My daughter
I got a call yesterday while at work, my daughter was in the hospital she had been haveing pain all night,vomitiing,diareha, she had a kidney stone removed.
She got there around 7 am, i got there around 9 AM, it took them from then till around 5 pm to tell us the results of the CT scan and then they did the surgery around 6:30 PM and i had her home by 9:30 PM. I stayed the night with her cause she lives alone and i wasn't gona leave her by herself. She's doing good just alittle pain but nothing like earlier, they put a stint in her which she removes herself on Sunday. They removed the one on her right side but said she has one on the left side also but right now it is not bothering her and they would not do both sides at the same time because it would be to much stress on her kidneys so we will probably be doing this again some other day, but hopefully not soon.
'I try to take one day at a time -- but sometimes several days attack me at once.'