12-01-2006, 02:56 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 450
Originally Posted by Lissa
Sorry, but I couldn't pass this up.
You say this is a land of free speech. Yes, it's your right to say Merry Christmas, but it's also the checker's right to say Happy Holidays. You can't argue free speech and then yell at someone for exercising the right themself.
Let's be honest with ourselves. Christmas is a pagan holiday that was adopted by the Roman church to win over more followers that didn't want to give up their holidays. Christmas was a celebration of the Winter Solstice and many pagan's held celebrations around that time. Easter is the Spring Equinox. The Christians appropriated many pagan festivals and traditions of the season, that were practiced in many parts of the Middle East and Europe, as a means of stamping them out. There were mid-winter festivals in ancient Babylon and Egypt, and Germanic fertility festivals also took place at this time. The birth of the ancient sun-god Attis in Phrygia was celebrated on December 25th, as was the birth of the Persian sun-god, Mithras. The Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a festival dedicated to Saturn, the god of peace and plenty, that ran from the 17th to 24th of December. Public gathering places were decorated with flowers, gifts and candles were exchanged and the population, slaves and masters alike, celebrated the occasion with great enthusiasm. The earliest English reference to December 25th as Christmas Day did not come until 1043.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not an athiest. I'm one of those Christians that doesn't live her life as a contradiction. I follow the Bible and nothing but the Bible, and we were not instructed or authorized to set apart a day to celebrate Christ's birth, we were told to celebrate his death in weekly Communion.
To me Christmas isn't about Christ, it's a time to get together with your family.
So for me, it's a hearty Happy Chrismahanukwanzika to all.
You say this is a land of free speech. Yes, it's your right to say Merry Christmas, but it's also the checker's right to say Happy Holidays. You can't argue free speech and then yell at someone for exercising the right themself.
Yes, you are absolutely right! But, the checkers DON'T have a choice...they are told my their employers that they HAVE to say Happy Holidays...My gripe isn't the fact of saying Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays...My gripe is that this has only happened since all of this "political correctness" has come about....Never in my life have I ever heard someone be upset because someone said Merry Christmas,...If I said (which I have done)Merry Christmas to someone that didn't celebrate the holiday and they TOLD me they were Jewish, or another religion that didn't celebrate Christmas I would apologize and with them Happy Holidays....But..DON'T get in my face (talking hypothetically here) and tell me I am insulting you by saying Merry Christmas...This is the way I was brought up and this is the way I am going to stay....All this "political correctness C**P" is just insane...Let's go back to the way it was when I was in high school.....30yrs ago!