Originally Posted by AngieDoogles
Marilyn, I forgot to mention that you will just LOVE the Nikon D60. My boss uses Nikon so that's what I use in studio and for weddings. You should try to read up on aperture, shutter speed, and ISO and then try some manual settings. You'll have A LOT more control over how your pic looks and once the relationship between the three clicks for you, it's easy. It might take a while to really click though and it can be frustrating at times. It's really worth the effort in the end though (in my opinion).  If you ever need help with anything, let me know. If I don't know the answer (I still have SO much to learn), I can ask someone who does! 
Thank you Angie for the encouragement and offer of help. I took a photography course once, but that was many, many moons ago, and not sure I actually remember very much. Nikon has a video tutorial, but it is currently out of stock, but I do hope to learn how to work with the manual settings. I've taken some nice pictures already on auto and by turning the flash off and using the available lighting. The only problem is sometimes the shutter is so slow, I need a tripod because it's just not possible to hold still enough to eliminate the blur. I'll have to start another thread on Christmas lights and post some that I took so you can see. I think they turned out well even if I was shooting on auto.
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