Beans Update.
Well, I was able to track down Bean's breeder and was thrilled to know he came from a wonderful family. Originally, I spoke with the teenage daughter who was a doll. She told her mom I called but I didn't leave contact info. so the breeder called the person she originally sold Beans to. Turns out the breeder had a contract stating IF Beans was being given up for any reason that he was to be returned to her or she was to be contacted first. She was not happy at all. Secondly, the owner told the breeder that she only gave Beans up because he attacked her daughter and tried to bite her. I told the breeder that was b.s. that he did not have a mean bone in his body, has shown NO aggression AND, if anything he is very submissive. Also, she was dumbfounded to find out that he lived with a Boxer and Pit Bull. She said when she brougth Beans to the woman NO other dogs were present and that the person told her that they HAD a Boxer but got rid of it because it bit the daughter in the face. The breeder said she could see the scars on the little girl's face. She was also very upset about how he was living too. She said she has only four Yorkies and ony two she breeds and does not breed often and always keeps in touch with those that have the pups. I was afraid she'd want Beans back but she said she has no issues with me keeping him as he's in a good home. Just pissed that the owner did not live up to the contract as who knows where he would have ended up.
On another up note Beans is doing GREAT. He loves Bully Sticks. LOL. Is eating great without over stuffing. He knows the food is always available. We are working hard with the potty training and it's been challenging so I think I may have to get some belly bands. Also, I should call him READY FREDDY. He is constantly trying to make nice with Tia. I cannot wait to get him snipped Monday. Of course hubby was a smart butt and said all that you know what and the poor boy can't get any and he then said "I know how you feel Beans." LOLOL. I told him I could get him neutered too if he'd like. Tee hee. Anyway, here is some updated pictures. Elaine