of coffee, go outside with Gage, and have a smoke.
6. 6:35 - tell boys to get their bookbags ready, brush their teeth, etc.
7. 6:40 - remind boys again to "get it in gear" for school; top off coffee cup
8. 6:50 - pour coffee in travel mug, get boys to car, leave for school/work
9. 6:53 - at my friend's house getting her son on way to school
10. 7:10 - drop Taylor off at the Jr High
11. 7:20 - drop TJ and my friend's son off at the high school
12. 7:25 - arrive at work and start my day
13. 7:25 - 2:30 - code medical records, review in-house patient records, sneak into YT and here as I can, and if I'm lucky, get 10 minutes to eat something for lunch!
14. 2:30 - leave to go get Taylor from Jr High
15. 2:40 - arrive at high school to get TJ
16. 2:50 - back at work (boys are with me sometimes - if not, I take them home and then am back at work by 3:15)
17. 4:20-4:30 - leave work headed for home!
18. 4:45 - home from work (unless I have to run by the store), sit in the recliner and "catch my breath" for a few
19. 5:30 - start supper
20. 6:30 - or close around that time, we eat - then hubby and I clean the kitchen (if he's home, if not, then I clean up)
21. 7:00 - review with the boys for any test they may have the next day OR if no test, we watch a little tv together.
22. 8:00 - remind Taylor to go get shower
23. 8:30 - remind Taylor to go get shower
24. 8:45 - threaten Taylor if he doesn't go get a shower!!
25. 9:30 - remind boys it's time to brush teeth and start winding down for the night.
26. 10:00 - everyone goes to bed!! I read before going to sleep so I don't fall asleep before 10:30

Add into that mix from the time I get home til I go to bed, when I'm not cooking or cleaning the kitchen, Gabby and Gage are right with me (Gage is actually in my lap now as I type this - he loves his mommy) So, my life is pretty boring too! It's filled with either work or kids - both skin and fur!

"Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been"....Jimmy Buffett
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Old 10-24-2006, 02:44 AM   #4
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Mine is somewhat different -

12 noon - get out of bed

Start home schooling our son (12) - he has already done all his independent work and I am there for math, english and history.

We work until about 4 or 5pm - during that time I am also preparing dinner, doing household chores, etc

No later than 5pm I am in the shower to get ready for work

Shortly after that my husband is home from work and we have dinner

I leave for work about 6pm

Husband does science and anything needed school wise with son in evening

I work until 3am

Get home by 3:30am

Finally get to sleep about 4:30 or 5am - after working in a busy ER your brain just can't unwind and go straight to sleep

Sleep until time to do it all over again

I am off every other weekend and 1 day during the week

This schedule sounds crazy but it works for us !!
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Old 10-24-2006, 06:35 AM   #5
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6:30am -- Hootie and Hobbs, the yorkies, wake me up to go outside, so I get out of bed and take them outside

6:40am -- Get back in bed for 20-30 minutes while hubby takes a shower and gets ready for work

7:00am -- hubby leaves for work so I get up and take a shower and get ready for work while watching the Today Show

8:00-8:15am -- put yorkies up and drive to work

8:15-11:30am -- WORKING/YT/4WT

11:30am-12:45pm -- home for lunch/may run some errands on the way home/take yorkies outside/play with yorkies/balance checkbook/unload dishwasher if necessary/other chores if necessary

12:45-1:00pm -- drive back to work

1:00-5:00pm -- WORKING/YT/4WT

5:00-5:15pm -- drive home for the evening/may stop at grocery store if necessary

5:15-5:45pm -- take yorkies on walk

5:45-10:00pm -- dinner with hubby/watch TV with hubby/household chores with hubby if necessary/play with yorkies

10:00pm -- BEDTIME! Lay in bed and watch TV until about 10:30 or 11:00 and then fall asleep. Wait until tomorrow to do it all again.
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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Old 10-24-2006, 07:45 AM   #6
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My Days Are Boring!!

6:30 up - go smoke then take a bath.

between then and 8:30 drink some coffee, check email

8:30 leave house and go pick up dental cases

10:00 feed and pet the horse

11:00 or noon If weather is nice, go ride horse

somewhere around then I scrounge something to eat. Usually not very healthy.

