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Old 02-27-2011, 07:00 AM   #106
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The photos are great Linds! I don't know how you do it!

Gayle, I do feel for you. Humid heat sounds great when there is dirty snow and cold around us Northerners, but it really stinks when you're in it sweating and tired!

However, it is my honest opinion that SNOW SUCKS!!!

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Old 02-27-2011, 10:32 AM   #107
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I so agree Judy. Snow SUCKS big time. I'm really tired of it and I'm ready for spring. The humidity does get to me, but as long as there is no snow...I'm ready. I just need to spend more time near the water.lolol

Lindsey the pictures are really nice....but....made me cold just looking at them.
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Old 02-27-2011, 06:18 PM   #108
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Lindsey, the snow pictures were awesome!! I loved the one with the fog coming off of the lake too!! I can't imagine having that much snow during the winter!!

I bought a child's hoosier cabinet off of e-bay about a month ago and every time I plan to go and get it the weather has been bad. I've joked about leaving it there until summer and plan on going up when we're dry and needing the rain!!! LOL

We've had snow and a two thunderstorms now.....with one of them being tonight. We were even in a tornado watch. I don't like it when it's that time of the year.......I'm looking forward to the warm weather though so I can plant some flowers in the yard. Right now we are so muddy from the rain and snow. I'll be glad when it dries up!!!!
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Old 02-27-2011, 06:29 PM   #109
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It was 84 here today and HUMID - just nasty! But, we are supposed to have a front tonight and get down to the low 40's and maybe only in the 60's tomorrow. I like 60's this time of year - NOT 80's.

I hope to plant my potatoes tomorrow - it was just too hectic to do it this weekend - but hopefully tomorrow will be quieter - probably not, but maybe I can get the potatoes in the ground~
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Old 02-27-2011, 07:03 PM   #110
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Around here the time to plant potatoes is March 17th. You must be about 3 weeks ahead of us. I'm ready to get out and work in the yard. I may try to put in a small garden or work at Dae Lynn's on one. I think that the economy is going to make a lot of people put out a garden.
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Old 02-28-2011, 07:10 AM   #111
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Gayle, how are you setting up your gardens in the new house? You really had it down in the last house. I'd love to see your set up now!

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Old 02-28-2011, 09:59 AM   #112
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We had a good thunder and lightning storm last night with high winds. I love the thunder and lightning....especially the thunder. Wish it had been warmer though. I'm not sure, but I don't think spring is ever going to get here. I want it too bad I think....maybe if I hope it doesn't come soon....it will...LOL. I know....ya just can't fool Mother Nature.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 02-28-2011, 12:20 PM   #113
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We had a thunderstorm last night too......but then the puddles had ice on them this morning!! I wish that Mother Nature would make up her mind......Winter or Spring!!!!!
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Old 02-28-2011, 01:47 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by judy View Post
Gayle, how are you setting up your gardens in the new house? You really had it down in the last house. I'd love to see your set up now!
I'll have to take some pix of the garden areas in the new house. There is one garden that looks just like my garden at the old house. It's a 4X10 raised box. It is at the back of the yard by some really big hedge row bushes and the are FULL of birds which we love but we will have to completely cover the garden in netting or the birds will eat everything.

The other garden area is butted up next to the house. It is a nice space and gets lots of good sunshine. That is where I have my blackberry bushes, and where I will plant my potatoes. Actually, it would be better to plant the potatoes out by the birds, wouldn't it. They couldn't eat the potatoes, would they! LOL! I think I may do that.

I'll also plant some green beans because there are trellis in the garden out by the bushes. I want to try squash too. I have not had much success at the old house with squash but I am told it is because I don't have enough bees to polinate the squash blooms. So I'm going to plant blooming flowers all around the squash plants. I think I will have more bees out in the country house.

LOL! I guess I got off track on the weather thread. Moderators don't be too hard on me!!
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Old 02-28-2011, 01:51 PM   #115
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So, to get back on topic, the cool front came through today and it is only 68 today. It feels cooler since there is a strong breeze. But there is lots of sunshine so it is a pretty day.
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Old 02-28-2011, 03:21 PM   #116
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I was wondering if you were still doing your raised garden. I'd plant the potatoes further from the house......I don't think that the birds would hurt it.

We used to plant potatoes under straw. You just work the ground......cut your potatoes like you usually do and let them dry for a day or two.......then place on TOP of the ground and cover with lots of hay.....make sure you keep them watered. Then when you're ready to get your potatoes just pull the hay back and they'll mostly be on top of the ground. I don't think that they get quite as big but it's so easy to do. You could try just a small area and try it.......we always ended up doing some of both.

Squash is easy to grow but you really need to watch for squash bugs. They can be horrible. I don't know if you use any spray or gardening powder but you'll want to start treating for them fairly quickly. You may want to ask some other gardeners down there to see if they're a problem.

I know that there are companion gardening techniques. Planting two different things together to help each other out......and I want to say that you plant marigolds with squash plants to keep away the squash bugs. Here's a list that I found of companion gardening. If you look wayyyy down the list you'll find marigolds but there are many, many others too.

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Old 02-28-2011, 05:48 PM   #117
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Someone sent me a link (not the one you sent) about companion gardening and yes, I think it was marigolds and zinnias to go with squash. It also said to NOT put potatoes and squash together. I was going to put them side by side, but guess I won't now.
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Old 03-01-2011, 06:07 AM   #118
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Spring is in the air!!! Planting threads are so wonderful to read at this time of the year.

I am afraid we will never get spring! The snow is so high, keeps icing up overnight, and is dirty! We don't have dirty snow in the mountains!!!

Florida for a month in the winter sounds nicer and nicer. Maybe next year.


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Old 03-01-2011, 08:41 AM   #119
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Here we generally plant gardens on May long weekend (Victoria Day - around May 24th for Queen Victoria's birthday). Sometimes there is still frost in the ground and gardens don't get planted until June. I usuallly plant tomatoes in May in planters and bring them inside overnight so the frost doesn't get them! I don't know what I'll do this year because we leave for Europe on the 24th of May!

It looks like March has come in like a lion this year, and hopefully will go out like a lamb! It's -40 with windchill today. My brother just got back from Jamaica on Sunday so this must feel way worse to him! My parents are enjoying the sunshine in Mexico.

As for myself, I'm sick with a cold so I'm taking my second day off work. I had planned to go in but Scott called me from Vancouver last night and said I don't sound well enough and I might as well stay home and not spread my germs to everyone else. I feel like I'm letting everyone down so I did let the office know I'll work from home and have one request to work on already.

There was a pretty bad blizzard yesterday, and by noon, all of the highways leading out of the city were deemed too dangerous to travel on. There was zero visibility. I'm glad I was sick or I never would have made it home!

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Old 03-01-2011, 08:51 AM   #120
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Judy, I bet that you are tired of the snow. I don't blame you for thinking about going to Florida for awhile during the winter.

Lindsey, sorry that you're still not feeling well. It's possible that your body is just worn out from all of your work. Having stress and being tired are two things that can lower your body's resistance to colds and stuff. Get some much deserved rest and take care of yourself!!!
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