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Old 10-29-2010, 11:33 AM   #31
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Gayle you are so right in what you say, i totally agree.

Well today has been a very eventful day..... I had a phonecall this morning informing me that my Uncle had had a FALL

The carer had gone in at 8.10 and found him on the floor in the bedroom, luckily he had only been there about 10 minutes.

So he is now in hospital with a fractured pelvis, he is in a lot of pain, and on pain relief. They have told me he is likely to be in for some time as he will need to get his mobility back - I am relieved about this, because i dont think he could cope at home alone at the moment.

But oh my it just seems to be one thing after the other happening to me.....

It is also his 83rd Birthday tomorrow - I can think of better places to spend a birthday.

I should know more tomorrow, I think they are going to be sending him to a rehabilitation place, to get him more mobile, once they have his pain under control.

I am going to have some food and a glass or bottle of wine, and try to relax, after another stressful 8 hour hospital visit - didnt think i would be back there so soon after my Aunty.

My Mottos are....
Just live for today..... and let tomorrow take care of itself

Live each day as if it's your last - and hope that tomorrow you wake up to find that it wasn't
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Old 10-29-2010, 06:08 PM   #32
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Oh my......that's too bad about your Uncle. Thank goodness he didn't lay on the floor for very long. At least he'll be in a good place and be taken well care of for awhile......hopefully long enough that you get a good rest before taking over again. Hugs!!
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Old 10-30-2010, 06:51 AM   #33
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Oh my! Poor man! Relax a bit while he is in the hospital so that you have energy for yourself. If you get used up, you won't be any help for him anyway.

I am so very sorry all this is happening to your family.

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Old 10-30-2010, 01:10 PM   #34
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Thank you..... I have visited him today and he is ok, but still in a lot of pain, he was told that he has a chip in pelvis and hip bone????? But he is going to ask for another x-ray.

He had some physio today, but he is a little resistant to it as he is in such pain, he is on a quite mild painkiller as stronger ones are tending to make him sick. He feels he is getting pushed into the physio, and they dont appreciate the pain he is in, i told them he has a high pain tolererance level anyway, so if he is in pain then it is BAD. He told me it is worse than when he broke his hip 2 years ago, this is much worse.

He is also not got much of an appetite, i think with some rest and if the pain eases, he will get some mobility back, he wants to be back home, but does realise it is not practical. I hope the medics etc understand he is not just wanting a little recreational holiday in bed!!!!! I will make sure they do understand.....

My Mottos are....
Just live for today..... and let tomorrow take care of itself

Live each day as if it's your last - and hope that tomorrow you wake up to find that it wasn't
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Old 10-30-2010, 02:10 PM   #35
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Oh my

So sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope he does rest so he can start moving soon.

Lots of hugs to you.
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