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Old 03-05-2007, 08:56 AM   #1
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Have any of you women ever dealt with depression? I've struggled with periods of pretty severe depression since I was a teenager. Sometimes it'll go away for a long time, years even, so it's not like it's always a big factor in my life. It's just that when I do feel down, I feel so helpless. It has nothing to do with outside situations; my life could be PERFECT in every way and I could still feel sad. Last month I dealt with this and I can't understand why. I didn't eat anything for four days (other than half of a kid's lasagna on V-Day). I have a wonderful husband and family and there's no reason I should feel depressed. And I get SO down that I'm afraid I might end up doing something that would really hurt my family, especially Brendon (hubby). I don't want anyone to know, specifically my mom, and I definitely don't want to talk to a counselor. I'm not comfortable with that kind of thing at all.

I was just wondering if anyone here has dealt with something like this and if you have any advice. Thank you so much!
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Old 03-05-2007, 09:10 AM   #2
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Please realize you are not alone in this. Many many and I say again, MANY people suffer through depression throughout their life. It's normal and can be anything from situations in your life, food/diet, hormone imbalance, etc.

I myself have struggled on and off for many years. I have skeletons in my closet and it took me along time to sort out my feelings and find the best way for me personally to deal with it.

As you, when the world is fine around them still find things just not right. There are helpful tools out there. Could be as simple as medicine from the doctor, changing your diet, your excercise routine, etc. Or...possibly there is some underlying issue that is buried deep inside that needs attention.

Just don't feel alone or isolated and realize there is so many help options out there okay?
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
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Old 03-05-2007, 09:14 AM   #3
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I personaly have not suffered from depression I dont think!! I did suffer with post natal depression but managed to get through that with out medical help. My mother on the other hand has had a life time of depression she had a very bad nervouse breakdown when I was about 15 ( am now 50 ) in them days there was very little help, it is still very clear in my mind how she was allways laying on the floor crying, I missed a lot of school as I was afraid to leave her but with my dads help and medication she got through that. Years later she saw a counselor and over the months re built her life and now in her late seventy's still takes meds but she is a lot better. I will say it may be of help to have a chat to a counselor if you do not like it stop but it could help. Good luck xx
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Old 03-05-2007, 09:58 AM   #4
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There's a depression that goes along with lack of sunlight and it is the end of winter. I can't remember the name for it but maybe a good dose of sunlight will help lift your depression. It's certainly cheap and worth a try.
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Old 03-05-2007, 02:15 PM   #5
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I have suffered with depression at one time, but never anything real serious where I needed medication. I think women at one time or another experience depression. They say that if it last longer than a few weeks and it interfers with your everyday rountine you sound seek counceling.

Like Sheryl mentioned there is nothing to feel ashamed of, or isolate yourself. I think it is better to speak to your mom or a good friend if you dont want to seek help at the moment. You do need to talk to someone , like Diana mention the winter blues get people down to. Women tend to get depressed more so than men, please talk with someone and we are always here for you...
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Old 03-05-2007, 03:03 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Gina
we are always here for you...
Thanks guys! I really appreciate all of your helpful advice and information, as well as your support. I just wanted to reiterate that I am NOT feeling depressed right now. It's an on again/off again thing that happens every once in a while. It just scared me this past time because it was more severe than normal. I feel just fine more than 90% of the time.

You may be on to something, Diana. I'm not sure if it happened at the same time or not, but the weather has warmed up and I'm feeling better. Maybe it's connected. However, I also have "skeletons" like Rivermom from SO long ago, so it could just be those issues popping up again. I get a really strong desire to write bad memories down when I'm depressed, so maybe that's therapeutic in some way?

Anyway, thanks again everyone! You guys are awesome!
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Old 03-05-2007, 07:41 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by AngieDoogles
Thanks guys! I really appreciate all of your helpful advice and information, as well as your support. I just wanted to reiterate that I am NOT feeling depressed right now. It's an on again/off again thing that happens every once in a while. It just scared me this past time because it was more severe than normal. I feel just fine more than 90% of the time.

You may be on to something, Diana. I'm not sure if it happened at the same time or not, but the weather has warmed up and I'm feeling better. Maybe it's connected. However, I also have "skeletons" like Rivermom from SO long ago, so it could just be those issues popping up again. I get a really strong desire to write bad memories down when I'm depressed, so maybe that's therapeutic in some way?

Anyway, thanks again everyone! You guys are awesome!

