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Old 05-28-2011, 06:43 AM   #661
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I got my lips plumped yesterday! I seem to be on a "new Judy" quest. I am losing weight, got my permanent eyeliner redone, and now my lips plumped. It's expensive, but I don't travel or buy a lot of clothes.

Jessie thinks I'm nuts, and vain. That stung, since vanity is considered to be a sin. I looked up vanity, and it is considered to be associated with pride. This is said to deny God in that way. I'm not sure if I fall into that category 100%. I feel that God made me, and that I look the way he wanted me to look. On the other hand, not wanting to just roll into aging gracefully, accepting life the way God made it, does seem wrong as far as faith goes.

So, I am guilty of vanity to a point. I'm not going to try and rationalize this, and try to make it okay. I think I'll just pray about it.

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Old 05-28-2011, 11:42 AM   #662
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Judy, you are using the brains God gave you to keep yourself looking good and feeling good. There is probably a certain amount of vanity involved, but I think that is OK.
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Old 05-28-2011, 05:13 PM   #663
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Thanks Gayle! I needed that!

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Old 05-29-2011, 12:39 PM   #664
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We are at Garys aunt and uncle's cabin at the lake in southern Oklahoma. We went driving around his morning to some small towns in the area. I'm from a really small town (350 people) and I really love to visit small towns. It feels so comfortable.

We have lots of family here today for a BBQ cookout. It will be lots of fun. I sure miss my kids in Houston. They are on Galveston Island today at the beach. I bet Abigail and Emma are having a lot of fun.
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Old 05-29-2011, 05:46 PM   #665
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Judy....how does one go about getting their lips plumped? Is it like what the actresses do on TV? I'm such a dork when it comes to this stuff. Did it hurt? If I looked like you I'd want to keep my looks nice too, but I don't have anything worth saving so I'll just grow old....and look it..

Today I cleaned the bedroom area where Mom sleeps. She seems to accumulated stuff to just lie around and I can't stand that. She likes things to look like a curio shop or something and I like the more bare clean look. We are so different I can't believe we haven't killed each other yet...lol. Then I got all the laundry caught up. Yay!!!! Seems like it's never ending, but it's done.

I was going to wash and clean out my van, but I think I'll do that tomorrow, maybe. I always plan to do something but end up changing my mind, mostly because my days just don't start off well. Before my feet even touch the ground I hear..."Janet, I need to go potty". Just not what I want to hear before my morning coffee or anytime at all. I should be use to it my now.

That's all I've done today...oh....I forgot...I did take a nap. My sister-in-law also came out. She had a cold and was coughing her fool head off. Said she was on antibiotics so she wasn't contagious. I don't care....if you're sick....stay home! I don't want to catch anything and I sure don't want Mom sick on top of everything else.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 05-29-2011, 07:43 PM   #666
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Janet, that was rude of your SIL to come over when she's not well!!! Your Mom certainly doesn't need to catch whatever she has!!!

Judy, I don't think that plumping your lips is much different than getting a perm....or a new hair cut. Vanity is a condition of the heart.....not trying to just look nice.

I'm so sorry that Mackenzie wasn't happy with her tryout. She is so talented and I'm sure if she was in last year that they remember how talented she is!!! As far as school friends.....girls can be so difficult!!! Tell her she just needs to find some friends that she likes and gets along well with and forget about the "popular" girls.......After all who remembers that they were the "popular" girls after they graduate? Good friends you keep forever!!!!!

Gayle, I'm so sorry that your trip didn't work out but it was probably for the best to stay home. Gary's health is more important. At least you got to go to OK to see his family. I'm sure that Gary enjoyed seeing his family!!

