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Old 03-09-2008, 05:14 PM   #1
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Opinions needed please, went to look at the Aquarium in Baltimore about the wedding

Let me start out by saying both options I was shown are absolutely stunning and provide their own charms and a completely different experiences.

Option 1:
The dolphin viewing room. It is almost a sunken, underground room. Very intimate, romantic lighting and a large luminous blue dolphin tank. The lady said she wouldn't want to put us in front of the dolphins so we wouldn't have to "compete", I told her I loved the idea of getting married in front of them. It would only add to the beauty!
Reception area directly off, very nice. Cafeteria like area, tall and spacious. Sky lights and a staircase in the center with shops surrounding. She said the shops would be closed up and drawn in. Tables pushed together and draped with table cloths. Floor is sturdy, good for dancing.

Runs about $3,000. to rent these two adjoining areas for 4 hours, after 7pm (these hours are the same for each option).

Option 2:
Think up. The only way I can think to describe this area, is an outdoor cathedral feel. We would be in the center, surrounded by windows with views of the harbor at night. We would have to rent the chairs for this area...
The reception is a great idea. The guests are invited to walk the exhibits to the 4th floor where is is a long rectangular room surrounded by glass on three sides. Grey upholstered chairs would be put in here and round tables. The ceiling is lined with little round bulbs.

Runs around $3,200. to rent this option.

Catering, would have to be provided by them. At around $30 something dollars a head. Bar, an additional $20 something dollars (for wine and beer, never mind the hard stuff) would have to tip them, and pay state tax as well. But not to the facility itself, just the caterers.

Am I crazy, or do these prices sound reasonable? I was told that my sisters fiance's cousin recently paid $5,000. on hall rental alone!

The groom to be was unable to be there, so it was me and my mother in law to be. Our priest met me there, and I absolutely love him! He was so helpful and full of great ideas. Just as great in person as through emails... The Aquarium lady wanted a bunch of his cards since he was actually willing to marry us on sight.
I told her she better not dare to recommend him for March the first, 2009! I need to give this man his deposit to reserve the date on his calendar

The best part of all, the fiance' did not have heart failure when I quoted prices to him. Maybe he really did mean "whatever you want, as long as it makes you happy."!
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Old 03-09-2008, 05:32 PM   #2
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It's more than reasonable Becky! As soon as you say wedding everything cost more! I think the dolphin room sounds so unique!
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Old 03-09-2008, 05:37 PM   #3
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wow those prices seem great! especially compared to the prices i am seeing my friend pay. that's a super hard choice though to choose between the 2 rooms. i love dolphins and think it would be neat to watch them in the background but at the same time the other area sounds really nice. is there a website for the aquarium? share please

sounds like it is going to be a fun and beautiful wedding!
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Old 03-09-2008, 06:02 PM   #4
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This is the best I could come up with
I had my camera with me for a reason! It was just too hectic...

Pier 3 pavilion level 1, is where the wedding would take place in option 2. Although it didn't seem very much like an eating area to me

Pier 4 pavilion level 1 is the reception area of option one, right off the wedding area with the dolphins.

and Pier 3 pavilion level 4, is where the reception would be held in option 2, taking the scenic route through the exhibits on the way up. I did see a small food area in here, tucked in a corner.

I am leaning towards the first option so far... it is such a hard decision!
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Old 03-09-2008, 06:11 PM   #5
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it does sound hard, it is hard without good pics but the dolphins really sound special. good luck with whatever you decide.
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Old 03-09-2008, 06:14 PM   #6
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whatever you choose I am sure it is going to be beautiful! Where did you get the idea for the zoo? Thats a new one to me!
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Old 03-09-2008, 07:36 PM   #7
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I really like the dolphin idea because I've never heard of that before
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Old 03-10-2008, 04:25 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Gwen
I really like the dolphin idea because I've never heard of that before
I agree and my oldest daughter now wants to come to your wedding. she has a dolphin room. You could even add a "beach like" theme to the reception and have maybe small tiki torches or something on each table or a small dophlin candle holder.
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Old 03-10-2008, 05:08 AM   #9
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I love the Dolphin room idea! Very unique and I think the prices are very reasonable. What choices of food do you have?
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Old 03-10-2008, 06:47 AM   #10
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They both sound lovely. If it were me, I wouldn't want to spend all that money for a few hours. I would rather save it and put it into our new home. If you have it saved, then what the heck, but if you have to borrow, then you'll be paying interest too. The only reason I'm saying this is a friend went all out, the wedding was beautiful, they were divorced before the wedding was paid off....5 years later.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 03-10-2008, 07:56 AM   #11
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I like the dolphin room. Its indoors and I'm freezing right now, so indoors sounds good to me! I've never been married, and the only wedding I helped plan was my little brothers...their reception place was free. But, $3K sounds good to me. This is your big day. Being that you've gotten quite a few deals on other things, I would say splurge on the location! You only get married once (well, you're only supposed to get married once).

One thing though, if you go with the dolphin room, I really like the idea of getting married in front of the dolphins, but make sure the glass is non glare so people can get good photos. You don't want your heads cut out of the picture because they were overpowered by the glare from the aquarium.
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Old 03-10-2008, 08:36 AM   #12
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I like the sound of both of them. If you're getting married in the evening, I like the idea of the outdoor cathedral type. The harbor is beautiful at night, and with the moon out and everything, that would be really cool. If it is any other time of day, I would go with the dolphin room. That is definitely the most original idea I have ever heard, and the memories you and your guests have will be wonderful.
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Old 03-10-2008, 08:46 AM   #13
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Kim, she didn't have a menu for 2009, she was going to let us look at sample menus. But like I said, far too hectic!

When she gets back from out of town and touches base with me, I will ask her to mail that, along with the pictures of the reception area she was going to show us made formal. I have a couple last minute questions I wanted to ask her so I am sure of what I am talking about here before anything is signed over a contract.

Janet, don't worry. I highly doubt there would be a divorce in our future. One of the many reasons why we have waited as long as we have (along with a strong financial foundation to start a family). It is a once in a lifetime experience so I got over the price when I heard it pretty fast...

So far, it looks like everyone is with me on preferring the dolphin room idea. Much easier with the two adjoining rooms and someone else pointed out I wouldn't be depending on what the weather was like outside.

I am still going to look into a few more places, just out of curiosity price wise, but I can't see anything topping those prices including four hours of dolphin entertainment! I wasn't planning on an evening wedding, but the more I think about it, I am getting fond of the idea!

Heather, that was one of my first questions lol (the photographer) first I asked if it would bother the dolphins, then I asked if the glare would be a problem
I believe they have special ways and equipment for shooting in aquariums

lol Chandra! I was the same way as a child
for center piece ideas, I still think I am going to stick with hand making the wide glass bowls, with three white floating candles and glass beads at the bottom.

Last edited by pope1982; 03-10-2008 at 08:50 AM.
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Old 03-10-2008, 08:52 AM   #14
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Old 03-10-2008, 09:49 AM   #15
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Ooh! That would be very pretty in the dolphin room!
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