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Old 02-03-2012, 11:35 AM   #1816
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Wow....everyone has something going on don't we?

Betsi, I'm glad Mike's surgery went well. Sucks that it will Monday before the results are in.

Gayle...you and Betsi have to be two of the strongest women I know. How you both take care of your husbands medical needs is so inspiring. I hope they can get the information from the pacemaker to let Gary start feeling good again.

Judy.....I think you should get a wagon filled with paperwork a rollaway bed and tell the dentist people you're not leaving till they settle the crap they've put you through. Can you tell them you're file a legal claim or will that not even scare them?

I haven't even gotten dressed today..lol. Haven't done much but nap on and off. Not much I want to do anyway...so napping is good. I really should have ran the paperwork for the PT to town and the Dr. recommendation that I not drive the bus to school, but I will do all that on Monday morning. Trying to give the meds and rest a chance to work.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1

Last edited by Janet; 02-03-2012 at 11:38 AM.
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Old 02-03-2012, 12:29 PM   #1817
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Janet, I hope you get some much needed rest in the next few weeks - BUT - NO PAINTING OR HOUSE CLEANING. Please rest your neck/arm!!!

Sigh. They decided not to adjust Gary's pacemaker - which is OK - but I missed going to see my kids today to stay here for the appointment. Yes, I could drive down now, but I am so tired (was up a couple of times with Gary in the night- he couldn't breathe) so I'm just going to go tomorrow. They started him back on a medication they had stopped back in October (thinking it might be aggravating his asthma - it wasn't though), and so his heart was acting much better today after only 3 doses, so they decided not to tinker with the pacemaker. I think he will feel bette overall back on this medication, so that is good!

I'm trying to get caught up on some work projects today, but I'm going home SOON to take a NAP!
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Old 02-03-2012, 02:21 PM   #1818
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Glad Gary is feeling a bit better. It's such a balancing act with the medicine

Janet, Mike had a major heart attack 2 months before he was 40. He's now 58, and I'm amazed he's doing as well as he is. He is diabetic, has 11 cardiac stents, and had so many different things wrong with him you wouldn't even believe it! I think Gayle and I handle Mike and Gary much the same...with lots of laughter, positive attitudes, big smiles, and quiet tears.
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Old 02-03-2012, 02:51 PM   #1819
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I think it's just wonderful that you both are able and want to be able to take care of your husbands.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 02-03-2012, 04:43 PM   #1820
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Yep, Betsi hit the nail on the head. I am at an advantage because of all my medical training, but sometimes, Gary will tell you it is a curse (for him) because I know what is happening, or what should happen, and he doesn't get to get by with much. Lol!

It is hard sometimes, but then it just becomes part of your everyday life. You can't make it the focus of your life, or you would go crazy. Living with chronic illness is always a balancing act, like Betsi said, and then when there are many illnesses at once, it can get really hectic. You just do the best you can. Gary asked me the other day if I had known he would have all these health problems before I married him, would i have married him. I said, "heck yes, I trained all my life to take care of you"
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Old 02-03-2012, 05:57 PM   #1821
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Gosh, hugs to us all! My problems seem less serious now. Love you all.

I had a second chest X-ray and go on the 15th for a CT scan. I didn't get to talk to my NP to hear her reasoning, so I'm being positive and not worrying about it. (BS). Gasto doc wants me to have upper and lower GIs when I get cleared from the pneumonia/lungs. Then, we'll deal with my degenerated neck vertebrae, because I've suffered with my neck and shoulder pain too long.

Actually enjoying my new boss more and being "bossier" with my girls. They've tightened up a good bit and do respect me, just can't let my guard down for a minute. I took the 6 of us out to pappas seafood for lunch today because I was craving crab cakes (on my company card).

Too wet to work in the yard tomorrow, so I hope to go to the trader village indoor flea market tomorrow. The home and garden show is next weekend and I hope to go to it. I'm trying to get out more instead of tooting around the house.

I'm under a flood warning so I'm pulling the covers up and saying nite nite.
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Old 02-03-2012, 06:03 PM   #1822
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You sure did train for it Gayle, lol! I wish I didn't know anything about any of it. Almost any time we come in contact with a new doctor or nurses, they always ask me if I am a nurse. I know a lot about cardiac, strokes (my parents) alzheimers (Mike's mom) diabetes, and I pray I never have to learn about cancer :/
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Old 02-03-2012, 07:12 PM   #1823
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Sandy I pray they don't find anything seriously wrong. You keep us informed. Hope they can get your pain under control too.

I wish I was there to go with you to the flea market and the H & G show.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 02-04-2012, 09:18 AM   #1824
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Ended up in Tulsa for my niece's court date and spent all day there. I missed the party that we had here at the house. I guess we had over 40 people show up and they had a good time. By the time I got home there were only about 12 people left and most of them were my family!!

