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Chandra Amaya 03-04-2008 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by yorkiemalt
what a beautiful couple you two are! :D

second that and Angie, you should post the one on the train, if you still have it. that and the bubble dance are my two faves :D

Chandra Amaya 03-04-2008 06:59 AM

Heather absolutely beautiful dress and cake. I love how different it is. My husband and I have been married for four years, but we didn't have a real wedding. It was my second wedding and my sister was planning hers so I wanted the spotlight to be on her. We do plan/hope to have a renewing of our vows for our 10th anniversary and I will try to find pics to post....I have to remember how to post pics. I have the dress and several other things picked out.

Chandra Amaya 03-04-2008 07:08 AM

2 Attachment(s)
The dress. If this works, I will post a few more.

Chandra Amaya 03-04-2008 07:33 AM

4 Attachment(s)
1. flower girl basket for my youngest daughter
2. ring bearer's pillow not sure who this will be yet.
3. our glasses
4. the garter and my husband hankie

Chandra Amaya 03-04-2008 07:34 AM

2 Attachment(s)
1.my tiara but it will be in silver
2. the guestbook

HeatherMaran 03-04-2008 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ponyup
So I take it she doesn't work. This wouldn't fly in my house. If you don't work outside the home you are responsible for all the work with in the home. Plus I didn't work when I first got married & i didn't feel right spending money because I didn't earn it, but that's just me. Her dress was gorgeous by the way.

She does work. They both work full time. She's a pastoral assistant right next door to their place. He's contracted with homeland security. So, okay, they should share in the housework, but she won't do dishes or anything. She lived with my parents before they got married, free of rent. After they got married, she moved in with my brother, and then they moved back in with my parents for a while. My mom works a stressful job and my dad has medical issues. They would clean the entire kitchen, and then Jamie would come down and make herself something to eat and just leave the dishes in the sink. She NEVER washed a dish, not even when living there for free. I don't think my brother minds sharing in the housework, but she just doesn't help at all. When they were at my parents, my brother did their laundry 90% of the time, when they cooked, it was him cooking, he did the cleanup. My parents have a housekeeper every other week, so they didn't even have to clean the bathroom or vacuum. Now that they have moved, all my mom wants is for them to come wipe out the drawers in the bathroom, as she cleaned that bathroom really good before they moved in. They moved out Jan 1, and it still hasn't been done, and they have a bunch of crap there still. So yeah, she's just lazy. She acts just like her mom!

Chandra Amaya 03-04-2008 11:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
oopppss I put the tiara twice instead of the gerter and hankie, so here they are.

HeatherMaran 03-04-2008 11:19 AM

Very pretty Traci! I love all your stuff. And the sleeves on your dress are cool!

Ponyup 03-04-2008 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by HeatherMaran
She does work. They both work full time. She's a pastoral assistant right next door to their place. He's contracted with homeland security. So, okay, they should share in the housework, but she won't do dishes or anything. She lived with my parents before they got married, free of rent. After they got married, she moved in with my brother, and then they moved back in with my parents for a while. My mom works a stressful job and my dad has medical issues. They would clean the entire kitchen, and then Jamie would come down and make herself something to eat and just leave the dishes in the sink. She NEVER washed a dish, not even when living there for free. I don't think my brother minds sharing in the housework, but she just doesn't help at all. When they were at my parents, my brother did their laundry 90% of the time, when they cooked, it was him cooking, he did the cleanup. My parents have a housekeeper every other week, so they didn't even have to clean the bathroom or vacuum. Now that they have moved, all my mom wants is for them to come wipe out the drawers in the bathroom, as she cleaned that bathroom really good before they moved in. They moved out Jan 1, and it still hasn't been done, and they have a bunch of crap there still. So yeah, she's just lazy. She acts just like her mom!

Sorry to open a can of worms. I know how frustrating it can be.....my sister in law doesn't exactly rub me the right way either. I agree that's very inconsiderate to not pick up after ones' self while staying at someone else's home. Maybe she will mature, I did. Marriage was really good for me.

yorkiemalt 03-04-2008 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Chandra Amaya
The dress. If this works, I will post a few more.

how beautiful! :)

pope1982 03-04-2008 12:28 PM

Wow, your wedding is going to be unique and beautiful as well Chandra.
What are your colors going to be?

Heather, I know how you feel. Let's just leave it at that in case anyone should Google me. Although, I make it no mystery when I am annoyed... :yelrotflmao:

Lissa 03-04-2008 12:35 PM

Ello, it's me again, Marilyn's disappearing daughter! Classes and wedding planning on top of work has kept me from coming around. I'm getting married on June 21st and it's getting here so fast!!!!

We're doing a tropical theme, he and I very much love all things tropical so it goes great with both our personalities. Though an outdoor wedding would go great, I don't want to mess with the weather and heat issues, so we're havin it at the church building we both worship at. It's a kinda retro building but we're decorating it pretty well with palm trees and bogenvelias (sp?) and I'm making lines of flowers and crystals to hang infront of the baptistry. The bouquet is made of various tropical orchids, orange roses, and other flowers, the florist is excited to be doing it :) I'm still not sure what we're doing with the pews...but here's pictures that I have for concepts so far :D

Here's my dress, mum has the pictures of me in it, but here's the pic from the site, instead of the ivory sash it's going to be clover, the same color as the bridesmaid dresses:

The bridesmaid dresses are these colors, but are knee length:

Here's the ways I'm looking at doing my hair, more so the one that's down, I like the up one too...

pope1982 03-04-2008 12:45 PM

Wow, June 21st, it must be hard to contain yourself! :cheer:
All of your plans look lovely, I love the color of the bridesmaids dresses :eek:
My favorite hair has to be the last one :D
Congratulations everyone :ghug: , and thank you for sharing with us.

Lissa 03-04-2008 12:53 PM

Here's the church building, this is a friend of mine's that was at night, ours is going to be in the afternoon, there's blue stained glass behind the baptistry, and the strings of white flowers and crystals will be reflecting the colors:

Here's the cake, only it's going to have dendrobian orchids and some other tropical flowers like are going to be in my bouquet:

My cake topper, mum found it, I absolutely love it!!!!

My Garrett has my wedding ring but he wants it to be a surprise on our wedding day, so his is going to be a surprise as well, and here is a preview:

And lastly for now, we're going on a Caribbean cruise for our honeymoon, I've never been on a cruise before, I'm so excited!!! He has and he keeps telling me about it.

Lissa 03-04-2008 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by pope1982
Wow, June 21st, it must be hard to contain yourself! :cheer:
All of your plans look lovely, I love the color of the bridesmaids dresses :eek:
My favorite hair has to be the last one :D
Congratulations everyone :ghug: , and thank you for sharing with us.

I am so excited!!! I can't wait!! I'm starting to get tired of being engaged and just want to be married already :D

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