Originally Posted by gja1000
I agree that the unemployment system is unfair - I wonder why one has to wait so long for benefits??? I remember when my husband got sick and could not work, it took him 8 months to get his social security disability approved and it takes many people much much longer to get it. I can sorta understand that it takes some time to determine that someone is completely disabled - but what the heck are you supposed to do for money in the meantime. Fortunately, I have a good job - but we were not accustomed to living on my salary alone - it's amazing how you can tighten your belt when you have to.
Then he had to apply for medical retirement and that took about 6-8 months too. He was also automatically eligible for some VA disability because he has type II diabetes which is directly connected to Agent Orange exposure from service time in Vietnam. It is an automatic disabililty - if you were in Vietnam and you developed adult onset diabetes, then you get the benefits. There was no question about him having diabetes - he'd had it for 10 years when we applied and it still took FOURTEEN MONTHS to get the benefits started. I still shake my head over that one.
I know you are supposed to have several months of salary saved for just this purpose, but it takes so darned much money to just live these days, I know many people just can't put back that kind of money. When we get our savings account built up, then invariably we have some unexpected big expense and boom, it dwindles down.
Sorry about the rant - there is just something wrong with the system!!!
gayle, your like me at one time i had 20,000 in my savings account, and now its almost down to nothing again, when Mike got his big raise and a company truck, i started taking out 100. out of my pays and automatic deposit into my savings, i don't see it , and i don't budget it in my bills, but if we need some extra money i have to dip in there sometimes, its so hard to save these days your 100% right on that one....