Today Glen and I are headed to Joplin to pick up his scuba stuff. He ordered it before Christmas and there was a mix up and his stuff was sold to another customer so they had to reorder it. Anyway it will be another day away from the kids and spent with Glen!! So I'll talk to ya' when I get back or tomorrow!! Hugs to all of you!!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up......

After I stop laughing!!!
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Old 02-04-2012, 10:11 AM   #1825
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My mom had chronic rheumatic fever and emphysema, diabetes, etc., etc. My dad took such good care of her. He really made sure that I was not involved in her health care. What a great Dad! There were lots of emotional effects, but I grew up. It does become your whole life. When my Dad remarried after my mom died, he was so thrilled that his second wife was so healthy!

Janet, you do sound better. I hope the prednisone is working. That pain knocks you off your heels!

I am waiting for the kids to come to sleep over. They haven't been here in a while, what with this illness and that. I could go out for a couple of hours, but I probably won't. They wear me out, so I think I will just relax, put away the laundry, and empty the dishwasher. I should wash the floor too.

Max was up a lot last night, barking at something on the deck. I bet it was a squirrel. I have been feeding the birds, and there is bird seed all over ther front of the deck. If the squirrels start coming, down come the birdfeeders! I wonder if squirrels are even around in winter????

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Old 02-04-2012, 11:23 AM   #1826
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I'm in north Houston at Abi's volleyball tournament. There are 8 courts in one large warehouse type bldg. With 8 game going simultaneously, and the echo in here, the noise is deafening. They lost their first game but have been winning since then.
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Old 02-04-2012, 01:03 PM   #1827
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Eight games at once Must be a happening place! I hope she wins!

Sandy, I hope you get straightened out soon and all your tests come out ok.

Mike and I are going out to dinner with my brother Jim and sil Teresa. We always have a good time together, and I love them so much
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Old 02-04-2012, 03:25 PM   #1828
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Today Rick and I went to Mom's house to do a few odds and ends. Don't worry, I mostly watched and really kind of enjoyed it... Found a leak where the washer was, my brother did a great job (said sarcastically) when he took it out. Rick was able to fix it just fine only to cause another leak. This time we have to call a plumber, so Rick will call them so he can explain it better, I'll just meet them at the house so they can fix it.

We met with the couple (have a 9 month old girl) who we have picked to rent the house to ask a few more questions. The are very nice and we really like them. We will meet this week to sign the lease agreement and give them the keys. They are going to do the painting for me since I can't and we are taking money off the deposit. When I checked them out...everyone had great things to say about them. So I am pleased and confident that they will pay the rent and take care of the house.

I then met my friend Diane and her mother for lunch at Arni's. It's a pizza place, but has other great food too. They even had some warm pecan pie...my favorite and it just so happened to be her mother's favorite too. Since she can't eat a whole lot, she ate half her big salad and then I ordered a piece of pie cut in half for she and I. It was such a nice visit. I then headed for home. Driving, even in the van is very painful so I was glad to get home.

Rick must be feeling bad for me...lol, because he has been getting stuff done around here that's needed done for years...such as new door bells. Ours hasn't worked in probably 15 years..lol. So we have the wireless kind now. The front rings like a regular ding dong bell and the back door rings like the doorbell on the Adams Family...remember when Lurch would answer the door? I know...I just thought it was good for a laugh....LOLOL Now if Rick doesn't quit playing with them I'm afraid he won't live much longer!!! I'm trying to find my ball bat!!!

I let the cat in for awhile...she likes being in. The dogs seem to get along fine with her, but she wants to play and they are not sure how to play with a cat...lol. She'll take a swipe at Joey in play and he doesn't like it.

Outside of the pain...it's been a productive (for Rick) and a very nice day.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 02-04-2012, 04:38 PM   #1829
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Well, I made it home - 5 hours on the road, 6 hours at the volleyball games. It was fun though and so much fun to see Emma and Abi. Emma and I got to visit and play a lot when Abi wasn't playing games (they played 2 games, then were off for awhile and played again, for a total of 6 games. They lost their first two games and just looked awful. Then they stormed back and won their next 4 games, playing really well. After the games, we went to eat Mexican food and then I headed home.

Here are some pictures from today.

1. That is a pic of Abigail (in the pink) with a friend on another team
1. Abi and Emma
3. Abi getting ready to serve
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File Type: jpg Abi&Vball.jpg (112.8 KB, 6 views)
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Old 02-04-2012, 05:15 PM   #1830
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What great pictures Gayle....your granddaughters are really pretty and look like a lot of fun to be around. The have such beautiful smiles!
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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