The morning from hell !!!
Sadie usually sleeps in my bed , but since she is pregnant she has been getting down in the middle of the night, well she can get down but she can't get back up. This morning about 4:30 she decided she wanted back in bed.... so i roll over and step out of bed to pick her up, my bed is to high to just reach down and get her.....OMG i have never had such back pain in my life, i couldn't move...lay back down or straighten up ....nothing, i felt 3 pops in my back as i tried to get up, my left butt check down my leg had been bothering all week and it just gave out this morning. I yelled at hubby to wake up and we got me layed back down on the bed, finally after laying there for awhile it took me a couple of times but i managed to get up and walk to the kitchen....but OMG did it hurt. By this time the dog's were up and they needed to pee.....OMG it was pouring rain outside....a couple of them don't mind the rain and went out anyways and when they came back in they were drenched....the others that wouldn't go out tried to use the potty pads and a couple of them missed the pad so i had to clean the floor up from the drenched dogs plus the pee where they missed the pad.....OMG my back!!!!
I had to go to work because i have missed days from my daughter and mom plus i had a care plan meeting for mom this afternoon that i really needed to go to to talk with them about a few things, i worked till lunch and then went to an urgent care place, they said i had blood in my urine and it was either a syotic (sp) nerve or i passed a kidney stone, i say the syotic nerve, they gave me scripts, 2 for pain, 1 antibiotic and a steroid pack. I sure wish the pain meds would kick in, i didn't fill the hydrocodon (sp) but right at this moment i kind of wish i had. Oh yeah and hubby had some broken blood vessels in his eye so he look's about the way i feel right now LOL!! It's got to be a better day tomorrow, please pray that it is...Thanks Lynne
'I try to take one day at a time -- but sometimes several days attack me at once.'