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Old 11-10-2006, 07:30 PM   #1
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For the "pushing 50 ladies"

I am 49 yrs young...I am perimenopausal....I had my period 3 weeks ago and started again today!!!!! ARRGGGGGHHHH! WHEN WILL IT END!!! Just want to know if any of you ladies out there are at "this lovely time" in our lifes...are your periods all messed up? I am ready to change......NOW! LOL....
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Old 11-10-2006, 08:47 PM   #2
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I'm 49 too and going through it with ya'. My last period never quit. It just got a lot lighter but now it's started again!!! My hormones are out of whack!! I'm having heart palpatations, hot flashes, and headaches again. I think that it's time to go back to the dr. and get my Prempro dosage upped!!! Uuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
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Old 11-11-2006, 05:07 AM   #3
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I feel so bad for you ladies. I didn't have to go through all that. Hysterectomy cured that slow agonizing torture... All I had to do was start taking the hormone Premarin and everything is just fine!! I think????
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Old 11-11-2006, 06:39 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Janet
I feel so bad for you ladies. I didn't have to go through all that. Hysterectomy cured that slow agonizing torture... All I had to do was start taking the hormone Premarin and everything is just fine!! I think????

I'm with Janet, hysterectomy along with ovaries at 35 and Premarin since then. I still have the flashes occasionally and I HATE them
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Old 11-11-2006, 02:20 PM   #5
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I will be 52 next week and have only had 2 periods in the past 7 months. I am somewhat more emotional than usual, but not nearly as bad as some I've known or heard about. I do get an occassional "power surge", but they seldom last long.

I too just want this to be over with NOW. LOL

I often think of Archie Bunker telling Edith she had just 5 minutes to get this chage business done with and get back to normal. If ONLY it were that easy!

I don't have any advice, but wanted to jump in with the others in letting you know you are NOT alone!
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Old 11-11-2006, 03:23 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Tink
I will be 52 next week and have only had 2 periods in the past 7 months. I am somewhat more emotional than usual, but not nearly as bad as some I've known or heard about. I do get an occassional "power surge", but they seldom last long.

I too just want this to be over with NOW. LOL

I often think of Archie Bunker telling Edith she had just 5 minutes to get this chage business done with and get back to normal. If ONLY it were that easy!

I don't have any advice, but wanted to jump in with the others in letting you know you are NOT alone!
LOL! thanks! I agree with Archie!! LOL have you ever had your period and then a few weeks later bleed again? this happened to me yesterday...I thought I was starting again but it was just for the day....I to get more emotional and my fuse is a little shorter than it used to be....I realize this and try to control it...of course my husband doesn't help!! and I tell him to just let me be but, you know how men can be... I use the always thin pads with wings....I never noticed this before but on the (wing) paper it says "have a happy period" I called my husband in the bathroom and said CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS!!! HAVE A HAPPY PERIOD! had to be a man that came up with that one! well hundreds of woman before went through it and now it's our time but ENOUGH ALREADY!!
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Old 11-11-2006, 03:39 PM   #7
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i am 47 and i havent had a period in over 2 years, i do get the occasional flush mainly at night when i am in bed. as far as being emotional i dont think i am though my husband would probably tell you otherwise but i dont feel like i have changed any. i just hope things dont get worse the older i get so far it's been pretty smooth sailing.
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Old 11-11-2006, 03:45 PM   #8
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I haven't had more periods at all. I love that I haven't had one for so long... it's been about 4 months and I haven't missed it at all.

I am less tolerant of peoples bad attitudes, especially at home; and I find myself tearing up at things that normally wouldn't have bothered me. I lost a young man a yr ago who was like a son to me though, and have been rather depressed since that anyway, so can't say for sure how much of this is related to that.

Certain songs will make me get choked up and I don't have the strong constitution about a lot of things that I used to. I blame it to age because it's a handy scapegoat. LOL
Who knows, maybe it's environmental as much as hormonal?
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Old 11-11-2006, 03:59 PM   #9
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Isn't growing older just the best thing??????

Hot flashes, peeing when you laugh/cry, crying at the drop of a hat, losing our tempers, having patience, being sad, being happy, being emotional, not caring, loving our family, wanting them out of the house, being confused, knowing it all.

