Originally Posted by tumblnstar
lol i saw the comment about the cow and the milk and i say out loud "oh no i still have my milk!!!" no we dont have sex or anything like it... we are waiting until we get married... hopefully that will be together and its soo weird that i cant talk to him about it...its like im soo afraid that he will say that its not what he wants that i dont even want to ask! its crazy.. we really do have such open conversation about everything....except this!... i think it really streams from the fact that we arent romantic..or mushy..so we dont really sit down and say ok... we are in love lets get married. im just going to have to get up the courage and sit down and ask the question. im just terrified that he's not going to want to marry me. im 21 by the way and hes 29. i know i know all of you ladies are going to say..youre too young ... but if youve gone what i have gone through since i was 16.. you'd be ready to settle down and have babies too
My ex was 28 when we were going to get married. Unfortunately, a lot of men wait until there mid to late 30's. Guess they feel they are grown up now.
Do they ever really, though?
And you are still very young. Find someone who wants to marry you and treats you like the queen you are!!!
Oh, is he still a virgin too? Who's idea was to wait until marriage to have sex?