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Old 07-03-2007, 11:47 AM   #1
Donating 4WT 2000 Club Member
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The survey is done!

The survey went better than I'd dared hope.
The man next door was arrested yesterday so is still in jail, so wasn't here to cause problems during the survey. His friend who lives there with him came out twice to talk with the surveyor, but didn't get nasty about anything. He did call the soon-to-be ex wife, who rushed over to check things out. She stated in front of the surveyor that since she's moved, she has no concerns about us putting up a fence. The land is in HER name, so the surveyor said he'd go ahead with the fence.
We lost about 53 feet on the back side of our house, which put that lot line between us and our Amish neighbors right through our back porch. I have already talked with them and they've agreed to let us have that 53 feet provided we pay for the changes to the legal descriptions and let them put a barbed wire fence along the new boundary so they can pasture their horses there without objecting. I told them we love horses, would gladly pay for the legal work, and we shook hands on it. So the surveyor included that in with the boundaries he marked out. It gives us an additional 1/5 of an acre.

The side toward the problem neighbor also moved over 53 feet. We now own far more than we realized or hoped for on that side. They'd tried to claim up to our garage; we had tried to claim along the line where we put the young willow trees... You can see by the picture how much additional land we gained. In the background you can see how much of their garden is on our land. We also ended up with a nice big patch of raspberries behind the garden. From where the garden starts by the surveyor, the propery extends back about70 feet into the trees.

Note the side of the gold garage which is ours... and the placement of the surveyor and his equipment which are on the boundary line. The land in between is what we gained by doing the survey.That width, and out to the road behind where the picture was taken.

'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'
England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'
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