As of 1:30 today they hadn't taken him to surgery. He went into the hospital at 10:30 am. He's running a temp. So they had to do a chest x-ray to check his lungs and his heart. They said his lungs look fine. He had the chills before he left home. They told my SIL that they would wait to see what the heart dr said and then take him to surgery if dr thought it was ok. She called at 1:30 said it was a
waiting game right now. That if he did make it though surgery they would keep him sedated till Sunday and wake him up slowly. Don't want anymore stress on his heart. Then she had to get off the phone because they were taking him some
where. Haven't heard any more. That was an hour ago. I wish I could be there
but there are already 17 people waiting around in the waiting room. Thanks for all your prayers. It doesn't sound good.
The real measure of a woman's wealth is what she has invested in eternity. Linda aka 2tiredmom