gosh, i have told him a hundred times how i feel. but every time..it turns into me being a bad wife, a bad mother, and a bad person. even tho i don't think i am any of those things.
i have been trying sooo hard to make him happy. I have done everything he has asked. i have changed my daily routine to make sure i am doing all of the things daily that he wants me to do. I am cleaning non stop, trying to be loving and affectionate, spending as much time as possible with him, cooking a meal every night for him...and breakfast and lunch on the weekends....these are things that he felt i was slacking on so i have picked up the pace. wearing myself out trying to make him happy.
and it just isnt enough. i can't win. i have said soooo many times "I will give it another shot"...and i always end up back where i'm at.
for the record...my daughter is not his. my high school sweetheart and I had her. He is super active in her life and a wonderful, loving father. and Jim is trying to be a good step-dad...but he isnt' very loving. he's very hard on her. we struggle with this all the time. we are always talking about how his attitude towards her is too much. he doesn't allow her to be 6 years old.
he is not abusive..however he does treat me like i'm a child. he does not drink, do drugs, or cheat on me...although he did say to me that if i can't give him what he needs...well...a man has needs. what is that supposed to mean?????? yes, i should be able to get past this..and work it out. after all, we said vows before God and all of our loved ones. but how can i continue to be so miserable? how can i continue to be treated like a failure and respect those vows? he needs to respect them too! he vowed to be my partner. my companion. my equal. but he isn't. he is above me at all times.
i'm just done. i don't want to fix it anymore. i don't want to keep this up. i just don't want to do it anymore.
Originally Posted by Gina
Toodles I am sorry to read this post. You have posted in the past and by the posts your marriage seemed to be in trouble. All I can say is to really think it through and weigh all the pros and cons. Marriage by all means is not easy its actually a job and you have to work at it or want to anyway. You do have a daughter and I or no one can tell you want to do, remember the grass is not always greener on the other side. Trust me. Have you tried counseling or talking to a clergyman?
You say he is always mad at you, do you let him know how you feel? The wanting sex everyday. I would seriously let him know what he is doing and how it is affecting you. Does he cheat, drink,verbially or phycially abuse you, gamble , or do drugs? Those are hard issues to deal with and I would be the first to tell you to walk away. If none of these are the issues I would give it a last chance and put my cards on the table and let him know EXACTLY how you feel.
Men are stupid, they need to be told, they don't get it. If we don't talk to them about our feelings they think everything is peachy keen. Give it your all and if it doesn't work out at least you can say that you tried. Once again I am not in your shoes , and only you know how you feel. We are here for you and I wish you the best....