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Old 11-06-2008, 04:51 AM   #1
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What to Talk About???

It's really hard to start new threads here. Life is basically religion, work and politics. Religion and politics are apparently off limits, and you certainly don't want to hear the boring stuff that is going on at work. (At the risk of sounding political, I'm so sick of their bigoted jokes there anyway. Yesterday the big joke was that the rose garden will be plowed under in January and replaced with a watermellon patch. Please, please, can't we be better than that????)

Weight Watchers is going pretty well, but that's pretty boring, too.

Lets see, I'm going to the Peddler's show with some friends Saturday morning and a wedding Saturday afternoon and a gospel meeting Saturday evening.

My life is pretty routine since the girls are gone. Hubby and I are doing well, just day to day stuff though.

Don't want to talk about the economy. That's pretty much a bummer.

What can we talk about????
If anyone would like a free Bible Study CD or book entitled "Searching for Truth", PM me with your mailing address and I'll send you one. "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32
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Old 11-06-2008, 05:02 AM   #2
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We can all be respectful towards each other, I don't see why any topics should be off limits.
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Old 11-06-2008, 05:15 AM   #3
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There's the weather, doggies, cost of gas, cost of electricity, cost of groceries, helping each other, etc. And, there's always our kids to talk about. What's wrong with talking about our jobs? Just talk!
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Old 11-06-2008, 06:45 AM   #4
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I don't get your post Marilyn. We can talk about anything here except politics so what is the big deal? I would think the ladies feelings here would come first over your political beliefs.

I'm personnally glad it's against the rules because every time something political comes up you try to shove your opinions down some of our throats and I think everyone should be able to have their own opinion. Since feelings get hurt here because we're made to feel we are wrong if we don't agree then those types of topics should be avoided. Simple logic really.

Guess it's time to start using the block feature again.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 11-06-2008, 09:21 AM   #5
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So are you blocking me, Janet??? and I really and truly thought that you were and are a dear friend. You're making me cry. Is that what you are trying to do????? I'm shaking now, so I guess I'll go.

I really love this forum and don't feel that I've shoved anything down anyone's throat.

We're friends.......or that is what I thought.

Peace to all!!!!!
If anyone would like a free Bible Study CD or book entitled "Searching for Truth", PM me with your mailing address and I'll send you one. "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32
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Old 11-06-2008, 09:58 AM   #6
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Ladies, Ladies!!!!! We ARE friends and we can get along. I don't know what to say to help this situation.

Marilyn, Please don't leave our forum. We do value your friendship and your opinions.

All I know to do is to pray for this situation.....

Lord, we come before you in praise and thanksgiving for this day that you've given us. We thank you for this forum where we've been able to make new friends and expand our knowledge of our wonderful nation. You know that we've just had our election and that feelings are still running strong. I ask that you'd bless and impart wisdom to our new president elect, Barack Obama. I ask that your presence would be near him, guiding him all of his days as he makes decisions for our wonderful nation.

Lord, I also ask that you help to heal this rift that has arisen on our forum. I ask for peace and love for each of us that are on here. Help us to say words to build each other up and not to look for things to cause contention between us. Help each of us to have a closer walk with you and live our lives according to what you would have us to be. In your precious name I pray.....Amen
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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After I stop laughing!!!
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Old 11-06-2008, 10:18 AM   #7
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I must have missed something in absence, I am really sorry to see you both at odds. It's really not any of my business, but I just wanted to let you know I think you are both great

I don't know, maybe we can talk about what we are cooking for dinner tonight? In our house it will be braised potatoes, garlic and herb chicken, carrots and a side salad.

Other than that, wedding plans coming are along quickly and surprisingly smooth. (give or take a family member or twos issues You know what they say, you can't please everyone!)
My mother is supposed to be scheduling a cake tasting, she offered to buy the cake. Also have to meet up with our DJ to get things going...
On my birthday, the 21st we go for our engagement photo shoot.

Marilyn, please take a day or two to think about it, you would be missed!
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Old 11-06-2008, 10:33 AM   #8
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I must be missing something also. I have never had to block anyone, never had any rude conversations. Stay with us Marilyn, please.
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Old 11-06-2008, 11:15 AM   #9
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Pope - I love your post!!!

We are having leftover pinto beans, I'll make some cornbread and maybe even some decadent fried potatoes (my husband's absolute favorite forbidden food!).

After supper we'll smoke some vegetables (peppers, tomatoes, tomatillos, onion & garlic) to make salsa. MMMMMM... there's nothing like fresh smoked salsa! I had to buy some fat free tortilla chips, otherwise I'd eat a whole bag full of chips with this salsa. Of course, I have regular chips and may have to put an alarm on them that goes off when I (only me) opens the bag! LOL!

Then we'll give the pups a bath - they must smell sweet for our company coming tomorrow.

I also need to water the flowers and new grass we put in.

It will be a busy evening, for sure!!!
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Old 11-06-2008, 11:18 AM   #10
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I'm going for acupuncture tonight and then going to grab a pizza on my way home. I also have to drop off some videos that are a week overdue!
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Old 11-06-2008, 11:36 AM   #11
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accupuncture - tell me about that - I know what accupuncture is - but don't know very many people who gave gotten it. I've been told that I should consider it for a chronic rib condition.

So, tell me some about it - I'd love to learn!
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Old 11-06-2008, 11:38 AM   #12
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OK, Gayle, what's the recipe for fresh smoked salsa? That's what I'll be doing this weekend!
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Old 11-06-2008, 11:44 AM   #13
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Yes, Gayle, please share the recipe. It sounds delicious!!!
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(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up......

After I stop laughing!!!
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Old 11-06-2008, 11:44 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by gja1000 View Post
accupuncture - tell me about that - I know what accupuncture is - but don't know very many people who gave gotten it. I've been told that I should consider it for a chronic rib condition.

So, tell me some about it - I'd love to learn!
I recommend to anyone that has any type of pain - it has worked on headaches, back and joint pain for me - it also helps to relax me if I've been having a lot of stress in my life. I usually go every 8 to 10 weeks for a treatment just because it gets rid of any stress that I am holding in my body. I haven't been since I've moved, so the person I'm seeing tonight is new.

They usually put about 20 to 25 needles in, it's not painful at all. After the needles are in, they have you relax and listen to music for about 30 minutes - depending on what's wrong with you, there is usually relief after the initial visit - but it can take to or 3 visits to feel a difference.
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:16 PM   #15
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My poor hubby is getting left over pizza tonight.

We had a bad hail storm last night, so we have to check all of the windows when we get home. Then I am going to work some adoption applications for our rescue babies and update the web site.
Michelle (Katys mom)

OK Yorkie Rescue-Another Chance at Love
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