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katcarasella 05-08-2008 03:28 PM

I am so tired.
I cannot function anymore, I want to sell this house and go to an assisted living community. I don't have the energy to clean, bath or eat. All I do anymore is sleep and avoid people. God, I hate living alone!!!!
There, I said it maybe now I won't feel like throwing a chair threw the window to get this rage out of my system.:mad:
How can I have a Happy Mothers Day when my Mom is DEAD!!!

Chandra Amaya 05-08-2008 03:31 PM

awww, Kat! I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling like this. I really don't know what to say, but I am here and I have shoulders to cry on and ears to listen. ALWAYS. *hugs*

Chandra Amaya 05-08-2008 03:39 PM

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we love you

Janet 05-08-2008 03:47 PM

Kat, I hate that you're feeling good emotionally or physically. I'm ready to go to the assisted living place with you girlfriend...wanna be roomies?

I'm not making light of it all Kat, you know I love ya, but sometimes we get into these slumps and we have to do what I call 'practice' or 'fake' our way out of it. When we get in these slumps, their easy. But to get up, put on a smile, walk out the door takes work...so we have to 'practice' doing it everyday until it becomes habit again. Sometimes we just have to fake being happy until it no longer becomes fake, because we have learned to surround ourselves with people we like being with and it starts feeling natural again.

I'm right there with you right now Kat...the last week or so haven't been the greatest. So I go out in public and try to practice being happy again. I really do hate for you to feel this way, because I know how bad it hurts.

Love ya girlfriend!!

Forgivenmom5 05-08-2008 04:05 PM

I am so sorry Kat. You have had a really tough year and anyone would have trouble coping. I really had to push myself to go on sometimes during treatment. Pamper yourself for a while try to think of your wonderful daughters and grandchildren that love you and know that we love you very much here too. Let us know if we can help in any way.:friendship::ghug:

katcarasella 05-08-2008 04:06 PM

Thanks Traci and Janet......... I'm truly grateful, but I'm so tired of faking it ALL the time..
I finally have everything I've ever wanted or needed and I'm still miserable and I don't know why......My poor kids think I'm losing my mind and I love them so much it hurts.
Why can't I be happy with alll the blessings I have?
I'm so screwed up.

katcarasella 05-08-2008 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Forgivenmom5 (Post 62598)
I am so sorry Kat. You have had a really tough year and anyone would have trouble coping. I really had to push myself to go on sometimes during treatment. Pamper yourself for a while try to think of your wonderful daughters and grandchildren that love you and know that we love you very much here too. Let us know if we can help in any way.:friendship::ghug:

Thank You Debbie, and please don't worry about me, How are you feeling today sweetie?

Forgivenmom5 05-08-2008 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by katcarasella (Post 62603)
Thank You Debbie, and please don't worry about me, How are you feeling today sweetie?

I am tired today. Sat in the doctor's office for 2 hours yesterday and then had to go by work to check on insurance. Tuesday night I got to go see my ten year old's ballet performance. She had to be there early so Angie and Brendon took her and then Brendon came back to get me so I didn't have to sit so long. It was just all a little much after not doing anything.

I will always worry about you. We love you and you are a great friend. Don't think bad of yourself. I don't think anyone could go through what you have and not be upset and sad. It takes a lot of time to heal.

deb22 05-08-2008 04:15 PM

I'm sorry Kat. I often worry about you when I can't find you on here. But you can always find me if you need me.;)

katcarasella 05-08-2008 04:20 PM

Thank you Deb and Debbie. :ghug:

Dobie 05-08-2008 04:33 PM

I'm sorry that you're feeling down.

This might be a good time for you to start planning the trip to Rhode Island to visit your friends in Warwick. A change of scenery might do you good.

goofywife 05-08-2008 04:40 PM

Kat, I am sorry you are feeling this way. I have to deal with people all day long. There are some days when I go home and say "I'm done". Then I go look at the bills and come back to reality. I go to work and look at my best friend and everything she is going through and count my blessings. Hang in there girl, hug the kids, fur and human. Pull your head out of the ho drums and go do something good for yourself.

I think you may need to add more to your life to fill the voids. Have you thought about reading for kids at the library or volunteering at church? Maybe at a pet rescue shelter (thats what my Mom has done since my Dad died 2 years ago).

katcarasella 05-08-2008 04:48 PM

Dobie and Michelle, you're right I have to pull myself out of my pity pot and do something to make a difference. Before Pete died I used to read to some blind Vets at the VA hospital, that always gave me such a feeling of joy to see them smile. I donate to the local pet rescue, but I know if I helped out at the shelter I'd end up adopting more than I could handle. It is a good idea though, Thanks.

Janet 05-08-2008 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 62590)
Kat, I hate that you're NOT feeling good emotionally or physically. I'm ready to go to the assisted living place with you girlfriend...wanna be roomies?

I'm not making light of it all Kat, you know I love ya, but sometimes we get into these slumps and we have to do what I call 'practice' or 'fake' our way out of it. When we get in these slumps, their easy. But to get up, put on a smile, walk out the door takes work...so we have to 'practice' doing it everyday until it becomes habit again. Sometimes we just have to fake being happy until it no longer becomes fake, because we have learned to surround ourselves with people we like being with and it starts feeling natural again.

I'm right there with you right now Kat...the last week or so haven't been the greatest. So I go out in public and try to practice being happy again. I really do hate for you to feel this way, because I know how bad it hurts.

Love ya girlfriend!!

I guess I should proof read...duh!