I have also dealt with serious depression. Not since I have had my son (he is 2) but that may be because I have been on anti-depressants for 2 years! It has helped me out so much. If you ever need to talk, I will honestly be here for you! I know how you feel! I havent been depressed in a very long time, but when I was, boy was it bad. When I was 18 I was even suicidal. I thank the Lord I am not that way anymore!
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Old 03-05-2007, 07:47 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by KikiLane
I have also dealt with serious depression. Not since I have had my son (he is 2) but that may be because I have been on anti-depressants for 2 years! It has helped me out so much. If you ever need to talk, I will honestly be here for you! I know how you feel! I havent been depressed in a very long time, but when I was, boy was it bad. When I was 18 I was even suicidal. I thank the Lord I am not that way anymore!
Thank you. I just might take you up on your offer if I'm feeling bad. It's nice to have someone to talk to who is not directly involved in my life. I would feel so awkward talking to someone I know.

It's also nice to know that I'm not alone. Thanks!!
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Old 03-05-2007, 08:29 PM   #9
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maybe it's just a chemical imbalance....
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Old 03-06-2007, 02:00 AM   #10
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Mood swings/depression, oh yes i have it, i get depressed at times, i used to hide it, coz i wanted to put up this happy face, but hey... that's HARD work, and there's no way to really hide it, but i never wanted people to think i was having a "pity party" so then i isolated myself when i was going thru one, but that sure doesnt help either! It's best to talk about to someone that's really willing to listen. Last week i was really down, so i came here to spill my beanbag LOL... ive come to realize that my online friends have better ears, and understanding.
You are definatly NOT alone, but it does feel "lonely" when you going thru one, it sux BIG time!
I have so many skeletons in my closet, and they open the doors from time to time, and bammmm comes guilt, anger, frustration, sadness, you name it, it's there.
Ive got happy pills that i do take when i feel like that, ive been to counselling for a huge issue, but having studied counselling myself, i didnt find that very helpful. I know i need to deal with my issues, one at a time, but keeping that closet closed is so much easier. *SIGH*

Hugs to you, and never feel alone, we are all here for you!!
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Old 03-06-2007, 11:18 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by DianaB
There's a depression that goes along with lack of sunlight and it is the end of winter. I can't remember the name for it but maybe a good dose of sunlight will help lift your depression. It's certainly cheap and worth a try.

Oh I believe this one for sure!! It is amazing how much "well being" the sunlight gives to people. Every year millions suffer from winter time blues. I know personally I do for sure.

Thanks Diana for this reminder of a possible cause to depression. I completely forgot about it when I posted earlier.

Gotta love that sunlight!!
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
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Old 03-06-2007, 06:51 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by rivermom
Oh I believe this one for sure!! It is amazing how much "well being" the sunlight gives to people. Every year millions suffer from winter time blues. I know personally I do for sure.

Thanks Diana for this reminder of a possible cause to depression. I completely forgot about it when I posted earlier.

Gotta love that sunlight!!
I could definitely be the sunlight thing because I've never really paid attention to what time of the year I feel depressed, but if it is, I think it would only be a part of it. (It doesn't happen every year...) I think it has more to do with the "skeleton" thing. There are some pretty major events in my life that I've only told my mom and my husband about...

If I start to feel sad again, I'll definitely take note of the time of year and the amount of sunlight. Thanks!
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Old 03-07-2007, 12:05 AM   #13
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I really do believe the weather plays a huge role in our moods, and feelings. When it's rainy, and miserable, it affects me more. In summer i feel like doing things, and going out, i even notice people smile more when the weather is nice. In winter it's hibernation time for me.
Angiedoogles, those skeletons are nasty things, if you want to talk about anything at all, just know you can, anytime!
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Old 03-07-2007, 03:53 AM   #14
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I had a friend who, like me, has seasonal depression. Mine doesn't get that bad, well, maybe once in a while, but my friend hung herself in her barn 3 years ago. She had one boy just starting college and one the same age as my son. She was my hairdresser and I miss her terribly.

I do great in the summer time, but boy when winter gets here and I'm shut in, or since winter it stays darker longer, it can be quite difficult if I let it. I don't take meds like my friend did, but prefer to take care of it myself. If and when it becomes too bad for me to handle, then I will seek help with it.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 03-07-2007, 06:29 AM   #15
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I, too, suffer from seasonal depression. This year was worse than it has ever been before and I think it was one thing that contributed to my lack of participation here lately. Did you know that one of the reasons they moved up Daylight Savings Time this year is bc of the seasonal depression issue that many deal with?? You're definately not the only one.

Another thing that I strongly believe that contributed to my "seasonal depression" this year was brining home a 6 week old puppy. With the lack of sleep, hubby working 80-100 hours a week, a full-time job, and caring for 3 dogs one of which being a helpless 6 week old puppy, I felt like I was suffering from post-pardum depression (is that possible with a dog? ) I now know why they tell you to wait until the puppy is at least 8 weeks before you bring them home.

Anyway, the days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer, I am able to spend more time outside, my hubby is only working 50 hours a week now, and my puppy is getting older and bigger and better behaved, and I feel SOOOO much better.

Hang in there. Don't be embarrassed by going to talk to a counselor or being put on medication if you need to. There's nothing to be embarrassed about as MANY of us do it.

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