Originally Posted by Marilyn
O my, the same thing happened to me as a child. I don't know if it was in the corn field, but probably was. We had corn in front of our house most years, and yes, the spiders did make their webs in the corn.
Banana spiders may be their name. I'm not sure. Writing spiders is just what we called them because they write in their web. So cool that we share that experience.
EEKKK! We shared a scary experience, i'm not sure if that is there name, they have two yellow marks on both sides of there bodies, that look like banana's that's why we called them that, i still remember that day, my brother was tormenting me like he always did chasing me, and i ran right into it. and you are also right they sit right in the middle of there web, and he smacked right in the middle of my face.. YUk...... scared the crap out of me.. just to feel that web on my face and the spider on my nose.... YUK.....