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Old 12-18-2006, 11:56 AM   #16
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Ok ladies you are really scaring me now! LOL The first thing that I asked was if she uses MMA. She knew right away what I was talking about. She told me that it was suppose to be banned. She also knew the dangers. She also said that she doesn't use the drills. She said it is all done by hand.

I didn't think that it would damage your nails that bad! I have never had them at all so my nails are just fine right now. It is just really hard for me to grow my nails out. They are always breaking and chipping.
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Old 12-18-2006, 01:24 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Emmsmom
Ok ladies you are really scaring me now! LOL The first thing that I asked was if she uses MMA. She knew right away what I was talking about. She told me that it was suppose to be banned. She also knew the dangers. She also said that she doesn't use the drills. She said it is all done by hand.

I didn't think that it would damage your nails that bad! I have never had them at all so my nails are just fine right now. It is just really hard for me to grow my nails out. They are always breaking and chipping.
You'll be fine get them done and take care of them also take them off every few months to let your nails breath and see how they do i'm sure you will be happy with the results! She sounds like she knows what she is doing good luck!
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Old 12-18-2006, 05:08 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by RLC12345678
I used to have fake nails, but they ruined my REAL nails....my real nails are so thin and brittle now. I really like fake nails, but it is going to be awhile before I'll get them again. They are also too expensive for my budget right now.

Your natural nails should have grown out to be the same as before you started the acrylics..I have had acrylic nails for years...I did take them off for a couple of years...I was tired of doing my own and, with the exception of 1 damaged nail that I have which, I have always had, they grew back the same as before the acrylic...I can grow my natural nails pretty long and they are pretty strong but, they peel and that just drives me crazy....plus I'm a picker! if I have a hang nail I pick at it...with acrylic you can't pick anything! LOL

Have you tried a good nail strengther? You don't have to pay alot for one....even Sally Hansen helps to strengthen the nail...also try using an oil on them...olive oil or even baby oil rubbed into the cuticle will help.
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Old 12-18-2006, 05:37 PM   #19
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I use the Sally Hansen vit E oil for you nails. It really works well on your nails. I have pretty nails. They just don't grow very fast and when they do they tend to break off in the winter all the time. Plus they are very brittle to begin with. The skin around as well as the cuticle looks really nice. If you decide to use it then you should notice a difference I would say in as little as a week.

I guess I am gonna give in and get my nails. I ahve to admit I am very excited about getting them. I almost feel like I ma doing something that is taboo, LOL Now how crazy is that!!!
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Old 12-18-2006, 11:03 PM   #20
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I've done the fake nails thing on and off for a while, I know when I get them done my nails are always sore for a day or two but then they're fine after that. They just became too much to maintain...or rather I just didn't feel like maintaining them so I'm going without them for now.

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Old 12-19-2006, 05:02 AM   #21
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I've done the acrylic nails in the past, but don't now, because I just don't have the time to maintain them right now....and I like to go a little more natural than that. I have lots of friends who still do, and they look really nice, so nothing against them at all.

One thing that will help your natural nails is drinking fresh brewed green tea. I really got into doing this for a while for the antioxydents, for heart health. I read you could live longer drinking green tea. My nails got much thicker and stronger, less brittle but I did not get the connection until I read recently that green tea can strengthen your nails. Just a thought.
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Old 12-19-2006, 05:29 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Marilyn
I've done the acrylic nails in the past, but don't now, because I just don't have the time to maintain them right now....and I like to go a little more natural than that. I have lots of friends who still do, and they look really nice, so nothing against them at all.

One thing that will help your natural nails is drinking fresh brewed green tea. I really got into doing this for a while for the antioxydents, for heart health. I read you could live longer drinking green tea. My nails got much thicker and stronger, less brittle but I did not get the connection until I read recently that green tea can strengthen your nails. Just a thought.
Really ?? I have green tea and maybe need to start drinking it again - i know from hormone problems my nails are so brittle now and my hair is falling out by the ton....wonder if green tea would help that too ?
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Old 12-19-2006, 07:53 AM   #23
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I would love to try it. I just can't stand the taste of Green tea. I wonder if taking Green tea pills would work instead?
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Old 12-19-2006, 08:43 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Marilyn
I've done the acrylic nails in the past, but don't now, because I just don't have the time to maintain them right now....and I like to go a little more natural than that. I have lots of friends who still do, and they look really nice, so nothing against them at all.

One thing that will help your natural nails is drinking fresh brewed green tea. I really got into doing this for a while for the antioxydents, for heart health. I read you could live longer drinking green tea. My nails got much thicker and stronger, less brittle but I did not get the connection until I read recently that green tea can strengthen your nails. Just a thought.
That's an interesting point, Marilyn. I've been drinking Green Tea for the last month or so for heart health and didn't notice until I read this that my nails really are stronger!

I had acrylic nails from the time I was 14 until about 6 months ago - I'm 23 now. I would take them off for a couple months here and there, but they were mostly always on. I like to let them breathe and grow out every now and then though. I'm going to have them put on again this afternoon!
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Old 12-19-2006, 09:04 AM   #25
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I tell you another reason why I would like to get them.. I have short stubby fingers. I am really hoping that with nails they will look a LOT better. LOL
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Old 12-19-2006, 06:22 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Emmsmom
I tell you another reason why I would like to get them.. I have short stubby fingers. I am really hoping that with nails they will look a LOT better. LOL

they will make your hands look more feminine and your finger will look longer
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Old 12-23-2006, 03:29 PM   #27
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Ok. I got my nails done and man do I like them.


Here is a video of how my nails were done. There was no drilling nothing at all like that. My nails are also NOT that long... LOL They are the sport length and are rounded. She also didn't put any tips on my nails either. My nails are a little sore when I put pressure on them from the side. I am sure it is only becuase I am not use to them yet. Other than that I really like them. Typing is going to be a challenge till I get use to them.lol
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Old 12-26-2006, 04:25 PM   #28
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Michelle, I'm glad you're enjoying your new nails!
I can't stand the weight of polish on mine, so know acrylics aren't for me.
They look nice, but I can't imagine being able to wear them long term.
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Old 12-26-2006, 05:44 PM   #29
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I've always had really strong hard nails, so never needed the fake ones. For the last 6 months or maybe a little longer...they are not as strong and after they grow out just a little ways from the tips of my fingers...are starting to grow downward. Does anyone know what this may be a sign of? I've tried checking on the Internet, but I don't find any information. If I ever did decide to get fake nails, I know I would never get the squared off ones like in the video posted above. In my opinion, those just do not look natural at all. I would prefer the rounded ones better.
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Old 12-26-2006, 07:24 PM   #30
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Mine were squared when she first did them. After that she rounded them. I can't stand the square look either. After my own nails start to grow out I am going to get her to put a thin layer of clear acrylic on them to make them really hard. I don't have any paint on them at all. I really love the natural look. I have only had them a few days and I can't imagine not having them! They make my hands look SOOOOO much younger. I couldn't ask for more! LOL
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