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Old 12-08-2006, 04:50 AM   #1
Donating 4WT 2000 Club Member
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Have we gotten more judgmental?

In another thread, we were discussing retro television, and Tink mentioned that on the Dean Martin Show, he smoked and drank and it was still considered family viewing.

This is so true. I look back at how we dressed in the 60' and 70's and it seems that we have gotten more judgmental than in the past. We wore short skirts or shorts and halter tops and it was okay, but we did not sleep around. Now the everyday dress is actually more conservative, but more people are sexually active.

It's kinda like there is more bad in the world so to differentiate from the bad, we have gone extreme on where we draw the line sometimes. And yet, we are more accepting of other behaviors that in the past were considered bad.


Then - It was okay for Dean Martin to drink and smoke on TV, but it was unthinkable that a graphic love scene would be shown. They went so far as to have married couples in twin beds, i.e. Dick Van Dyke Show.

Now - Drinking and smoking would be very out of place on a "family" show, but living together and not being married would be okay. Also, homosexuality during family time on TV is now considered okay.

Maybe we are not more judgmental, just that the standards of appropriateness have changed. Any thoughts?
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