Your new Dean sounds really nice!!! I hope that things continue to work this well with her!!!
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Old 05-31-2011, 04:35 PM   #667
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Gary and his sisters and niece went fishing on the river today. They only caught 7 fish but they had a great time. I stayed in the hotel with the dogs, but I did sneak out for a bit to do a little shopping. I found a linen pants and shirt outfit. It was nice to have some down time from all the hubbub of family all around.
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:48 PM   #668
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We were just lazy today and didn't do much except lay around and sleep. We are still in Oklahoma and I thought we were going home tomorrow, but we will be staying one more day. Gary is going fishing again with his sisters and sons tomorrow. They will have lots of fun, I know. I'll probably try to go to a museum or something like that.
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Old 06-02-2011, 06:18 AM   #669
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Cleaned house yesterday...did it quickly...dusting, sweeping, changing bed sheets...etc. Even with the air on I was soaked when I got done. Had to shower before going to pick the kids up..no way would I want to get on a hot bus, the kids could've passed out or something.....lolol.

Today I'm taking it a little easier. The OT came today and will come two times next week and he'll be done. The PT comes two more weeks and then she'll be done. Not sure yet about the nurse. I think the HHA is done when Mom quits paying her...lol. She probably doesn't even remember it's out of pocket.

Need to help my son balance his checkbook today and it will be the last time. Hasn't been balanced for 4 months and will be a pain. He doesn't write anything down. His solution....close out the checking account and start a new one somewhere else. I told him he would still mess it up if he didn't record his transactions. Don't know what it's going to take to get through to him.

My older brother and his wife came out on Tues. evening for a little bit. I reminded them that Mom also likes to get out of the house once in awhile and I would like her out once in awhile. If they could just take her for a drive or some ice cream...maybe a quick trip to Wal Mart or her house. Then my younger brother and his daughter came out last night and I told them the same thing. We'll see......

Looks like it could rain, but I don't think it's suppose to. It just feels like a really nice day....maybe I just have a better attitude today....who knows......I like it.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 06-02-2011, 06:39 AM   #670
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Judy....how does one go about getting their lips plumped? Is it like what the actresses do on TV?

It's injections of fillers in the lips. He gave me Novocaine, so it did not hurt, although the Novocaine shots hurt a bit. Supposedly, the fillers stimulate your own collagen to fill in your lips. I don't know about that part. I am sure that the actresses have more expensive work done, but basically that's what it is.
By the way, I think you are very pretty, Janet!

Diana, I really appreciate what you said about vanity being a condition of the heart. I consider you to be a true Christian, and I trust that you understand what faith is.

Gayle, it sounds like you had a great time! Gary had his fishing and his family, and you went shopping!

Two of Jessie and Steve's Malamutes got out on Monday. They are so careful, have electric fences, a double gate, etc., etc., but accidents just wait to happen! To make a long story short, their dogs killed a neighbor's dachshund. He is also the Mayor of the town. He and his wife took the dog to Cornell for surgery, which cost about $6,000! Sadly, the dog didn't make it. Their son also got bit (nothing bad at all).

Jessie is freaking out! She wants the dogs all gone! She is so afraid of confrontation, and this neighbor can be quite a force to contend with! (Although, last year, she ran over her own dog!) Jessie is so worried about having to pay for all of this damage, and the repercussions in her small town. I had the kids Monday and yesterday, which was a lot of fun for us.

She sounds terrible! Her illness and the stress are getting to her, and she really cannot deal with all of this. I feel so bad for her. I did tell her that she can probably have her homeowner's insurance pay for the damages, according to the internet. I am very different from her, so I can't really fully empathize, but I certainly know her well, and just feel terrible for her.

Steve also is able to make a living with the dog breeding, so I'm thinking that he is not 100% on board with closing down the business.

Oh, dear!

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Old 06-02-2011, 11:20 AM   #671
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Janet, your son needs to get an account at a bank where he can access his account online. My kids won't keep a check register either so they just check their balance online to keep track of how much money they have. They used to live paycheck to paycheck and I worried about them so much, but it was just their way, and it worked fine.

Judy, I would be just like Jessie, I would be out of my mind with worry. I agree with Jessie that the malmutes should go. Steve can make a living breeding some other type of dog, one that is not so dangerous. I hope their homeowners insurance will cover the costs because they will surely be liable. I would be so upset if something happened to one of our dogs.

