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Old 07-03-2007, 01:49 PM   #1
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4th of July plans?

I wrote a blog entry about the fireworks today and I thought I'd share it with you guys and find out what your plans are as well.

We're going to watch the fireworks tonight! Woot. We may be able to see them from our townhouse, but we aren't sure since it's our first summer here. Either way, we can easily walk to a nice spot if there are trees or something in the way. I love watching the fireworks with Bren.

Here's our first 4th as a married couple photo. (July 2005, 1st pic) We saw the fireworks together the previous year as well, but it was six days before our wedding.

It's funny for me looking back on this photo because so much has changed in the two years that have gone by since then. I still worked for Ruby Tuesday as evidenced by my work uniform and exhausted expression. I had just barely gotten off work in time to make it to the fireworks that year. I remember unbuttoning and "untucking" my shirt so that I wouldn't still feel so much like I was in uniform. lol. Brendon still worked for Radioshack at that point and we wouldn't get our precious little puppy for another month. We had no idea how much he would change our lives... The dog in this photo was a friend's dog and the reason we decided to get a yorkie (if you're wondering). Also, neither of us had begun college yet, but I would start in only a little more than a month. Who knew that just two years later, we'd have come this far, changed so much? Life is interesting like that.

Last year, we spent the fourth at camp and missed the big fireworks show. However, camp did a small set of fireworks and my husband, who didn't have campers like me, was able to get a few really great shots. Here is my favorite (2nd pic).

Do you have any special Independence Day memories, stories, or pictures? I'd love to see them!
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~MT
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Old 07-03-2007, 06:08 PM   #2
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No plans here other than watch it rain and clean house. At least our home is high and dry!!! I don't know if the city fireworks will be happening as usual or not due to the weather. Will have to wait and see. Karen (oldest daughter) is a councelor at a camp this week. Melissa (Lissa) is here, her BF is a councelor at a camp in New Mexico this week. So it's just the 3 of us, and our three furkids of course.
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Old 07-03-2007, 08:26 PM   #3
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I was able to get some pretty cool shots at the fireworks show today. You can see them HERE. Which is your favorite??
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~MT
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Old 07-04-2007, 04:22 AM   #4
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We won't be doing anything here. Suppose to rain on and off most of the day. We may put some burgers on the grill and then, if I can stay awake, go a little closer to town tonight to watch the big fireworks show. It starts at 10:00 PM so I don't know if I can stay awake that long or not....lol

I know the boys bought some things yesterday to fire off. It's fun to watch them and it doesn't seem to bother the dogs at all.
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Old 07-04-2007, 05:26 AM   #5
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My oldest dd and her family are coming tonight after she's done work to set off what I'm told is $400 worth of fireworks here. They'll be staying the night with me.

Luckily it rained heavily last night so we don't have to worry about it being too dry to do it.
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Old 07-04-2007, 05:32 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by AngieDoogles
I was able to get some pretty cool shots at the fireworks show today. You can see them HERE. Which is your favorite??
I think they turned out really well--you and Bren did a good job--and of course Crissy
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Old 07-04-2007, 05:41 AM   #7
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Morning All and Happy 4th!!

We are going to our friends parents camp...I have to leave the (fur) girls home
There will be alot of people there and they will all want to hold them....They get very stressed out when there's a lot of people around so...I will be coming home off and on to check on them and let them both know that Mommy still loves them and didn't run away!

M Maybe a ride on the bike (motorcycle) and then watch the fireworks..It's nice here right now but,,,,,this is new england! ANYTHING can happen when it comes to the weather.

I wish you all a very safe holiday
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Old 07-04-2007, 06:24 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Forgivenmom5
I think they turned out really well--you and Bren did a good job--and of course Crissy
Thanks Mom. Was it worth all the trouble? hehe
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~MT
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Old 07-04-2007, 01:19 PM   #9
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We usually go to a friend's house that we go to church with to watch the fireworks in town. His wife passed away this year and he decided that he still wanted to do it with my Mom helping him to get everything ready, but the fireworks display has been postponed. The fireworks stands were all shut down because the city might not have enough water to put out a fire if one started. So, I think that I'm going over to my husband's shop and gather up some things from out of the field as soon as it cools down a little bit. I'm afraid that our whole community doesn't feel much like celebrating at the moment.
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Old 07-04-2007, 01:28 PM   #10
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My life-long freind Londa and her dh Mark have invited me over for supper tonight. I'm going there at 6, then will need to be home by 9 for the company I have coming.

Greg's several states away, so it's good I have things to do with out him. lol
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Old 07-05-2007, 07:37 AM   #11
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I hope everyone had a safe 4th! I went to my cousin who is widowed lives in an adult community down south jersey. The place looks like a vacation resort..lol The weather was cold we went to the indoor pool and sauna. My kids didnt come, other family members were there with their little ones. In all it was a fun day. I watch the fireworks coming home on the parkway.

Angie you took beautiful photos of the fireworks, wow.. I always forget to tell you that you look so much like my nephew's ex wife... lol they say everyone has seven people who look alike..
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Old 07-05-2007, 06:33 PM   #12
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Angie, your pics are beautiful. Thank you for sharing!!! They are all my favorite. Our fireworks display has been postponed until Labor Day due to the rain. They area where they usually have it is very wet and there is not enough parking without people parking on the grass. So this was the weirdest 4th of July we've ever had.
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Old 07-05-2007, 09:03 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Marilyn
Angie, your pics are beautiful. Thank you for sharing!!! They are all my favorite. Our fireworks display has been postponed until Labor Day due to the rain. They area where they usually have it is very wet and there is not enough parking without people parking on the grass. So this was the weirdest 4th of July we've ever had.
Seems like everyone else in the country had a weird fourth, but it was quite normal here... I hope you enjoy your show on Labor Day!!
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~MT
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Old 07-05-2007, 09:03 PM   #14
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Oh, and thanks!
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~MT
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