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Old 03-12-2007, 02:00 PM   #1
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Talking Are You A Nosey Neighbor??

If you read my past thread about possibly buying some land/property, well we are still working on it. We've called the owner a time or two now and he STILL has not called us back.

Well....Sitting out on the deck w/ hubby I see a man and lady walking around the house we are wanting to buy. I'm like "what the heck are they doing? Is Wayne going to rent or sale to them and not us? What's going on? Why won't he call us back? So, of course I am freaking out at this moment while my husband continues to sit there shaking his head in wonder of it all.

I run into the house, grab my binoculars and run back out to the deck to capture a closer shot. After zooming in I notice the people are the one's who live down the road already renting a house from Wayne the owner we are wanting to buy from. UGH!! So possibly they are wanting to buy this place too? Oh gosh, I've got competition now.

So....I was being a nosey neighbor trying to find out what's going on.

I've used the binoculars on the other house near us too when those people moved in. I had to scope things out ya know, LOL. I have'nt done it since I promise!! Ok, maybe once or twice.

So, are you always curious what's going on at the houses around you? Or are you pretty much have an "I don't care" type of attitude?

It's not that I want to be nosey, but certain conditions call me to be nosey.
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
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Old 03-12-2007, 02:07 PM   #2
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Sheryl, we are woman, we are supose to be nosy.... its part of us LOL
Ive done that a time or two, maybe 3 or 4 LMAO.... well, i got to keep an eye on things when theres need for it ya know
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Old 03-12-2007, 02:45 PM   #3
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I can't see any neighbors to get nosey about. We have too many trees around us to see anything. Besides my nearest neighbor is my daughter and if I feel nosey I just go over and see what's going on!!

You or your husband need to go over and talk to your neighbor and make sure he knows that you're still interested in his property. Just go and make some small talk with him and just bring his property up in the conversation. Good communication is very important.
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Old 03-12-2007, 03:05 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by DianaB
I can't see any neighbors to get nosey about. We have too many trees around us to see anything. Besides my nearest neighbor is my daughter and if I feel nosey I just go over and see what's going on!!

You or your husband need to go over and talk to your neighbor and make sure he knows that you're still interested in his property. Just go and make some small talk with him and just bring his property up in the conversation. Good communication is very important.
Well, the man who owns the property isn't our neighbor. He lives quite a distance from us. But, we have called him a couple times now after telling him we want to buy it. He just hasn't returned our phone calls as of yet. It get's to the point of "not wanting to bother him" or "becoming a nuisance".

The house/property we are wanting to buy is vacant. But we became horribly curious to watch this couple wander around the place, look in windows, then go check out my horse in the pasture behind them. (hence the binoculars, LOL)

But probably towards the end of the week if we still have yet to hear word from him we shall call again.

I agree w/ you on "communication is very important". You'd laugh if you knew this gentleman. He is a man of VERY FEW WORDS. You're lucky if you get a grunt and moan outta this guy. Literally!!

It took hubby and I over a year just to buy the land we have now from him if that tells ya anything.

Id just like to know either way his plan of action. I feel that's the least he could tell us.
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
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Old 03-12-2007, 03:08 PM   #5
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I really couldn't care less what my neighbors are up to as long as they leave me alone. Only one couple is at all interesting and watching them is like watching a train wreck. They're into drugs, neglect their kids, fight to the point of being arrested, etc. NOT my sort of family.

Hubby on the other hand, is nosey and loves to know everything everyone is up to. I wish he'd just keep his nose out of it to be honest.
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Old 03-12-2007, 03:26 PM   #6
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I've used my binoculars a time or two. Ours neighbors are good people, so I don't do it often. Just if there is a strange car in their drive...they do the same. We gotta look out for each other.
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Old 03-12-2007, 04:32 PM   #7
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To be honest with you Sheryl I never snoop on my neighbors. They are all decent people and we wave hello when we see each other thats about it. If I am walking Gucci we stop and chat. As for you , I think you have every reason to snoop you want the property its vacant and you want to see what traffic is going through. I would definetly pay a visit to the owner to let him know that you want the property and being he is not returning your calls that you decided to visit him. Go for it, there is a saying in my business which is real estate , those who snooze lose... So get going...
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Old 03-12-2007, 04:52 PM   #8
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We live in a subdivision on a golf course. All the houses are fairly close together, and most everyone is busy with their own lives. We don't really know our neighbors. It's sad, but we have a divorced man on one side. We do know his name, but the family on the other side, I think hubby knows his name, but I don't know any of them. The woman's mother ownes the most popular gymnastic's business in the area, and I think she's kinda taken it over. She's very busy, a Texas cheerleader's mom, plus business woman and seems a bit snooty. All the folks down the street on both sides seem nice when we see them. Everyone waves, but I'm really not curious about them.

Sheryl, in your case though, I'd have had the binoculars out, too. Since you want to buy the property, you have to keep an eye on what it going on or someone may buy it and you get left out. Hope it works out for you!!!!
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Old 03-13-2007, 04:40 AM   #9
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Sheryl - don't blame you one bit for checking things out. I don't really have neighbors to check out even though we live in a subdivision. Our house sits so far back off the road and in the spring and summer, with the leaves on the trees, I can't see them and they sure as heck can't see me! We've been there 10 years and I don't know all the neighbors, just those right around me. I pretty much stick to myself- wave if I see them outside but that's about it. Hope you get in touch with the guy soon and you are able to purchase the property!

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Old 03-13-2007, 05:51 AM   #10
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I only care about our neighbors when they are being loud, which unfortunately is quite often. We are friends with a few of the nice neighbors so we find out about their lives by talking to them, but other than that I don't really care. I've never tried to "see" what they are up to, so I guess I'm only a little nosey. I can understand how it would be easy to want to be "nosey" if you think someone is going to buy the property you want, though. I think that's perfectly normal.
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Old 03-13-2007, 02:27 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Janet
I've used my binoculars a time or two. Ours neighbors are good people, so I don't do it often. Just if there is a strange car in their drive...they do the same. We gotta look out for each other.
Yes! That's what I do. I don't so much spy on the folks I know. It's the unknown that makes my curiosity go wild. Like those strangers at the house we are wanting. I feel at times it's the people who live in the area's business to know what's going on around them!!

"We gotta look out for each other" is EXACTLY the mentality most of us have in our little countryside area here. Glad you brought that up Janet!!
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
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Old 03-14-2007, 12:57 AM   #12
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I dont check my neighbors, i dont even know the people, we greet each other, and the old man likes to chat when im out there, he will ask the same questions he asked the times before.
I do check when i see something strange around me, or i think theres something going on, so i want to know, usually its nothing anyway LOL... im just nosy.
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Old 03-14-2007, 04:49 AM   #13
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Yep, I have binoculars and do use them. We have some crazy kids living behind us. They use to stay in trouble all the time. So I like to know what is going on. Better Safe than sorry. Plus we do a lot of bird watching! LOL
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Old 03-21-2007, 01:16 AM   #14
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Ok... used my binoculars again lastnight when i saw cops driving past, and stopped a car. They had found packages stuck under the vehicle. (happens a lot here) they handcuffed them, and took them with them. Good catch as far as im concerned!!
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Old 03-21-2007, 05:14 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Mandy
Ok... used my binoculars again lastnight when i saw cops driving past, and stopped a car. They had found packages stuck under the vehicle. (happens a lot here) they handcuffed them, and took them with them. Good catch as far as im concerned!!
I am soooo glad I am not the ONLY one who has used binoculars to see what's happening out and around us. I believe at times it's helpful really. LOL
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
When I grow up I want to be a horse whisperer!
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