Gary is still out fishing. I hope he won't be sick when he gets home. I know they will have a great time. I went shopping at Kohls and spent way too much money but I had a good time. I did make it to one museum to look at some Native American art. It was really beautiful.
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Old 06-02-2011, 09:02 PM   #672
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Oh Judy.....I'm so sorry about what the dogs did. I'm sure that Jessie's worried so about it. She needs to check her insurance to see if it will pay....I sure hope it does.

It does sound like they need to get a different breed of dog. What a worry they will be from now on.

Gayle, I'm glad that Gary's having a good time with his family.....and that you were able to find something interesting for you!!!

Glen has a neice getting married on Saturday in Nebraska so we're leaving in the morning. I've been trying to get all the outside plants watered and the laundry done.....all while watching the kids!!! Daya's been out of school and bored.....so she's been coming over and helping me.......I think that it helps that Dean is VERY attached to her!!!! We're taking Feyn and Tammy's twin girls....Karley and Kiley with us because they are going to be servers!! Personally I think that 14 years old is a little young to be servers but I know the girls will do a good job!! It should be a fun trip because the girls are a lot of fun to be with!!! Anyway....I'll be home Sunday evening some time.....maybe late!! If you need me.....my cell phone battery is dying so I won't be taking it......Bummer!!!! But if you have our house number then Glen's cell phone number is just one added to our home phone number!!! So....everyone stay safe and have lots of news for me when I get home!!!! Love ya'll!!!!!
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Old 06-03-2011, 03:31 AM   #673
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Diana, have a fun and safe trip! I bet you will have a good time with the girls. Abigail is 14 and she is both lots of fun to be with and she can be lots of help (when you keep her pointed in the right direction) LOL! I'm glad Daya has been helping with the kids. I don't know how you get anything done with Dean, I know I wouldn't be able to.

We are finally going home today. I'm ready. Staying on the third floor of a hotel with two dogs is a chore. They are really good, but getting them down the hall, on the elevator, off the elevator, out the door, to the potty grass and then the reverse, many times a day is getting old. We have a six hour drive and I am not looking forward to that. It is monstrously hot in Austin, 99-100 everyday. It's only been in the high 80's or low 90's here in Oklahoma so not too bad.
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:58 PM   #674
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We got home about 2:30 this afternoon. Whew! Long drive. It's only about a 6 hour drive, but we had to stop three times, so it took us a little longer.

It is so good to be home. My yard needs to be watered, so that will be my project for tomorrow. I had a timer on the garden so it looks good. I'm just so glad to be home where I can relax for a while!!! I would have loved to have gone fishing for a month, but it would have been a lot of work for me, and with the new place, this is where I really want to be right now.

My okra did not come up the way it should, I think the soil is not very good where I planted it. So, I'm going to dig out the bad soil and get some new garden soil tomorrow or Sunday and replant the okra.
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Old 06-03-2011, 05:53 PM   #675
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Oh Judy....how awful the dogs killed the dachshund. I don't blame Jessie for wanting to get rid of them....they sound so dangerous to another animals. Is this the first person that they've bit? I would be worried all the time about a lawsuit or something. Jessie doesn't need this kind of worry stress. I hope Steve can see that this could be a real liability for his family.

Gayle....he does have access to his account online. I have been trying to teach him how to balance his checkbook for 3 years now. He would do fine if he would just write down his transactions. We did check online yesterday and hope we have the correct balance. It's just so frustrating for me because he should be able to do this....he's 20 years old now.

Glad you're home safe and sound. Now you can relax and enjoy your new home. I've been here at mine sooooo much the last few months, but when I have a chance to go somewhere....never sure where to go...lol. I'm a homebody for the most part.

Took Mom to town today and it really wore her out. We went after I got home at 4:00. We stopped by her house so I could pick up her mail and then went to Wal Mart. Her prescriptions were ready and so was mine. We did do a little necessity shopping and then went home. She was exhausted.

I'm tired too so came to bed. Thought I'd check here and FB before closing my eyes for the night.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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