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Old 08-15-2011, 05:34 PM   #1
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God is sooo good!!!!!

We have had the scare of a lifetime!!! Yesterday after Dae Lynn and Damon left I went outside to repot some plants. I took Dean out with me and since it was so nice I took off his clothes and let him play in the hose and a large bowl we bought for him to swim in. Since their diapers swell up so much I took it off to and was letting him play in the water naked. Soon Karlie came out with her swimsuit on and joined the fun.

We had church but since I wasn't feeling too well I decided to stay home with the kids but Glen had to go because of a vote that was being taken at church. Glen stopped outside to talk to me then walked to the garage, got in the Tahoe, and backed out. I had my back to the garage and wasn't paying attention until I heard Glen screaming "Oh my Lord! Oh my Lord!" I ran over and asked what was wrong and he said that he had just ran over Dean. Glen was running around the Tahoe trying to figure out just exactly where he was. I found him almost under the driver's seat on his hands and knees crying. Glen crawled underneath and got him out.

We ran inside and I asked for a warm washrag to wash off the scrapes that Dean had but in carrying him I could tell that his hips hurt. I took him in and layed him on our bed and looked him over and I could tell that he had actually been ran over!!! So Glen immediately called the hospital to let them know that we were on our way in. I cried almost the whole way in. I can't tell you how scared I was!!!! Our doctor met us at the door and she checked him over right away. Blood work was done right away and x-rays too. Poor Dean cried but he was a real trooper. Again I could tell that his hips were hurting him when I had to lay him down. Dean finally fell asleep for awhile and during that time the x-rays were examined and it was decided that even though everything looked fine the doctor wanted him to be taken to a larger hospital just in case any problems showed up.......mainly internal bleeding. By this time Dae Lynn and Damon were called and they just turned around and headed back home. We had to decide whether to air lift him to Wichita or go by ambulance but while they were making the decision one of the ambulances was called to an emergency that was going to take it out of town......meaning that we no longer had a choice.......Dean was air lifted to Wichita. Actually, Dean rode in a helicopter with only two other people with him. There was no room for anyone else to ride along which made it really hard for Dae Lynn who was at the hospital by that time. It made it a lot easier because the nurse that was flying with him was actually a good friend of ours and she ended up staying in contact with us.

I went with Dean as he was loaded in the helicopter and Dae Lynn and Damon went ahead and left to get to Wichita as soon as they could. We were told that Dean was awake and sucking his thumb during the trip out.....looking all around. He was strapped to a board but they loosened it so he could suck his thumb. We were called soon after he made it to Wichita and a body scan was done. As hard as it was to believe the doctors couldn't find any injuries or broken bones but wanted to keep him overnight to be safe. By the time Glen and I got out there Dean was sitting on his Mama's lap, eating Cheerios, and chatting with everyone!!!! What a relief to this Grandma!!!!

Dean was released this afternoon and Dae Lynn and I got home about 5:30. Dean is really sore and right now walking is out of the question. His hips are too sore and as soon as he puts any weight on his legs he begins to whine. Dae Lynn's giving him Tylenol and Motrin for the pain and I think that in a couple of days he'll be good as new. She has an appointment on Friday to meet with Deans' doctor and have him checked out again.

I can't tell you how much I cried yesterday.....some from what had happened and some from what COULD have happened. We are just really praising God!! Glen had known because he had felt a bump when he backed out.......we think that an angel held his hand over Dean and protected him. Not just that but also helping Dean to fall in just the right position to not get hurt!!! Makes me want to start crying again!!! God is soooo good!!!!!
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Old 08-15-2011, 05:44 PM   #2
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What a horrible scare Diana. So glad to know that Dean is going to be okay. How about Glen, how's he doing? He had to be so upset. I can't imagine the fear he must have felt. God is good Diana.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 08-15-2011, 05:45 PM   #3
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Praising the good Lord, with tears in my eyes for you.
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Old 08-15-2011, 05:51 PM   #4
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I cannot imagine, Diana!

Thank you God for watching over this beautiful baby, and keeping him safe. Please take the fear from Diana and Glen, and his parents and Katie. You are so good to protect little Dean that way. We are all so grateful.

The tears are coming, Diana. I want to reach out and hug you, and to kiss Dean.

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Old 08-15-2011, 06:30 PM   #5
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Diana, I think you are right, an angel protected Dean from the tires. I just can't imagine what you must have though, I think I would have been hysterical. Is Glen OK, I imagine he is feeling terrible, but it was simply an accident. You all have been through the ringer these past few days. Take care of yourself, and Dean!
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Old 08-15-2011, 06:46 PM   #6
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You all bring tears to my eyes!!! You are all so special!!!

