My grandfather has not been doing so well the past few months. I'm pretty worried about him. I think I'm even more worried about my brother Randy and my sister Crissy if something were to happen to him though. Randy has cerebral palsy and idolizes my grandfather and Crissy is only nine and just adores him. He has emphysema as well as heart problems and he's had several strokes. He has also been diagnosed with the early stages of Alzheimer's. Lately, he's been kind of out of it. He thinks that Crissy is at their house when she isn't and hasn't been there all day. Yesterday, he swore that Crissy was in the living room and wanted to know if my brother Bobby was there, too. He kept saying over and over, she was just in here...she was sitting in that chair. He can't be convinced otherwise and five minutes later he'll ask the same person who told him Crissy wasn't there to send her into his room so that he can talk to her "again". He thinks my niece is there when she's not (she's in DC with her family right now) and he hears people knocking on the door when no one is there. He also thinks there is a car in the driveway and describes it in great detail even though nothing is outside. I'm so worried about him... Randy has been so nervous that he just tears things up. (That's what he does when he is VERY upset because he doesn't know how to handle such strong emotions.) Please pray for my family during this difficult time. I'm not ready to lose my grandfather.