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Old 02-04-2012, 03:25 PM   #1828
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Today Rick and I went to Mom's house to do a few odds and ends. Don't worry, I mostly watched and really kind of enjoyed it... Found a leak where the washer was, my brother did a great job (said sarcastically) when he took it out. Rick was able to fix it just fine only to cause another leak. This time we have to call a plumber, so Rick will call them so he can explain it better, I'll just meet them at the house so they can fix it.

We met with the couple (have a 9 month old girl) who we have picked to rent the house to ask a few more questions. The are very nice and we really like them. We will meet this week to sign the lease agreement and give them the keys. They are going to do the painting for me since I can't and we are taking money off the deposit. When I checked them out...everyone had great things to say about them. So I am pleased and confident that they will pay the rent and take care of the house.

I then met my friend Diane and her mother for lunch at Arni's. It's a pizza place, but has other great food too. They even had some warm pecan favorite and it just so happened to be her mother's favorite too. Since she can't eat a whole lot, she ate half her big salad and then I ordered a piece of pie cut in half for she and I. It was such a nice visit. I then headed for home. Driving, even in the van is very painful so I was glad to get home.

Rick must be feeling bad for, because he has been getting stuff done around here that's needed done for years...such as new door bells. Ours hasn't worked in probably 15 So we have the wireless kind now. The front rings like a regular ding dong bell and the back door rings like the doorbell on the Adams Family...remember when Lurch would answer the door? I know...I just thought it was good for a laugh....LOLOL Now if Rick doesn't quit playing with them I'm afraid he won't live much longer!!! I'm trying to find my ball bat!!!

I let the cat in for awhile...she likes being in. The dogs seem to get along fine with her, but she wants to play and they are not sure how to play with a She'll take a swipe at Joey in play and he doesn't like it.

Outside of the's been a productive (for Rick) and a very nice day.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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