Originally Posted by Gina
Gayle so happy to hear that your granddaughter is fine. I like Diana have a mitro valve prolapse along with a slight heart murmur. I didnt know until well after I had kids. I drink coffee and have plenty of stress in my life lol. Sometimes my heart races to. If it skips a beat I find like others mentioned if I cough hard it goes back to normal.
Gayle I always took antibodics for dental work now they are saying that the ADA has changed you no longer have to take. But I still do.. what are you feelings? Diana do you take before going to dentist?
We are all horribly over "antibioticked". I'm not sure why the ADA has recommended no antibiotics, but there is probably research to show that it doesn't help - but it does hurt by contributing to the proliferation of more "superbugs". Overuse of antibiotics are why we have ear infections resistant to treatment, as well as sinus infections, and other bugs, such as MRSA. I think if someone is really prone to get infections, then antibiotics are necessary, if not, don't. I'm also very concerned about the antibiotic hand soap that every one uses. That too, will create bugs that are resistant. We should use the alcohol gel, not the antimicrobial soap. The alcohol get is not an antibiotic - it is just alcohol that kills bacteria and viruses - quite harmless.