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Old 02-09-2007, 04:20 PM   #1
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Hi Everyone...

I am sorry I haven't popped on here in awhile. Things have been crazy and stressful here and time seems to be flying by. I can't believe February is half over already!

My husband and I both lost our jobs just before Christmas. It hasn't been easy, but we are making it. We sold our '95 chevy Blazer so we were able to pay it off and since that was the only real debt we had, that has made things easier on us.

The breeder I bought Maddie from and her friend said my check came back as NSF...but my bank that the check was through had no record of a NSF check or of the check itself. I ended up paying $600 to them without ever seeing a copy of the NSF check. A very wonderful special person loaned us the $600 because I had to pay within 5 days or they were going to take Maddie back. I was so stressed that entire week that I didn't eat or sleep hardly at all! But it worked out and Maddie is here safe.

My oldest son is turning 6 this month and granma is taking him to build a bear and he gets to spend the night at Grandma's. He is excited about staying at g-ma's and about having a whole day out with her. For those that remember my earlier posts about how my mom is and how she won't even watch kids for us, this is a HUGE deal! She says she is going to do the same for other three kids too, but we agreed that my youngest is too young for build a bear this year so he will get to go next year.

It has been freezing here. Below 0 most days and we have been layering the blankets on the kids and cocooned them all in one big bed to keep warm. Ernie and I had made ourselves pallets on the livingroom floor so we could keep our bedroom door shut and keep the fire going. Our main source of heat is wood and the wood burner is in the livingroom. Our secondary heat source is propane and during this cold spell we have tried to conserve the propane and burn as much wood as possible.

That should catch ya'll up on us here. I hope ya'll have had a good start to 2007. Now excuse me while I go catch up on some posts.
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Old 02-09-2007, 05:45 PM   #2
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I am sorry to hear about your hardships that you have been going through. Hang in there, your prayers will be answered. One door always closes and another one opens..We all have a cross to carry sooner or later, I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Stay warm... Good Luck
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Old 02-10-2007, 04:21 AM   #3
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Ah Willow, I'm sorry you had such a tough time through Christmas. Sounds like you all did the smart thing. Some people when they lose their jobs, keep everything and live the same. That approach doesn't help. I will keep you in my prayers that you both find something you truly love to do...that way it won't seem like a job.

That is so great your mother is opening up to the children. She won't have any regrets and the kids will have great memories to hold on to.

We bought these 'radiator' type heaters at Wal Mart. They are electric, but we don't notice any increase in the electric bill. They are thermostatically controlled. We bought one on sale for $29, the other not on sale was $34. They really do great at heating up the rooms. You might want to check them out.

Glad you came and let us know what you've been up to. Praying good things come your way.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 02-10-2007, 09:58 PM   #4
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Oh, Willow, so sorry to hear your bad fortune. Sincerely hope that you can find work soon and that things will turn around for you. You are taking care of what is important, your family.
If anyone would like a free Bible Study CD or book entitled "Searching for Truth", PM me with your mailing address and I'll send you one. "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32
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Old 02-11-2007, 07:08 AM   #5
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I appreciate the care you have all expressed, but please don't be sorry! It was all good for in it my husband and I have grown closer and we have had fun with the kids.

I have started my own business from home but it is slow going. I hope it will take off eventually, but for now it is bringing in enough to cover the little bit of bills (mostly utilities) that we have and covering for our basic needs. No extra money for things like new clothes or eating out, but we are surviving without it so we must not need it! That is one lesson I have learned through ALL of this...God provides what you need and what he doesn't provide you didn't need to begin with or he has provided a way for you to survive without it.

Another exciting thing is a new furbaby is joining our family. Her name is Lexie and she is about 20 months old and yes she is a yorkie. We are just trying to work out how to get her from Georgia to Ohio.

I apologise that my first post made it sound like things are bad for us. They really aren't. I truly am the richest person I know because I have a great little family and a husband who is fully supportive of my new business venture.

We have found things we didn't need that were just "here" and like I said we also sold the Blazer so once we knew we didn't have the income, we got rid of the things we couldn't afford....THANK GOD MY INTERENT IS ONLY 11 BUCKS A MONTH LOLOLOLOL

I have great friends...I don't have to drive 50 million miles to work everyday...I can choose my OWN schedule...yea it is all good...OH and they finally got the documentation for my husband's workers comp claim so his attorney was finally able to file it!

See, it isn't all bad.
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Old 02-12-2007, 10:51 AM   #6
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Good for you life is rich in love, good luck in your business venture can you share what it is?.
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Old 02-13-2007, 06:01 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by highlans
Good for you life is rich in love, good luck in your business venture can you share what it is?.

lol sure...it's called Willow's Creature Comforts and I make things for furkids like toys, blankets, treats etc.
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Old 02-13-2007, 06:46 AM   #8
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Hi Willow, I wish you the best in your new business adventure. Do you have a web-site so we can see what you're selling,

I wish I could do something like that. Even though I love sewing for my babies, I find that at times I'm really gung ho for making things and then go for spells where I don't make anything for months. It's been since before Christmas (maybe Thanksgiving) since I've made anything. I've been seeing cute things on YT and I'm starting to get in the mood to start again. I just spend way to much time on the computer and then time gets away from me.

The main reason I started sewing for mine is because most of the sites are just too darn expensive for me. We're not poor by any means, but don't have the kind of money to spend $20 on one dress for one of my girls. I know how much effort goes into making these items and I know they are well worth the price, but I simply can't afford it plus the shipping.

I'm constantly looking for sales on YT, but still can't afford some of them. Can you post pics of what you're selling and prices. I can't promise I can purchase anything, but I sure love looking.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 02-13-2007, 06:55 AM   #9
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Sure I can post some things here...I will start with the link to my site LOL but I don't have it finished yet. I had it up the beginning of January but there are still some things I am working on getting/creating to put on the webpages.

Not everything on my website is homemade. There are some manufactured items on there but they will not be available much longer as I am trying to build my own inventory of homemade items. I now have patterns to make soft beds, blankets, and pillows (yes our furkids need pillows too! LOL)

I will also be carrying some toys that I don't make like Bobo's and Bow wow beanies (I hope!)

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Old 02-13-2007, 07:17 AM   #10
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Willow!!! You have a great site! Once you get all the pages filled, you are going to be one busy lady. I may have to order some treats from you once I run out of what I have. I entered the YT GE and rec'd 3 bags of treats, so those will last awhile. Your prices on them seem very reasonable. I will definitely be checking back to your site.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 02-13-2007, 07:24 AM   #11
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Thank you, Janet. I bake the treats as ordered so they are always fresh. lol
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