Can't get any better than that!!!!
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 11-11-2006, 04:11 PM   #10
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'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'
England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'
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Old 11-11-2006, 04:33 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Janet
Isn't growing older just the best thing??????

Hot flashes, peeing when you laugh/cry, crying at the drop of a hat, losing our tempers, having patience, being sad, being happy, being emotional, not caring, loving our family, wanting them out of the house, being confused, knowing it all.

Can't get any better than that!!!!

LOL! don't forget peeing when you sneeze, and cough!
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Old 11-11-2006, 05:36 PM   #12
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My goodness ladies. You all sound like you are fallin' apart !

I'm 52. Won't admit it to most people. Never had many periods anyway. Infertility issues, but have two daughters, so things worked out.

Hysterectomy in '95 ended all of that anyway. I was on Climara patches (estrogen) until earlier this year. Just wanted to add a note of caution to those of you on hormone replacement. Please, please be diligent with you annual checkups, self breast exams, and mammograms. I had to stop hormone replacement due to a lump in my breast. It was not cancer, yet, but if it had been, it was large enough to be reason for concern. It was actually too small to feel, but I'd missed a couple of mammograms, and was kicking myself for skipping while we were waiting from biopsy results. I've now had two biopsies, neither showed actual cancer, but my oncologist at Baylor Medical Breast Cancer Center in Houston has be taking Evista for the next 5 years which has been found to prevent breast cancer, and I have mammograms every 6 months now.

The problem is Estrogen feeds cancer. Women on hormone replacement are at greater risk of developing breast cancer. There's lots of information on the web to support this. My mother took Premarin for 40 years without problems, so I thought I would be okay, but my doctors got me off the Climara very quickly when this all happened. They used to think that the estrogen protected your heart and bones, and helped prevent Alzheimers, but now they think it may actually cause these problems.

At first I was extremely moody, would cry for no reason at all, but I've gotten much better now. I really don't miss the hormones and I've lost weight and feel much healthier. I have been working out and trying to eat a healthier diet (no trans fat, more fish and chicken, whole grains, more vegetables, very limited sweets), so not sure what is causing me to feel better, but I know the hormones are not necessary for me to feel good.

Hope you all can get through the memopause thing, and stay healthy.
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Old 11-11-2006, 07:11 PM   #13
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I have heard so many bad things on hormone replacement...I am opting to just take the bull by the horns and hang on for a rough ride! I will probably try soy products..I would rather have a hot flash than cancer. My Aunt had a partial several years ago and was put on replacement therapy and just by chance was reading a magazine in her doctors office about the pills she was taking...she got tested and sure enough she had lesions on her ovaries...had to go and have the rest removed...I haven't gotten the night sweats...I have read that some woman don't,,,only the hot flashes...these I can deal with.
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Old 11-11-2006, 07:52 PM   #14
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I"m with you ladies when it comes to hormone replacements. I'm not wanting to even try them since I've heard too many scary things about it.

I have several medical problems that I'm on meds for, and take those because they help to keep me going, but I avoid whatever meds that I can.

In the past I've been prescribed Celebrex for my arthritis but opted not to take them because they really aren't going to lengthen my life, and the side affects might actually shorten it. I was on Celebrex for about 4 months, and that's when I had my heart attack. I had been off it for several months due to the expense (it was VERY pricey!) when it came out that celebrex has been proven to cause heart problems.
I'd rather ache than have another heart attack!

In the same vein, I'd rather wait out these pesty menopause symptoms to go away on their own than to end up with cancer or something else from taking them.
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Old 11-11-2006, 09:35 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Tink
I"m with you ladies when it comes to hormone replacements. I'm not wanting to even try them since I've heard too many scary things about it. ................In the same vein, I'd rather wait out these pesty menopause symptoms to go away on their own than to end up with cancer or something else from taking them.
I felt that way too and then I started having hot flashes and night sweats. I couldn't sleep at night because I was either throwing off covers or trying to find them to put them back on or just laying there, awake. At first it wasn't too bad and I thought "Hey, this is going to be a breeze!" After all my Mom didn't have any trouble going through the change. WRONG!!! I was extrememly grouchy...... or crying all the time. So my doctor recommended going on Prempro for a year and see how things are when I go off. She thought that it might help me get through the worst of it. We'll see!!
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