Originally Posted by RLC12345678
Well, I've just had too many friends get pregnant from switching brands. And their doctors told them when they switched brands that they had a risk of getting pregnant, and they did get pregnant. And my hubby told me that he doesn't want to risk me getting pregnant right now just to switch brands of birth control pills. Obviously there is at least SOME risk of getting pregnant if you switch.
Everyone has their own opinon and i'm not knocking yours i have switched brands a few times and never had a problem but there are rare cases that it could happen if you don't take them like you are supposed to or if you have unprotected sex before the recomended time I would never take medical advice from a chat forum it is always best to talk to your doctor about it but a forum can help you ask very good questions and the pills that make you skip your period don't work for everyone they didn't work for me.