Janet 05-08-2008 05:02 PM

I think with all the love you have to give, I'd go hold the babies at the hospital. How cool would that be????

katcarasella 05-08-2008 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 62622)
I guess I should proof read...duh!


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 62623)
I think with all the love you have to give, I'd go hold the babies at the hospital. How cool would that be????

You got me again Janet, I busted out laughing when I reread your first post.
I like that idea about holding babies, Loyola Hospital is 10 minutes from here, I'm gonna see if I can be of any use to them. Thanks.

DianaB 05-08-2008 05:38 PM

{{{{Kat}}}} The feeling of exhaustion and wanting to sleep is one of the signs of grieving. You've had some really big loses this year and you are going through the grieving process. It's a shame that we're not taught about grief and what to expect with it or even how to be a friend with someone who is grieving.

I had a miscarriage years ago and afterwards I thought that I was losing my mind. I kept trying to act like everything was alright but inside, I was falling apart. When people asked how I was doing I said alright but inside I was crying for help. It ended up that my MIL had a heart attack and we ended up in Wichita staying at the Ronald McDonald house. There I found a little booklet about grief and that was when I realized that that was what I was doing, grieving. I finally felt relief to know that what I was feeling was normal.

I encourage you to let us know how you're doing, not the sugar-coated version, but how you're REALLY doing. Continue to share about your life with Pete and anything else. I'm here for you no matter what and I'm only a phone call away. Also, you may want to check on some forums that are about grieving. Here's a site that I thought you might find helpful about grief. It has the process and symptoms of grief.


katcarasella 05-08-2008 05:54 PM

Thank You Diana, I put that on my favorites. It answered quite a few of my recent concerns. :hug:

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant;
If we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome"-

---Anne Bradstreet

Janet 05-09-2008 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by katcarasella (Post 62629)
You got me again Janet, I busted out laughing when I reread your first post.
I like that idea about holding babies, Loyola Hospital is 10 minutes from here, I'm gonna see if I can be of any use to them. Thanks.

I hope they can use you Kat...there is nothing that can make the heart smile bigger than holding a child, such a feeling of hope with a baby in your arms. I can't remember exactly how it goes but it went something like this.....Nothing exercises the heart more than picking up a child. If someone knows the correct wording, I would appreciate knowing.

Tiramisu 05-09-2008 08:39 AM

Holidays are the hardest. The first Fathers Day after my Dad died was terrible for me. My hubby asked me to go visit his parents that day and I told him I wasn't ready. His Mom called to invite me and said, "Well, Paul can be your Dad now!" I hung up on her and then called back to blast her with my feelings.

When I get really down, I remember my Dad's laugh, the way he loved to tell jokes and have fun. I still celebrate Fathers Day for him, he's just not here physically. I see my Dad's spirit in my son and embrace that!

Hold the memories of your Mother close and be happy that you had her! Do the best you can and let's all help each other get through the ups and downs.

Dobie 05-09-2008 09:17 AM

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Mr. Potato Head and I are still waiting to hear when you are coming out to Rhode Island. Look, his arm is already extended to give you a big hug.

katcarasella 05-10-2008 12:31 PM

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Thanks for the laugh Girlfriend!!

Tink 05-10-2008 02:14 PM

Kat, it's hard when holidays we'd normally celebrate with/for them come along. I feel it with the loss of my Dad too. He was such a sweet, loving man and has been missed terribly.

Now I try to focus on the loved ones I do have left and make sure I don't miss out on anything more than I have to with them because I know too well how quickly things can change and people can be gone.

AngieDoogles 05-10-2008 02:49 PM

Kat, I am so sorry I wasn't here when you were feeling so down. I'm glad you vented. I hope it made you feel better to put those thoughts and feelings into words. You are an amazing and strong woman...who is a huge inspiration to me. You have been through so much, yet you are still incredibly kind and compassionate and always trying to make others smile. I wish I was there so I could give you a big hug! Remember, we are here for you always, no matter what you are feeling! *HUGS*

Gina 05-10-2008 08:46 PM

Kat, I haven't been on much myself. Take Janet's suggestion go volunteer at the hospital and hold those precious babies.. Kat, Mother's Day is here and I understand how your feeling, your mom passed recently so its fresh. I lost my mom and my MIL it does leave your heart with a big empty void. But you have your beautiful daughters and grandchildren. Think of them, and how sad they are when you are down.. Come on g/f your a tough cookie please smile. We all love ya....


Chandra Amaya 05-10-2008 09:38 PM

I hope you are feeling better, Kat. We love you, hon.

donna1990 05-11-2008 03:40 PM

I am so tired

Originally Posted by katcarasella (Post 62584)
I cannot function anymore, I want to sell this house and go to an assisted living community. I don't have the energy to clean, bath or eat. All I do anymore is sleep and avoid people. God, I hate living alone!!!!
There, I said it maybe now I won't feel like throwing a chair threw the window to get this rage out of my system.:mad:
How can I have a Happy Mothers Day when my Mom is DEAD!!!

I know how you feel. I don't want to bath, nor go out of the house, ect. all I want to do is sleep. Don't want anyone coming to see me. We just must pray. I will pray for you and you pray for me. I do have a husband but he is in his own world. Love you Dear, please keep in touch.

judy 05-12-2008 01:30 PM

I am so glad you were able to share your true feelings. You have to feel it to heal it, but you don't have to feel it alone. We're here for you no matter what!

You know I love you. I'm hugging you right now.

HALEY 05-13-2008 09:36 AM

Kat, i hope your feeling better today, i'm keeping you in my prayers, we love ya girl. hang in there. sending you hugs!:ghug::bighug::love-hug3::hands:

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