Might clean up the house a little

Might get back on computer (like I am now)

Usually play w/ the fur kids, hang out on deck, smoke cigs, stare at the horse.

3:00 start thinking about what the hell I am going to cook for dinner.

4:00 start drinking wine, turn on Oprah and think more about dinner.

5:00 continue to drink wine, get serious about getting dinner.

somewhere during here I go feed and pet the horse again.

6:00 either dinner is done or we opted to go grab a burger in town.

7:00 take a hot bath

8:00 usually in bed watching t.v.

That's my day...Not very exciting is it?
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
When I grow up I want to be a horse whisperer!
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Old 10-24-2006, 08:09 AM   #7
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Sheryl, I think I want to do what you you do.......sounds so relaxing and serene.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 10-24-2006, 10:07 AM   #8
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6:30 - wake up, cuddle with dog, shower
7:00 - eat breakfast, check 4WT, the weather network, and celebrity gossip
7:30 - brush teeth, get dressed, do hair and makeup
8:00 - make sure dog has food and water, play with dog
8:15 - leave for school
8:30-12:30 - school
12:30-1:30 - lunchtime, come home
1:30-4:30 - school
4:30 - 6:00 - homework or nap
6:00 - 7:30 - make supper, eat, sit at computer
7:30 on - computer, homework, tv, play with dog until I'm tired enough to sleep.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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Old 10-24-2006, 12:07 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Janet
Sheryl, I think I want to do what you you do.......sounds so relaxing and serene.
Too funny! So many say that, but honestly I think I have TOO MUCH TIME on my hands. My mind has too much time to think or whatever, LOL.

After I wrote my first post on here listing my day I went out on the deck to have a smoke and I was thinking about my post. I thought to myself, "gosh is that really all I do??" LOL!! I know there are days when I do more, but moreso not so much really on most days.

Today honestly I've done nothing. I signed off here and went to take a nap, just woke up not too long ago. But it was a long late night etc last night so a nap was just the ticket today!
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
When I grow up I want to be a horse whisperer!
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Old 10-27-2006, 12:10 AM   #10
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I love how you all can have typical days
every day is SO different with what I do!

I guess that's because I don't have a family or a job or anything ha ha ha!

it's so interesting to read your days!
God has filled my arms
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Old 10-27-2006, 04:31 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Miss_Sara
I love how you all can have typical days
every day is SO different with what I do!

I guess that's because I don't have a family or a job or anything ha ha ha!

it's so interesting to read your days!

Tell us how you spend your days
Many people will walk in and out your life, but only true friends leave footprints!
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Old 10-27-2006, 12:09 PM   #12
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i thought that i would share what i do!


7:30 : alarm goes off and i hit snooze button
7:45 : alarm goes off and i hit snooze button
7:50 : boyfriend walks into my apartment and throws the blankets off and takes oscar outside for me
8:00:feed oscar his breakfast
8:05 : take shower and get ready
8:45 : load oscar up in the car and we all ride to the office for work
9:00 :see all of our morning patients
10:30 : check email, myspace, facebook, YT, WT, bank accounts etc
10:45 : get deposits ready and all the mail etc
11:00 : run errands around town for office bank, post office, yada yada...sometimes me and oscar go get a treat
12:00 : lunch break patients start rolling in
1:00 : we all ride home to get lunch!
3:00 :back in the office for all of our afternoon patients..all the kids bring me their projects from school.. i love it
4:30 :we usually have new patients but i like to browse the internet and do all the odd things around the office...i mostly think about what im going to cook for dinner.
6:00 :all of the evening people come in
7:00 :home!
8:00 :dinner is hopefully ready and phil, oscar, and I eat by the fireplace..i loove it
9:00 : i clean up our apartments, do some laundry, and usually try to fit in a bubblebath
10:00 : we try to watch a movie but always end up falling asleep right in the middle oscar usually wakes me up at 12:00 to go potty then we go jump in bed!

whew! that was alot... and thats only half the week...


