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Old 11-26-2010, 05:11 PM   #1
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Black Friday shopping

Did anyone do it? What is your story? Here's mine.

Gary and I decided we'd get up and go to Sears at 3:30AM (for a 4:00AM opening) to try to get a washer and dryer set that had been $2000, was on sale for $1700, but was on Black Friday special for $999 for the pair . I have a perfectly fine washer and dryer set - but they are at least 10 years old, maybe a bit older. At our new house, we are on a septic system, so it makes sense to get a high efficiency washer that uses less water. In all the literature about living with a septic system, it says to minimize the water discharge each day, e.g. to only do two loads of laundry per day. Now, mind you, I rarely do more than 2 loads of laundry per day - for just Gary and I - so that really isn't as much of a concern, as it is an excuse to get a new washer and dryer Also, I really need to leave the washer and dryer here at the old house, just in case Brooke and the kids have to live here this spring - RIGHT? Yes, I thought so.

OK, first for the weather. We got to the line outdoors at 3:40, so didn't have long till the store opened at 4:00. The temperature was 39, wind chill was 22 and while we were standing there it started to rain - not hard though, just a steady sprinkle. In just a few minutes, I thought I felt something sting me on the face - what was happening was that little ice pellets were falling! Man, was that ever a COLD 20 minutes! (I know, I'm a wimp).

Now, back to the washer/dryer saga. Of course, the price was too good to be true. We were 5th in line at the appliance cashier and after two people bought the set, they said they were out of them. The ad said there would be 6 sets per store, so you can imagine there were lots of hopping mad people - including MY HUSBAND . He wanted to make a scene, but I got him to leave (WHEW).

While we were standing in line outside, I was talking to the woman standing in line behind me, who by the way had on a windbreaker, capris and FLIP FLOPS (only in Austin ). I mentioned that I saw a BIG line at Best Buy on the 10:00PM news. She said that last year she bought a TV online at Black Friday price, from Best Buy on Wednesday before Black Friday, and that it was silly to stand in the Best Buy line when you could buy from them online.

So, when I came back home, I went directly to the computer and sure enough, I got the washer and dryer set online for $999! I was so happy, and especially happy that Gary was not so mad anymore! I'm still a little leery that I will get an email telling me they were actually sold out - but I do have a confirmation number and a delivery date, so hopefully, I actually will get them!
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Old 11-26-2010, 06:34 PM   #2
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I didn't shop today. Just didn't want to fight the crowds. Now if my friend Linda would have felt like going....I would have fought them...lol. Gayle...we have a septic too. Took me I don't know how long to figure out not to use the garbage disposal very often. If I peel potatoes for example...I put it all in the trash. Anything to keep from getting the septic full.
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Old 11-26-2010, 07:17 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Janet View Post
Gayle...we have a septic too. Took me I don't know how long to figure out not to use the garbage disposal very often. If I peel potatoes for example...I put it all in the trash. Anything to keep from getting the septic full.

LOL Janet! I don't even have a garbage disposal at the new house! I have one here, but can't use it very often or it will stop up the line - I learned that the hard way too. So, I am used to putting almost everything in the garbage. I'll have a place for a compost pile at the new place, so I'll save the scraps and put them in the compost.

We just had the septic pumped to have it inspected, so we'll start out empty. I wonder how long it will take to fill it up???
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Old 11-26-2010, 07:25 PM   #4
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I hope your new washer and dryer comes through for you. I can only imagine how mad Gary was, i know my hubby would have been furious.
I have read so many post today from people complaining about the same thing that happened to you, seem's the store's just did not have enough of the product's that they were advertising in their sale's ads this year. Sounds like people had better luck with ordering on the line than standing in the line's at the store.
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Old 11-26-2010, 07:48 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by lynne b View Post
I hope your new washer and dryer comes through for you. I can only imagine how mad Gary was, i know my hubby would have been furious.
I have read so many post today from people complaining about the same thing that happened to you, seem's the store's just did not have enough of the product's that they were advertising in their sale's ads this year. Sounds like people had better luck with ordering on the line than standing in the line's at the store.
I thought the deal was too good to be true and I didn't think we would actually get them. I was very surprised to be able to order it online - but like I said, I am skeptical that they will actually be delivered! I have thought I'd like to have a new high efficiency washer (and also new dryer), but didn't really think that I would get them, although I have been looking at them in Lowe's and Home Depot (we've been in both A LOT in the last few weeks). Yesterday when I was at my daughter's for Thanksgiving dinner, we were looking at the ads and my daughter flipped out when she saw the ad for the pair for $999. She was like, "OMG, that is a GREAT price, yada yada yada". So, I just thought that I would try to get them, but I really didn't care one way or the other. Gary, on the other hand, was quite serious about getting them! LOL!
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Old 11-27-2010, 05:46 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by gja1000 View Post
LOL Janet! I don't even have a garbage disposal at the new house! I have one here, but can't use it very often or it will stop up the line - I learned that the hard way too. So, I am used to putting almost everything in the garbage. I'll have a place for a compost pile at the new place, so I'll save the scraps and put them in the compost.

