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Old 09-09-2006, 02:21 AM   #1
ice queen
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Shamoo & conditioner??

i am growing my hair long to donate it to locks for love...all my life people have told me that i have beautiful hair and i figured i might as well share it with somebody that needs it!!! I used to use bedhead moisture maniac s & c but it was expensive so i started using all natural shampoo bars from a handmade soap website i found recently. i have ordered the conditioner but it hasn't come in the mail yet so for right now i use aussie mega conditioner which smells great! the shampoo bars are very economical since half your shampoo runs off your hand in the shower or tub plus for some reason it keeps my hair from getting cowlicks in it when it dries. but i am always willing to experiment for the best products for my hair so tell me what you use and why you love it so much!!!thank you
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Old 09-09-2006, 04:20 AM   #2
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I love the Aussie products too. Since I have my hair colored (to cover the gray) it makes it very soft, shiney and manageable. I've tried the Aussie one that they said you leave on for 3 minutes, don't remember if it's the mega or not, but I didn't really like it that well. I like the regular conditioner for dry hair and it works great for me.
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Old 09-09-2006, 04:23 AM   #3
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I also wanted to say that right before I have my gray colored (about every 5 weeks) I use Prell shampoo. It's very harsh, so I only use it then and just a little, but it really gets rid of any kind of buildup one might have.
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Old 09-09-2006, 04:44 AM   #4
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janet i always use head and shoulders before i get my highlights every summer...i don't have dandruff but i like my hair to be really clean because after they streak my hair i don't wash it for a few days cuz i'm scared it will mess up the color...i've also used baking soda and baby aspirin...i just pu it in my shampoo and it works pretty well...i want to try the aussie deeep for me and my yorkie but can't find it at my hometown walmart-so i guess i'm going to have to go an hour out of my way to the super walmart-we live in a small town but since hurricane katrina we have boomed in population so in a few months they should be thru building our very own superwalmart.
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:07 AM   #5
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We are pantene-ing it right now. Normally, though I use the head and shoulders just to keep buildup off of my hair.
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:48 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by ice queen
janet i always use head and shoulders before i get my highlights every summer...i don't have dandruff but i like my hair to be really clean because after they streak my hair i don't wash it for a few days cuz i'm scared it will mess up the color...i've also used baking soda and baby aspirin...i just pu it in my shampoo and it works pretty well...i want to try the aussie deeep for me and my yorkie but can't find it at my hometown walmart-so i guess i'm going to have to go an hour out of my way to the super walmart-we live in a small town but since hurricane katrina we have boomed in population so in a few months they should be thru building our very own superwalmart.
If you're talking about that deep conditioner they were recommending on YT, that's the one I tried and didn't really care for. I just didn't see any thing different and I used it 3 or 4 times and threw it out. Most on YT said it worked right away, but I didn't see it on myself. Hope it works for you.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:32 AM   #7
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kimberly- i used to use pantene but my hairdresser said it was bad for your hair..at first i thought she was just trying to get me to buy her salon stuff but then i asked my hubby's aunt who is also a hairdresser and she said that it IS bad for your hair-that it strips it then uses silicone to cover the hair strand(makes it shiny)which isn't good for your hair strand because it weakens it and if used for a long time can eventually cause baldness !!!because of your hair breaking off!!!!

janet-well pootie!!! i was all looking forward to trying that Deeeep conditioner-shoot! well the best conditioner i have used so far is bedhead moisture maniac-smells divine!!! you can get it at walmart salons-i used to buy the BIG bottle of it with the shampoo but it would be like 50$ but sometimes you can get it on sale...i had two big bottles and it lasted me over a year but i firgured i would try something different just to see....
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Old 09-10-2006, 08:32 AM   #8
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I have heard from SEVERAL hairdressers that Pantene is bad for your hair. It strips if of your natural oils. I know it makes my hair feel like straw!!!!!!

I use Dove. I have been using it for a while now and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I have very fine, thin, oily hair. I used to not use conditioner at all because it would make my hair too oily. But now I am using the Dove Therapy Intense Moisture in the dark navy blue bottle and it is FABULOUS! I haven't found anything that works so well. My hair is so sily soft and shiny, but it is not oily! It is the only thing I've found that works this well. I am surprised because NO ONE has ever complimented me on my hair because I don't have any of it! And, to my surprise, people have actually been telling me that my hair is so pretty and that inquire how I get it so shiny yet not oily. I tell them it is just Dove Therapy in the dark blue bottle. I just bought some more yesterday. It is a rare occassion that I find a shampoo/conditioner that I like so much that I buy it again! I usually like to try new things, but I'm sticking with Dove.
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Old 09-10-2006, 12:38 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Janet
I also wanted to say that right before I have my gray colored (about every 5 weeks) I use Prell shampoo. It's very harsh, so I only use it then and just a little, but it really gets rid of any kind of buildup one might have.

Just another note about Prell. If your hairdresser messes up your color and gets it too dark, which mine has done twice, Prell will strip some of the color with just one or two shampoos to tone it down.
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Old 09-10-2006, 01:32 PM   #10
ice queen
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marilyn- thanks for the prell tip...sometimes my mom's hairdresser dyes her hair too dark or uses a different brand dye and it comes out darker so i will be sure to tell her about the prell
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Old 09-11-2006, 09:51 AM   #11
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Well let me tell you my mom is a cosmetologist and an instructor so she has given me so many diff products to use and i will be 100% honest here we both use suave!!! It's cheap but it is great and it smells so good!!
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Old 09-11-2006, 09:57 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by RLC12345678
I have heard from SEVERAL hairdressers that Pantene is bad for your hair. It strips if of your natural oils. I know it makes my hair feel like straw!!!!!!

I use Dove. I have been using it for a while now and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I have very fine, thin, oily hair. I used to not use conditioner at all because it would make my hair too oily. But now I am using the Dove Therapy Intense Moisture in the dark navy blue bottle and it is FABULOUS! I haven't found anything that works so well. My hair is so sily soft and shiny, but it is not oily! It is the only thing I've found that works this well. I am surprised because NO ONE has ever complimented me on my hair because I don't have any of it! And, to my surprise, people have actually been telling me that my hair is so pretty and that inquire how I get it so shiny yet not oily. I tell them it is just Dove Therapy in the dark blue bottle. I just bought some more yesterday. It is a rare occassion that I find a shampoo/conditioner that I like so much that I buy it again! I usually like to try new things, but I'm sticking with Dove.
My hair also is very thin and hardly have any. I am going to have to give this Dove THerapy Intense Moisture a try. I am always in search of a fabulous hair product and have yet to really find one I can't live without.

Right now I am using some Matrix Biolage products and am pretty pleased with them.
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Old 09-11-2006, 09:58 AM   #13
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I have really thin fine hair to it used to be thick and long when i was younger but i am going bald i swear.
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Old 09-11-2006, 10:05 AM   #14
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I use to use Suave, I love it too. Of the two I think I like the Aussie better, but the Suave is a very close second. I probably out to switch back and forth, maybe it would be better for my hair.
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Old 09-11-2006, 10:52 AM   #15
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I love Redken shampoo and conditioner but I also use Loreal colorvive shampoo and I like that too.
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