I'm Engaged!!
Well, I just got back from the weekend of my life... Jody proposed to me yesterday!! It was SOOOOOOOO unexpected... I had NO IDEA it was coming this soon... We went away on Thursday to a Bed and Breakfast in Vernon NJ... That night we went to a pub for food and drinks.. The next morning we woke up and drove into Warwick NY to Wawayanda State Park... We hiked down Pump House Trail... Mean while I was flipping out because we were in Bear Country and there was bear poop EVERYWHERE!! Around 10:45 Jody looked at me and said, "i have a present for you in my pocket, do you want it?" I thought he was joking around like maybe he had a rock or stone in his pocket...Anyway, he told me to cover my eyes and when I opened them there he was on one knee holding the ring box opened... "he said, "Brooke, you are so beautiful and I love you more then anything in the world. Would you marry me?" I was totally blown away and said, "Your kidding right?" I started crying and shaking and hugged him and then he's like "um, do you want to marry me" I said of course.. The rig is BEAUTIFUL!! It's exactly what I wanted!! ANyway, it was the most romantic day of my life!! I couldn't have wanted my engagement any other way!! I couldn't wait to call all my friends and family!! Everyone is SOOOOO happy and they love Jody so much!! I wasn't able to take picutres when we actually got engaged cause no one was there but here are some we took back at the room.. Enjoy!!