Judy, thank you for your prayer!!!

Glen has really been blaming himself. He had checked on Dean before he went into the garage but Dean is so fast and he must have followed him. I wasn't paying any attention and I've tried to take the blame as well. I know that a lot of people have been praying for him. It was an accident and we have to recognize it as such but sometimes that's hard to do. Thank goodness this has a happy ending. One thing about Glen is he is soooo careful about things. He's always trying to look ahead for any problems and prevent them ahead of time. Usually he'll tell me to keep an eye on Dean but between the two of us it was over looked this time.

Gayle, Glen was so upset that I couldn't get hysterical. One of us had to stay in control and this time it was me. Other times it is Glen. At first I really didn't think that Dean had been run over. I thought that he had just gone under the car but when Glen said that he had felt a bump when he backed up and I saw a red mark in Dean's groin then I knew that we had to get him to the hospital. At one point Glen said that he was worried about me. I did cry a lot after we got to the ER and I thanked God over and over and over!!!!!!

The accident had to be turned in to the sheriff and I guess that it's already made the paper. Of course with Dean being a minor it won't have his name and Glen actually goes by his middle name so most people won't know who Roger Baker is!!!! It's just a small article next to accidents. That's big news for our town........Thank goodness it has a happy ending.
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Old 08-16-2011, 06:30 AM   #7
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Thank God for taking care of little Dean!!
I can't imagine the fear you all went thru. I truly do believe in Angel's. Dean met his.

Prayers for a quick recovery for Dean.. and prayers for you and Glen too.. [HUGS]
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Old 08-16-2011, 07:11 AM   #8
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Poor Glen! It will take him time to be able to live with this. Of course it was an accident, but he is only human, and will probably blame himself. Maybe a visit with your pastor would help?

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Old 08-16-2011, 12:45 PM   #9
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I'm so very thankful that everything turned out ok. Whew! Lives can change in the blink of an eye.
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Old 08-16-2011, 02:40 PM   #10
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I thought that I'd give you an update on Dean. Today he's crawling all around and standing but you can tell that it hurts to walk. I really thought that he'd be back to at least walking by tomorrow but I'm not so sure now. I can really tell that he's favoring one leg. I think that he probably has a sore hip. Dae Lynn has an appointment on Friday with a pediatrician so if it's still sore she'll take a look at it closer.

The accident was in the paper and even had Dean's name listed. Jaci works at our hardware store and said that everyone's talking about it. I think that the whole town has been praying for Dean!!!! That's small town living for ya'!!!!!
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Old 08-17-2011, 06:35 AM   #11
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Thank God Dean is okay, Diana! I feel so bad for Glen!

Hopefully, he will be walking around very very soon!

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Old 08-17-2011, 08:46 AM   #12
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Thank you for the update Diana.....so happy to know he is doing better. Won't be long and he'll be back into everything. I hope Glen is feeling better about the accident.....it was just an accident.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 08-17-2011, 08:56 AM   #13
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Dean's starting to take a few steps then he drops down and crawls. He's not fussy or anything........just happy as usual!!! It sure hasn't stopped him from climbing and getting into things!!! He just climbed in a chair and pulled out half a package of baby wipes!!!! I think that he's taking advantage of the fact that we're feeling sorry for him and knows that he probably won't get spanked!!!!!
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Old 08-17-2011, 02:21 PM   #14
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I'm so glad he is doing better. He'll be back to normal before you know it!
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Old 08-18-2011, 06:33 AM   #15
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Another update.........Dean's walking a little more this morning!!! He's gone into my bedroom and found a little antique stroller with a couple of dolls and he's pushing and pulling it all over......of course, it is with a little limp!!!! That's a good sign!!! I noticed yesterday that he has a bruise on the bottom of his foot and it's the leg that he's favoring so that may be the problem. I'm sure the doctor will take a good look at it tomorrow.

Our insurance adjuster was here yesterday and it looks like everything will be taken care of. It's going to go on our auto insurance and he told us that the helicopter ride will definitely be the most expensive part of the bill. I'm curious to find out the total cost. He had a little white bear for Dean and when Karlie saw it she commented that she wished that she had been run over!!! I told her that she surely didn't mean that but if that was what she wanted then to come outside and I'd run over her so she could get a bear too!!! She quickly changed her mind!!! That girl......I tell you she has a mouth on her!!!!!
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