Originally Posted by Tink
I wonder if the reason the boys were moved to a different bus is just to get their bulldog of a mother to loosen her grip on this issue and finally let it end. If any of what she's accused you of was believed, it would have been YOU removed instead of the boys; so I really doubt anyone is taking her seriously. But you can bet they're sick of having to deal with her!
WIth kids that ill-behaved, it's only a matter of time before there's another episode since they seem to have gotten by with it this time. When that happens, people will see just where the problem lies.
Karma will come around and bite them on the butt.
And something funny Tink, our school...Clinton Central Bulldogs!!! LOLOL
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1