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Old 09-25-2008, 08:23 AM   #1
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Career change

How many of you have made a huge career change in your lives? Like going back to school to do something completely different? Did you ever regret it? And what were the reasons for the change?
I've wanted to be in veterinary medicine my whole life. When I finished high school, I had no money for college other than the money I had been saving up from my part time and summer jobs. After struggling through my first year on that, I made the decision to go into engineering, and then later to finish a technology diploma at a technical college. It's something I've got a bit of an interest in. I'm good at it. I make more money than probably at least half of my friends from home, who went through university to get degrees and then couldn't find jobs. The job market is hot, and it's not going to slow down. I could find a job anywhere in the world, and still be making a pretty good wage.
My heart's just not that in it. I don't feel like I'm making a difference in the world.
I found a veterinary technologist program at the same college I went to, but in the city I live in now. I've looked into it and it's something I could definitely do. Tuition and books for two years would cost just over $10,000. I could put off a few trips I've planned to take, and use that money to go to school.
Since I've been feeling so serious about it, I talked to my mom last night and she said "How much money would you make?" I told her I hadn't looked into it but probably pretty good... it's like being a nurse but for animals!
My province has a website called Job Futures and you can put in any type of career and it will explain what the career is based on, what the outlooks are for employment, average earnings, low and high earnings, which areas of the province are paid best, average ages of people in that field of work, etc. So I decided to check that out this morning. And then my heart sank! Apparently there was a big boom in the early 2000's and a lot of people went through the program and have taken up the jobs. The outlook for getting a job is not so good. The workforce is mainly very young people, so no people retiring anytime soon. Average earnings are wayyyy less than the provincial average, and wayyyyy WAYYYY less than what I make now. I'd basically be cutting every paycheck in half.
So basically, I could spend all that money to go to school, and then if I even could find a job, I would barely be able to live. I couldn't afford groceries. It just doesn't seem feasible anymore.
I shouldn't complain because I do have a pretty cushy job, and I'm only 24. I'm making enough money that I can afford to go on a trip or two every year. I have to deal with roommates, but I still do live comfortably in a small but very nice house. Anytime Layla needs vet care, I can pay for it.
Basically the only con is that I'm not super happy with my job. I'm not excited to come to work every day. But then again, how many people are? I just wish I could be. I think I might need to find some time to maybe volunteer at the SPCA or SOMETHING just to make myself feel like I'm making a difference.

... And then I need to marry a sugar daddy so I can do anything I want and not worry about money

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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Old 09-25-2008, 08:34 AM   #2
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Again I know just how you feel. I've been comtemplating going back to school & finishing my elementary education degree. However even though the job market for teachers is okay in my area they are making cut backs & jobs aren't prevelent. Plus I'm terrified that if I pay this money to go back & get the degree that then I won't like that job anymore than the one I have now & then it'd be a waste of money. I'm seriously not happy in my current job, so I'm going to explore I job change that my current degree works for. And then I'm going to go from there.

I think volunteering is a wonderful idea. I always wanted to be a vet until I worked in one & got nauseus during a surgery. So maybe helping out in a clinic or office might answer some questions for you without any out of pocket expense.
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Old 09-25-2008, 08:46 AM   #3
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Thanks! It really is taking a gamble with your life, isn't it? And I'm not good with gambling. I like everything to be planned.
To even be eligible for acceptance into the program, you need to have 6 weeks' worth of documented volunteer experience at a vet clinic at the time you apply. Sooo that's another hurdle. I'd need to take 6 weeks off work, so a leave of absence with NO PAY, just to even apply for the program, and possibly not even get accepted!
I'm not too worried about the surgery part... well maybe a bit. In high school whenever we had to dissect animals, I never wanted to because my friends were all "EWWWW!!!" and I kind of just went along with them... but then I took a biology class in my first year of university and it was really really interesting. I loved dissecting fish, crayfish, pigs... It was just really cool to see what goes on inside bodies. Is that kind of sick? lol... at the same time I can't stand to have blood drawn from myself! So I don't know how well it would go.
The one thing I would definitely have trouble going through is that in the last semester of this course, everyone has to tour the meat processing plant. Everything from pigs and cattle being brought in, killed, and cut up... you have to watch and understand it all. I would cry for sure, and probably have nightmares.
I would really like to be a part of a rescue, but my landlord says no more pets other than Layla. There are a couple of dogs in the local rescue that are needing surgeries and special care, so I think I am going to donate money to them. The thing about volunteering at the SPCA is that I don't think I could deal well with perfectly good and healthy pets needing to be put down.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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Old 09-25-2008, 09:09 AM   #4
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lol oh look at that timing... my boss just came up to me and said he'd like to meet with me in half an hour, and he wants me to think about any issues I'd like to talk about, and he said he's also decided that for all the work I do here, I need a raise.
So do you think that's a sign? lol!