7:30- 9:00... the whole wake up and go to work routine
9:00 : morning patients... the one lady always brings me presents and hot choc
9:30 : new patients woohoo... lots of babies and pregnant women this past week
12:00 : a few straglers...but i mostly catch up on things and play around on the internet.
1:00: go home and cook lunch!
2:00 -4:00 clean clean clean and make sure dinner is started for the night
5:00 go to work at the resturant and listen to drunk guys scream and yell and fall down all night...
6:30 : Phil is at the office holding a New Patient Orientation.. i call to make sure he's got everything
8:00 : i call again to make sure that dinner is ok and ready
12:00 : i crawl home and usually find Phil and Oscar sleeping on the couch
12:05 :take oscar potty and go to sleep!!!!!


9:00 : open eyes and realize that i get to sleep for a little while longer woohoo
9:30 : drag myself out of bed and find oscar on the couch taking a nap beside Phil
9:45 :take a shower and get ready to go to the resturant again
10:30 :arrive at the resturant and feed lunch to college students and hung over old men lol
2:30 :leave the resturant and change while driving to get to the office on time...the makeup in the mirror while driving is definately happening
3:00 :get the office just in time for all the after school kids!
4:30 : maybe some new patients or just office stuff.. cleaning etc
5:30: usually on internet or messing around with something
6:00 :evening patients
7:00: go home woooo
7:30 : cook dinner
10:00 :start to watch a movie again and fall asleep again


10:00 : wake up and say "ohhhh it saturday"
11:00 : go to cheerleading practice and work it!!!
1:30 : go home and make some lunch for phil and oscar
3:00 : start doing some cleaning and just lounge around until dinner
7:00 : make a huge dinner ...its saturday
9:00 : we actually watch the whole movie this time and then fall asleep lol

Sunday :
9:00 : wake up and get ready for church!!
1:00 : get home from church and start making sunday dinner
3:00 : eat a huge dinner and then do some odd things around the house
6:00 : finally sit down and watch a little TV
9:00 : have a little snack and then watch a movie or something with Phil.. and then fall asleep and get ready to do it all over again

man... that was long... i guess i do alot...more than i thought!
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Old 10-28-2006, 05:33 PM   #13
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a day in the life of me... WOW...
most days
6:30 wake up to puppies on my head... bring them outside
6:45-7:15 get ready for work
7:15 go feed puppies
7:45 leave for work
8:15 - 4:30 work, never leave for lunch
5:00 get home, take puppies out(daughter is home at 3)
5:30 go to my 2nd gig(I run a gym)
9:15 get home and DIE.... play with puppies, walk outside a little
11 or 11:30 go to bed.... get ready to do it again....

twice a week I leave home at 7 and hub plays with pups....
Thursday night I am home, that is puppy bath night... LOl
Wow, I make me tired
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Old 11-01-2006, 05:43 PM   #14
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OK a day in the life of me...

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
6:00 am alarm goes off...I turn it off and go back to bed
6:10 get out of bed and get oldest two kids up and ready for school and let dogs out
6:20 let dogs in, make sure book bags are packed, make sure hubby is up, get coffee on
6:30 tie Kody's shoes, get school juice, pour coffee in cups (and I might actually get to drink half a cup!)
6:45 kiss kids and hubby goodbye and leave to pick up step dad (we carpool)
7:00 am pick up step dad and head to work. (Hubs would be sending kids to bus stop at this time)
7:45 drop off step dad at his work
8 am to 5 pm work (Kids get off bus at 4 pm)
5:05 pick up step dad
6:00 pm home unless we made stops after work then I am not home until 6:30
6:30 pm eat dinner that Ernie fixed at table as a family and catch up on the kids day
7pm-8pm give kids baths, pick out next days clothes, get them in pj's, brush teeth, blow dry their hair, and tuck them in bed.
8pm-10pm watch tv with Ernie will online or playing Sims 2 on computer usually with a dog or two on my lap.
10-11 watch tv in bed with Ernie and the furkids.
11 pm go to sleep.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are exactly the same except our three year old gets up for school too so I get three kids ready instead of two these days.

Saturdays are a mix of different things. Usually this is chore day and we don't roll our of bed until 8 or so. This is also the day we usually take the furkids shopping.

Sundays we go to church sometimes. At 3:30 pm on Sundays we go visit Maddie.

Last edited by Willow; 11-01-2006 at 05:45 PM.
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