Hi, I'm new to 4 Women talk, I found it off of Google believe it or not.Anyway, so you can get to know me, my name is Carla, my user name tells a lot about me, I'm a huge Olivia Newton-John fan, I don't obsess over her though. At least not anymore. I have a husband, John and four kids, Chloe,Dakota,Jolene and Johnny. Chloe is 15, Jolene is 11, Dakota is 6 and Johnny is 9. We have three dogs, a yellow Lab, an Irish setter and a rottwelier. Their names are

going in order) Tasha,Maggie and Clyde. Clyde, the rottweiler is very good with the kids, he's my 6 year old's dog actually, not a mean bone in his body unless you hurt a kid any kid really. We have a little zoo here at our house: three dogs, two cats(one is pregnant) five hens, a rooster, a parrot,two finchs,three guinea pigs,a hamster,seventeen fish, a turtle and four frogs. Whew! Luckily, the chickens,fish,turtles and frogs live outside since we have a pond in the backyard.
I'm very bust during the day, but the kids are outside playing with dogs and I can keep an eye on them right now. Chloe and I get inot a lot of arguments but I remember doing it with my mom too. She thinks because she's older she'll get to go out for long periods of time with boys and that's a big NO! I hope to hear back from you!