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Old 11-21-2006, 06:58 PM   #1
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Given the choice, would you:

Given the choice, would you:

Have a slamming body with an ugly face OR have a beautiful face with severely bowed legs and a butt that fills doorways?

Guess that we will have a black male president or a white female president first?

Have a dozen children or none at all?

Be married to a very poor man and share passionate love OR be married to a rich man who you don't love?

Rather lose your sight or voice?
'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'
England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'
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Old 11-22-2006, 04:18 AM   #2
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Given the choice, would you:

Have a slamming body with an ugly face OR have a beautiful face with severely bowed legs and a butt that fills doorways? Easier to have something done to the face than the whole body.

Guess that we will have a black male president or a white female president first? That one was tough...

Have a dozen children or none at all? When I was young, that is exactly how many I wanted...then it gradually went down to 5. I'm very blessed with my one.

Be married to a very poor man and share passionate love OR be married to a rich man who you don't love? Boy this one is tough too! Why can't I choose rich man and passionate love?

Rather lose your sight or voice?
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 11-22-2006, 07:05 AM   #3
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Given the choice, would you:

Have a slamming body with an ugly face OR have a beautiful face with severely bowed legs and a butt that fills doorways? I would rather have a great body. Like Janet, I think that a face can be made to look better with makeup or surgery.

Guess that we will have a black male president or a white female president first? I think that we'll have a woman for president first. I wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton, but I think that she'll probably make it.

Have a dozen children or none at all? I believe that children are a gift from God. I would have a dozen!!! Of course, you may find me at the looney farm!!

Be married to a very poor man and share passionate love OR be married to a rich man who you don't love? I would rather be married to a very poor man and share passionate love. Money doesn't always bring happiness. My husband and I have a passionate relationship and I can't imagine being married and not having that relationship.

Rather lose your sight or voice? I have always thought that loosing your sight would be one of the worst things that could happen to a peson. You can't read, watch tv, do needlework, or so many other things. However, I love to sing so loosing my voice wouldn't be easy either, but I would rather lose my voice than my sight.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up......

After I stop laughing!!!
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Old 11-22-2006, 08:57 PM   #4
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Given the choice, would you:

Have a slamming body with an ugly face OR have a beautiful face with severely bowed legs and a butt that fills doorways? I'd have the ugly face...easier to disguise

Guess that we will have a black male president or a white female president first? hmmm...since I'm a woman, I vote for a woman president!

Have a dozen children or none at all? none

Be married to a very poor man and share passionate love OR be married to a rich man who you don't love? I'm being shallow here...I'd rather be married to the rich man.

Rather lose your sight or voice? My voice...you can communicate other ways...but I'd hate to loose my sight!
"If you can read this, thank a teacher and since it's in English, thank a soldier"
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Old 11-24-2006, 06:34 PM   #5
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Have a slamming body with an ugly face OR have a beautiful face with severely bowed legs and a butt that fills doorways?I would want a healthy body, so i guess I would go for the ugly face... i tell my daughter all the time, when some one has a beautiful heart they become beautiful to you ...i think that's very true.

Guess that we will have a black male president or a white female president first? I think we will have a black president.
Have a dozen children or none at all? I would have a dozen children, and hope there were a few sets pf twins in there!!!

Be married to a very poor man and share passionate love OR be married to a rich man who you don't love? I would take love over money any day...
Rather lose your sight or voice? Being an artist I couldn't want to lose my sight... I already know sign languange so i could lose my voice, and sing in heaven when I get there!!!!
Just remember...I can't spell!!!

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Old 11-28-2006, 08:52 PM   #6
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Given the choice, would you:

Have a slamming body with an ugly face OR have a beautiful face with severely bowed legs and a butt that fills doorways? I agree, easier to fix the face!!

Guess that we will have a black male president or a white female president first?I simply think it's coming... not that I like who it's coming to!!

Have a dozen children or none at all?not having children is SIMPLY not an option, I would much rather have a dozen (but would prefer half a dozen ha ha)

Be married to a very poor man and share passionate love OR be married to a rich man who you don't love?I wouldn't be happy if I was very poor, sorry

Rather lose your sight or voice?I love to sing (and talk ha ha) but I already know some signlanguage, it's an easier way then not seeing! i couldn't imagine not being able to see new babies, or my wedding dress!
God has filled my arms
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Old 12-14-2006, 12:05 AM   #7
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Given the choice, would you:

Have a slamming body with an ugly face OR have a beautiful face with severely bowed legs and a butt that fills doorways? I think I would rather have a beautiful face cause you can always get lipo and a face is just the first thing you are always going to look at. You can fix your body.

Guess that we will have a black male president or a white female president first? I think a white female president first.

Have a dozen children or none at all? A dozen children.

Be married to a very poor man and share passionate love OR be married to a rich man who you don't love? No answer

Rather lose your sight or voice? My voice, cause then you can't see the beautiful things in the world and you can always learn sign language.
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Old 12-16-2006, 08:20 AM   #8
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Have a slamming body with an ugly face OR have a beautiful face with severely bowed legs and a butt that fills doorways? LOL THAT IS TOUGH - I'd have to say face cause of the surgery they can do these days -

Guess that we will have a black male president or a white female president first? I wish we had both a Black Pres and WOMAN Vice pres - or the other way around. The white dudes aren't cutting the mustard these days in my opinion.

Have a dozen children or none at all? hmmmmm......after reading the question below - I WANT to say a dozen but only if I snagged that rich man - which i did NOT.

Be married to a very poor man and share passionate love OR be married to a rich man who you don't love? I've had the passion. When I was younger it was ok to be in love and broke - as I got older - money is pretty important - especially when it's gone. I'd go with the rich guy now.

Rather lose your sight or voice? VOICE - eyes can talk.
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