We just had the septic pumped to have it inspected, so we'll start out empty. I wonder how long it will take to fill it up???
When we first moved here in '74 we were told our septic was a ten year septic. Not sure how they figure that, but they were right. We had it pumped 10 years after we bought the place, then again 10 years later and again in "94/95. Then Ricky grew..lol and we had it done 8 years from the last time. So...guess it depends on how many people are in the house...lol. I have been using RidX to help keep it from filling so fast.
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Old 11-27-2010, 06:48 AM   #7
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How do you know when it needs to be pumped? LOL - how did we get from black friday shopping to septic pumping, Janet???
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Old 11-27-2010, 09:23 AM   #8
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so when are they suppose to deliver your washer & dryer? I would love to have a set of the new bigger ones, i have had people tell me that the front load ones are not so good, because of the seal on the door.

Only thing i would really need a bigger one for is like comforters and other big items, my washer & dryer are not that old but i don't feel that they are going to last me as long as my last set did.
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Old 11-27-2010, 10:03 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by gja1000 View Post
How do you know when it needs to be pumped? LOL - how did we get from black friday shopping to septic pumping, Janet???
I'm not sure how the subject changed Gayle...lol. Oh you'll know without a doubt when the septic needs pumped. Drains will start gurgeling (sp) and so will the washer. Once...when I was doing laundry...a tiny bit came up in the bathtub and it made my toilet gurgle .....knew then we waited a bit late...lol. Now...at the first gurgle...lol...we have it pumped.
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Old 11-27-2010, 11:36 AM   #10
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I do hope you get your set delivered, especially after waiting in line. That was rude of them to only have two sets.

I did my shopping on-line too. Can't say I got the best deal out there but hopefully worth it.
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Old 11-27-2010, 08:08 PM   #11
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Gayle, so glad you are getting your new washer and dryer!!!! I love my front loaders!!! They are wonderful. I have some of the first Whirlpool Duet's. With the drawer units to set them on. At the time, they were the top rated by Consumer Reports, but that was about 5 years ago, and there are lots more manufacturers making them, and lots more features than mine have. The washer door gasket on mine does get a bit moldy from time to time, but I just clean it with Clorox Cleanup once in a while and that solves the problem. A couple of times a sock got stuck behind the gasket and got moldy and smelled before I discovered the problem. If I leave the door open just a bit after finishing my laundry, the washer dries out better and the gasket doesn't get moldy. They just seal so much better than the top loaders, but they need to.

I do love the large capacity and I don't have to use nearly as much detergent. Overall, I'm very pleased with them. Made laundry much quicker and easier due to the capacity. Plus I can do quilts and large items at home, no more trips to the laundromat with those bigger items.
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Old 11-28-2010, 01:14 PM   #12
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Wow, Gayle, That's a GREAT price!!!! I got an LG brand front load washer and dryer. I love them......except I didn't buy the bases to raise them up and they are kinda' low to get clothes out of.......but I can have one made I just haven't done it. I wasn't going to pay an extra $200 a piece for them!!

I don't have any problems with mine sealing or smelling. I leave the door to the washer open all the time to keep it from smelling because I read that that was a big problem. The washer has a lot of features and it's so easy to operate. I find that I do use a lot of the features for different things. At the price you got the set I don't think that you can go wrong!!!
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Old 11-28-2010, 01:36 PM   #13
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I always thought the front loaders would be so nice until I heard about the smell...never thought about leaving the door open so it could dry out good. Maybe someday...but right now...knock on wood....mine work just fine.
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Old 12-04-2010, 05:00 PM   #14
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Did you get the washer and dryer Gayle?
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Old 12-04-2010, 07:48 PM   #15
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It's not being delivered till December 17th. I wanted to be sure the floors were in before it was delivered. I didn't know they'd get put in so quickly!
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