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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Old 09-25-2008, 10:14 AM   #5
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You never know what will get to you & what won't. I dissect animals with no problem, but they are dead. Blood drawn does freak me out though, but I don't like needles. When My dog logan had to have blood drawn I almost cried. When I worked at the vet office I had no problem with the spaying, neutering, & hernia operations. What got me was they were declawing this adorable little siamese kitten & i couldn't handle it. And it wasn't only emotions; I literally turned green....it's a rather invasive surgery. I know what you mean about seeing dogs put down I couldn't handle that either. I know had my local vet offices that would let me come volunteer there if I wanted to. I could take care of boarded animals & such & then you wouldn't have to deal with the death, but still be able to see what goes on.
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Old 09-25-2008, 04:27 PM   #6
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Lindsay, I do understand what you are saying - it is wonderful to do something you love everyday - because I do that, so I know. But, you are right, you can't do something that you love, if you can't make a living wage. How about being a vet? I know, it is a lot of money and a long time, so maybe that isn't practical either. But then, you never know!

In my job, I work with a program for people who have a bachelor's degree in something else, but want to come into nursing. We have a 3 year program so that when they graduate, they have a master's in nursing. I work with people who have always wanted to be a nurse, and now they are doing it. We have people of all ages in the program - some who are in their 40's, 50' and even 60's, living out their dream.

It's great!
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Old 09-25-2008, 04:41 PM   #7
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Over time I've been a:

1. Relief manager in drug/alcohol rehab center
2. Emergency medical Tech (ambulance attendant)
3. Realtor
4. Insurance agent
5. Medicare claims processor
6. nursing assistant (both in a nursing home and in-home private care)
7. bank teller supervisor
8. Jailor
9. assembly line in a furniture factory
10. website administrator
11. kennel owner/operator

And these are just the jobs I can think of off-hand. lol
MANY people change career several times. 40 hrs a week is a lot of time to spend doing something you really don't enjoy. Maybe what you need to do is to look for a way to use the degree you already have in a place or field that would be more enjoyable for you.

Good luck!
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Old 09-25-2008, 04:48 PM   #8
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That sounds like a great program Gayle! There were people in their 40's when I went to college too... just finally doing what they wanted to do.
I had a talk with my boss today and I got a pretty substantial raise. I don't get my own office, but I have the go-ahead to come up with a new plan for the area of the office where I sit... I'm the only person there after all! And I hate just sitting out in the open so I get to bring in partition walls to block off an area for myself. All the better to hide my 4WT breaks
I also told him I'd like to work towards my applied science technologist (a.sc.t) designation, and to do that I'd need to be much more involved in projects. I told him I can't JUST draft. He said that sounds great and if I can hold out until we get another drafter (they're looking!), I can start helping out our civil engineer with her projects. So that might make work a little more exciting It's just funny that this whole meeting came up out of nowhere today when I had been thinking so seriously about changing my career!

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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Old 09-02-2010, 01:32 PM   #9
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sounds interesting...I feel one should think about career change if they got bored or don't want to continue.

veterinary technologist program looks good
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